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Rahim's Chess Lessons

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12 Oct 05
19 Nov 06
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
I actually did the second one, I sent Rahim an answer that gave white a comfortable material advantage (took about 5 seconds to find), he then replied saying forced mate was possible - so I found it (Maybe 30 seconds to a minute to find?) and he didn't reply...
I chose Rd7+ for my first solution, and Rf7+for my second. . .don't know if i'm right or not, but that's the whole point of this exercise. . .to learn.


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
19 Nov 06
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14 more hours left then we can wrap up this game and start another one. I'm still waiting for 3 more people to answer back. If I don't get an answer from them, then I will drop them from my list and continue.

I should mention that I will only read the PM's from people on the list and help them out and discuss why their solution was wrong or right. So basically stay on the list and everything will be fine, OO and there are also prizes at the end. I'm thinking somewhere after game 5-10 depending on how much time I have then.

Good nite.



01 May 04
19 Nov 06
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I commend you for taking so much of your personal time to help these guys.


04 Jul 06
19 Nov 06
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I suggest to start a new thread for a new game(it is annoying to browse through a too big thread)


Stormwind City

24 Oct 06
19 Nov 06
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I'm glad the time limit isn't anymore than it is. Who are the people? Do they have vacation flags up?


Under Cover

25 Feb 04
19 Nov 06
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Originally posted by typen
I'm glad the time limit isn't anymore than it is. Who are the people? Do they have vacation flags up?
Some people don't log on everyday (I know this is hard to believe).


Stormwind City

24 Oct 06
19 Nov 06
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Well I never said that they do. It's just they said they wanted to do this puzzle every two days, so I assumed they would log on if not for that sole reason. And ouch, I could take that as a subtle attack at me 🙂 but I highly doubt you meant it in a bad way


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
19 Nov 06
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Originally posted by BLReid
Some people don't log on everyday (I know this is hard to believe).
A yes but I checked that already.

Last moves 18 hours, 5 hours and 4 hours for the 3 users.

I guess we can move on, no point in waiting.


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
19 Nov 06
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Originally posted by typen
I'm glad the time limit isn't anymore than it is. Who are the people? Do they have vacation flags up?
I mentioned their names above, and no they have moved recentenly today.


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
19 Nov 06
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Okay here are the comments I got from various users. I helped some of them out with thier solutions so those comments are the onces with > infront of them. Lots of spaces inbetween indicated a different users comments. Here they are:

This is quite a bit easier than the first one.

20 Rxf7+ and Black only has 2 legal moves.

If 20 ... Kg8 then 21 Rf8 Double Check and Mate!!!
If 20 ... Ke8 then 21 Re1+ and mate is unavoidable in a couple moves (Black can interpose with the Bishop and Queen in sequence, but these moves accomplish nothing).

>That was quick. Right but check that second line:

20...Ke8 21. ?

Indeed, once I see a forced mate I get a bit lazy. You are of course right that after 20 ... Ke8 then 21 Qd7# is much more efficient. I recently took a real kick in the teeth because I missed a mate in 1!!!, then went on to eventually resign the game even though I felt I still had drawing chances. I was just really fed up with logging on and being reminded of the blunder. This was very disappointing. The game ID is 2654418. The hasty move was 26 … Qg6. I should have played 26 … Qd1# and gone on to feel good about my own brilliance, but no such luck.

Ok, I only looked at the puzzle for 5 seconds, but the answer seems way too obvious. I got Rxc7+ and the queen is won, I didn't bother seeing if there's anything better.

Thinking time: 5 seconds.
Actually after looking for a few more seconds it seems black can save his queen, but looks lost anyway.

>Look again. White can finish of black very quickly. I don't want to say how many moves but it's less then 5 moves.
Rxf7+ Kg8 (Ke8 Qd7 Rf8#.

Easy mate in 2 Rxf7++ (Kg8 Rf8 Ke8 Qd7#.

Rook e5 with check and take the queen with the rook or bishop

1.Rxf7+ Kg8 2.Rf6(or f5 or f4) #

OR 1.Rxf7+ Ke8 2.Qd7#

This one was easier for me to see than the other.:-)

Rd7, discovered check with the bishop, then drop the rook into the 8th rank for mate in 2.

