Originally posted by jgvaccaroA Damn Fine Game:-)
Game 610537
Just finished this one-- a Wilkes-Barre game, and probably the most action-packed win I've gotten on this site. (I probably have had some equally action-packed losses that have been consigned to oblivion.)
It seemed like there was a tactic on almost every move here. I blundered badly on move 24 but managed to recover.
Originally posted by jgvaccaroWhat a great game! That's probably my favorite in this thread thus far. Every move was cheer or groan-worthy. Mostly cheer.
Game 610537
Just finished this one-- a Wilkes-Barre game, and probably the most action-packed win I've gotten on this site.
I tried to study this interesting game. Comments welcome.
markobo - jgvaccaro
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Bc5 5.Nxf7
[According to theory 5.Bxf7+ gives more chances to obtain an advantage]
5...Bxf2+ 6.Kxf2
[So white is undertaking the complications. More common is 6.Kf1, and 6.Ke2 shortly leads to a loss after 6...Nd4+ 7.Kd3 b5!! - an unexpected but entirely correct queen's sacrifice - e.g. 8.Nxd8 bxc4+ 9.Kc3 (9.Kxc4 Ba6+ 10.Kb4 Be2) 9...Nxe4+ 10.Kb4 a5+ 11.Ka3 a4 and black wins]
6...Nxe4+ 7.Ke3?
[White is consequently undertaking the uncertain position of his king, but by doing so he runs a serious risk. Best is 7.Kg1]
[The text move is also playable, but is less convincing than 7...Qe7]
[If 8.Nxh8? Qf4+ 9.Ke2 Qf2+ 10.Kd3 Nc5+ 11.Kc3 Qd4#]
8...Nxg3 9.hxg3 Qd4+ 10.Kf3 d5 11.Rh4 e4+ 12.Kg2 Rf8
[More common is 12...0-0]
[In the game Zaniratti -Del Carril, corr. 2000 white was successful with 13.Nc3 Rxf7 14.Bxd5 Rf2+ 15.Kh1 Bf5 16.Bxe4 Qf6 17.Kg1 g5 18.Qe1 gxh4 19.Bxc6+ Kf8 20.Qxf2 hxg3 21.Qc5+ Kg7 22.Bg2 c6 23.d3 Re8 24.Bf4 Bxd3 25.Bxg3 Bxc2 26.Rf1 Qg6 27.Qd4+ Kg8 28.Nd5 Re6 29.Nf6+ and black resigned
The game Whitney-Chromik, corr. 1976 ended in a quick draw after 13.Qh5 Rxf7 14.Bxd5 Qf2+ 15.Kh1 Qf1+
13.Rf4!? with an unclear position is also better than the text move]
13...Rxf7 14.Bh5?
[After this time consuming move white is suddendly lost. Better was 14.Qg1]
[More precise was the move order 14...Qf2+ 15.Kh1 g6 not allowing Rf4]
15...Qf2+ 16.Kh1 Qxg3 17.Rh2 Rf2?
[This exchange helps white. After 17...Nd4 - threatening 18... Nxe2 followed by 19...Bg4 - black wins quickly e. g. 18.Rg2 Qh4+ 19.Rh2 Bh3 with an overwhelming attack]
18.Rxf2 Qxf2 19.Bb5?
[Better was 19.Qf1 but after 19...Qh4+ 20.Kg1 Nd4 black's attack is very strong]
[More precise was 19...Qh4+ 20.Kg1 Bg4 21.Be2 Qg3+ 22.Kh1 Ne5 and black wins]
20.Qg1 Qf3+ 21.Kh2 0-0-0
[21...Qh5! threatening Bd7+ seems stronger]
[22.Qg3 was the only hope]
[After 22...Ne5! white should resign (knight check on g4)]
23.Nc3 Nxc2 24.Rb1 d4 25.Nxe4 Nb4??
[A blunder. Black wins easily after 25...Be6! 26.Qg2 Qxg2+ 27.Kxg2 Bxa2]
[After 26.Qg3! white can probably save the game]
[Stronger was 26...Rd5! 27.Bc4 Bf5! and black is better]
[27.Ng3! offers more chances]
[After 27...Rf5 white has problems to hold the balance, e. g. 28.Qg3 (Not 28.Bxb4?? Rh5 and white gets mated) 28...Qe2+! 29.Kxh3 Rxb5]
28.Kxh3 Rf3+!?
[28...Qh5+ leads to a draw]
[A blunder. After 29.Ng3 Qxe7 30.Qxd4 the position is still unclear, but white seems preferable]
29...Rf1+ 30.Kh3 Rxg1 31.Rxg1 Nxd3 32.Bxd3 Qxd3+ 33.Ng3 Qe3 34.Rd1 Qxe7 35.Rxd4 Qe6+ 36.Rg4 Qxa2
[Why not 36...h5?]
37.Ne4 Qxb2 38.Ng5 Qg7 39.Ne6 Qh6+ 40.Kg2 Qd2+ 0-1
A fighting game!😀
Game 624801 (The game is still in progress)
Starts off as a Two Knight's Defence. My opponent does not play the common 4. Ng5 and the game transposes into a Philidor's Defence. Kings castle on opposite sides and both sides start pawn rollers against the opponent's King.
One of my wildest games yet!
Of course you can't have wild & wooly without the infamous Hippo....
Game 399063
& just to prove it wasn't a complete fluke here is another....
Game 350340
Wins against someone that is 220 points ahead of me in rating is very few and far between. I thought I was getting completely crushed until around move 15 when I turned the game completely around and managed a rather clever checkmate. This game was over 2 years ago, way before RHP, but I managed to record the game at this link:
In hindsight, I worked out where my opponent's flaws were. White was so busy pawn pushing, trying to drive my pieces back, he/she left his/her King in a vulnerable position. It was just a matter of time before I managed to grab my opponent's base pawns and cause White's game to completely fall apart.
Wow i wish they all went like this one. Im sure my good friend won't mind me posting this little gem...
Game 559014
I like this win. After some really weak moves and a couple of blunders I was down two bishops, but managed to turn the tide around move 25. I especially like the rook sacrifice in move 31. Move 35 should have been Qxe4+, but hey. As a bonus, my opponent was rated 300 points higher than me.
Game 518724
Originally posted by IronMan31I followed this game - thriller!
One of my best attacking games in this site
Game 617770
I did nothing to be proud of in this game, but my opponent did: look at her brave king in the center - and it is completely safe there!
Game 369037
Originally posted by IronMan31White's knights were heroes in this game:-
One of my best attacking games in this site
Game 617770
26. Nxf5!
28. Nd4!
29. Nxf5! (again)
33. Ne7+!
From move 26 onwards, starting with a beautiful knight sacrifice, this game is a tactical masterpiece 🙄
a win and a loss, both featuring my trademark wild kingside attacks from otherwise seriously disadvantageous, if not outright lost, positions:
Win: check out the pawn storm :-) who castles queenside in the dutch? Meeeee! Game 644546
Loss: I'm boggled by the precision of the defense here. Considering the sheer number of threats I was able to make with grossly insufficient material and an exposed king, I'm happy anyway 🙂 Game 660286 I maintain that g5 was not a blunder -- any other move would have meant no attacking chances, and I had a lost position otherwise, so the bishop was cannon fodder.