Originally posted by cmsMasterIsn't planning the most important thing in chess?
To be really straightforward, Rahim, do you honestly think this way of training is going to get these guys over 1400? The NEED to be practicing many tactics everyday, especially tactics that challenge them. And endgames are also EXTREMELY important and need to be studied often. Add into this time management, and planning - which I think are about the only two things covered in the puzzles you're giving.
Originally posted by vipiuDepends, I think it's important but it's useless without tactics. Doing one a day doesn't count either. I think identifying candidate moves and analyzing the board is the most important thing - which you do in this, but you can't do this efficiently if you don't practice tactics everyday.
Isn't planning the most important thing in chess?
And it won't do you much good in the endgame if you don't know terms like opposition and critical squares.
Originally posted by cmsMasterAs you know I have my Need help getting to 1400 and 1600 threads. They can read that if they like. It covers, openings, middlegame, tactics, endgames, planning. I just didn't talk about time management to much but on rhp that is not that important.
To be really straightforward, Rahim, do you honestly think this way of training is going to get these guys over 1400? The NEED to be practicing many tactics everyday, especially tactics that challenge them. And endgames are also EXTREMELY important and need to be studied often. Add into this time management, and planning - which I think are about the only two things covered in the puzzles you're giving.
There are a lot of people on here who require help. I don't think go through each persons games 1 by 1 would help everyone to much.
I honestly think that by going through some games and understanding what is going on will help them improve. It's like reading a game from logical chess or chess: the art of logical thinking. Both are great books which go over master and GM games and both helped me improve.
I've been telling people that tactics is very important and doing 5 a day is good but you can't force anyone. At least this way they can do a couple of problems every week.
How else can I help a whole bunch of people at the same time?
Originally posted by RahimKIt's hard, the best idea has to be to have a live study session on PC, but people just don't show. Honestly, it seems that they don't really want to learn - they want someone else to do it for them.
As you know I have my Need help getting to 1400 and 1600 threads. They can read that if they like. It covers, openings, middlegame, tactics, endgames, planning. I just didn't talk about time management to much but on rhp that is not that important.
There are a lot of people on here who require help. I don't think go through each persons games 1 by 1 would ...[text shortened]... le of problems every week.
How else can I help a whole bunch of people at the same time?
Okay back to the game and another puzzle:
13. d5 Bxd5
Black is getting greedy and reckless. He should play Nf6 and 0-0-0 or 0-0-0 right away. Black should give up a little material in order to catch up in development and be able to play a little longer. By taking the d-pawn Black is in big trouble now.
14.Nxd5 Qxd5 15.Bb5+
A discovered attack on Black’s Queen. Black has no choice but to take the bishop with the Queen. 15.Bb5+ is not the best move here. In another game the same master plays a much better move. We will go over it after you guys solve this final puzzle.
15…Qxb5 16.Re1+ Ne7 17.Rb1
This is an inbetween move thrown in (zwichenzung). However, this move was not required. If the queen moves to say c6, then the following occurs: 17…Qc6 18.Rxe7+ Kf8 19.Rxc7+ discovered check from the bishop on a3 and now the black queen is lost.
Same thing happens with 17…Qc4. 17…Qd7 18.Rxe7 Qxe7 19.Bxe7 Kxe7 etc…
Back to the game now.
17…Qa6 18.Rxe7+ Kf8 19.Qd5
Threatening mate on f7. Note that they were other ways to finish off black besides 19.Qd5.
Stopping mate on f7.
Alright the final puzzle for this game. How should white proceed here? How do you finish black off? PM me you answers. 2 days again.
Originally posted by cmsMasterExactly and second that's why I want them PM with the answers, so I know they are trying at least.
It's hard, the best idea has to be to have a live study session on PC, but people just don't show. Honestly, it seems that they don't really want to learn - they want someone else to do it for them.
It makes me feel good when I see people putting effort in 🙂
Originally posted by RahimKIf you're struggling to find the answer to these puzzles, give http://www.chesstactics.org/ a read.
Alright the final puzzle for this game. How should white proceed here? How do you finish black off? PM me you answers. 2 days again.
[fen]r4k1r/ppp1Rppp/1b6/n2Q4/2q5/B4N2/P4PPP/1R4K1 w - - 0 20[/fen]
Originally posted by prenshaw84I just care about the effort. After I get everyone solution, I will go over the correct one and why the others are wrong just like I did with the first problem.
I think i spoke 2 soon! There are at least 2 ways to force mate in this position and I found the longer one. Do you care RahimK what solution we use?