>You almost have it but the line you gave is to slow and not the best. Look again and rememeber a double check is stronger. You are on the right path though.


The answer is: 1. Rxf7+

Then if 1. ... Kg8, 2. Rf8++
if 1. ... Ke8, 2. Qd7++

20. R(e7)f7+ ; Ke8
21. R(b1)e1++

Sayonara black.

>Fair enough for that line. What about 20...Kg8 though?

Rook moves to f6 resulting in discovered mate by queen with help from bishop on a3.

>No that would make white lose the game. Black would be winning after 20...Kg8 21.Rf6+?? Qxd5! and black would win the game. Try again. Remeber a double check is stronger.

It's tough without a board... 21. Rg7 ; KxR 22. Qg5++

I'll send it again: Since my original pm I found a simpiler solution, it is

20.Rxf7+ Kg8 21. Rf8 mate (or 20..... Ke8 21. Qd7 mate)

My original solution was 20.Re8+ Kxe8 21. Re1+ Qe2 22. Rxe2+ Be3 23. Rxe3 mate

Ok here's my solution.

20. Rxf7+ Kg8 21. Rf8#


20. Rxf7+ Ke8 21. Re1 Qe2 22. Rxe2 Be3 23. Rxe3#

I think those are the only two tracks.

I have faith that practice makes perfect. I looked at this one for a while before I really realized what I was looking at. The answer is simple!

20. w Rxf7+ A nice double check with the queen blocking for the rook.
20. b Black has two options now: Ke8 or Kg8. Either move is checkmate. If black plays Ke8, white responds with 21. Qd7#; if black plays Kg8, white responds with 21. Rf8#.

This time I think I'm right! This is a very nice example of the power tactical double checks. Kudos white!

Rxf7+ Kg8 [Ke8 Qd7#] Rf8#

I think it is 20. Rxf7+. 20....Ke8 then 21. Qd7mate. 20....Kg8 then21.Rf8 double check and mate.

Re8++ Kxe8 Re1(with forced mate)

Rxf7 is also forced mate, if Kg8 Rf8#, if Ke8 again Re1 like in my other reply
This is quite a bit easier than the first one.

20 Rxf7+ and Black only has 2 legal moves.

If 20 ... Kg8 then 21 Rf8 Double Check and Mate!!!
If 20 ... Ke8 then 21 Re1+ and mate is unavoidable in a couple moves (Black can interpose with the Bishop and Queen in sequence, but these moves accomplish nothing).

>That was quick. Right but check that second line:

20...Ke8 21. ?

Indeed, once I see a forced mate I get a bit lazy. You are of course right that after 20 ... Ke8 then 21 Qd7# is much more efficient. I recently took a real kick in the teeth because I missed a mate in 1!!!, then went on to eventually resign the game even though I felt I still had drawing chances. I was just really fed up with logging on and being reminded of the blunder. This was very disappointing. The game ID is 2654418. The hasty move was 26 … Qg6. I should have played 26 … Qd1# and gone on to feel good about my own brilliance, but no such luck.

Ok, I only looked at the puzzle for 5 seconds, but the answer seems way too obvious. I got Rxc7+ and the queen is won, I didn't bother seeing if there's anything better.

Thinking time: 5 seconds.
Actually after looking for a few more seconds it seems black can save his queen, but looks lost anyway.

>Look again. White can finish of black very quickly. I don't want to say how many moves but it's less then 5 moves.
Rxf7+ Kg8 (Ke8 Qd7 Rf8#.

Easy mate in 2 Rxf7++ (Kg8 Rf8 Ke8 Qd7#.

Rook e5 with check and take the queen with the rook or bishop

1.Rxf7+ Kg8 2.Rf6(or f5 or f4) #

OR 1.Rxf7+ Ke8 2.Qd7#

This one was easier for me to see than the other.:-)

Rd7, discovered check with the bishop, then drop the rook into the 8th rank for mate in 2.

>You almost have it but the line you gave is to slow and not the best. Look again and rememeber a double check is stronger. You are on the right path though.


The answer is: 1. Rxf7+

Then if 1. ... Kg8, 2. Rf8++
if 1. ... Ke8, 2. Qd7++

20. R(e7)f7+ ; Ke8
21. R(b1)e1++

Sayonara black.

>Fair enough for that line. What about 20...Kg8 though?

Rook moves to f6 resulting in discovered mate by queen with help from bishop on a3.

>No that would make white lose the game. Black would be winning after 20...Kg8 21.Rf6+?? Qxd5! and black would win the game. Try again. Remeber a double check is stronger.

It's tough without a board... 21. Rg7 ; KxR 22. Qg5++

I'll send it again: Since my original pm I found a simpiler solution, it is

20.Rxf7+ Kg8 21. Rf8 mate (or 20..... Ke8 21. Qd7 mate)

My original solution was 20.Re8+ Kxe8 21. Re1+ Qe2 22. Rxe2+ Be3 23. Rxe3 mate

Ok here's my solution.

20. Rxf7+ Kg8 21. Rf8#


20. Rxf7+ Ke8 21. Re1 Qe2 22. Rxe2 Be3 23. Rxe3#

I think those are the only two tracks.

I have faith that practice makes perfect. I looked at this one for a while before I really realized what I was looking at. The answer is simple!

20. w Rxf7+ A nice double check with the queen blocking for the rook.
20. b Black has two options now: Ke8 or Kg8. Either move is checkmate. If black plays Ke8, white responds with 21. Qd7#; if black plays Kg8, white responds with 21. Rf8#.

This time I think I'm right! This is a very nice example of the power tactical double checks. Kudos white!

Rxf7+ Kg8 [Ke8 Qd7#] Rf8#

I think it is 20. Rxf7+. 20....Ke8 then 21. Qd7mate. 20....Kg8 then21.Rf8 double check and mate.

Re8++ Kxe8 Re1(with forced mate)

Rxf7 is also forced mate, if Kg8 Rf8#, if Ke8 again Re1 like in my other reply


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
19 Nov 06
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I got a lot of right answers and some very close ones. The solution is:

20.Rxf7++ now black has two options:
20…Ke8 21.Qd7# is the quickest way instead of Re1+.

Or 20…Kg8 Rf8#
This shows you the power of a double check. When the King is in double check he has to move! You can’t block a double check or capture the checking pieces.

I read that some of you had trouble finding this one. First thing I do when it’s my move is to look at the king safety. The goal is to checkmate the king so this should be the first thing you look at. You will see that black’s king is very exposed and there must be a way to attack him. So look at all the checks no matter how ridiculous they look. Thus that is how you find Rxf7+. After Kg8, Rf8# isn’t so easy to see if your not use to doing tactics. But if you look at all the checks even the ridiculous ones you will find Rf8# easily.


Stormwind City

24 Oct 06
19 Nov 06
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(edit out) i finally got one right lol


04 Jul 06
19 Nov 06
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hehe, I was the only one who sugested first Re8++ ? 🙂
I like this mate a bit more than the other one because you sacrifice a rook 🙂 and afterall it is same fast


Stormwind City

24 Oct 06
19 Nov 06
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It is mate so it doesn't really matter but i think your way takes longer(its more fun though 🙂) cause after king takes your rook and you slide your other rook to check him he can throw his bishop and queen to block. Your way is more fun lol cause who doesn't love taking a queen for free!!! 😛🙂😛


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
19 Nov 06
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Originally posted by vipiu
hehe, I was the only one who sugested first Re8++ ? 🙂
I like this mate a bit more than the other one because you sacrifice a rook 🙂 and afterall it is same fast
Yes that way does that longer. I prefer to go for the short mates because they are easier to calculate, safer and why waste more time then you have to?

The quicker your game finishes the more time you have to eat, walk around, look at other games, relax for your next game etc...

It also doesn't allow black any say in the matter. You know those players who prolong defeat. Wasting your time by taking forever to move. Don't give them a chance.

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