A Wild 'n Wooly French game?
Game 676524
White gets everything wrong here - doubled pawns, can't castle, has to move the King to the centre of the board in the middlegame, can't stop the opposing rook taking the seventh rank ... and still checkmates Black!
Originally posted by lucifershammerGame 682501
A Wild 'n Wooly French game?
Game 676524
White gets everything wrong here - doubled pawns, can't castle, has to move the King to the centre of the board in the middlegame, can't stop the opposing rook taking the seventh rank ... and still checkmates Black!
Another wild french game... one of the best I ever played.
Game 656683
This game should rightly be called "A Comedy of Errors".
First White hangs his Knight on move 18, then his queen on move 26. In return, the Black Knight is hung on move 38, followed by the Queen on the next move. Black gracefully resigns a few moves later with White a rook up - but who knows what would've been hung next?
Don't get the wrong idea about my opponent - he totally thrashed me in the other game!
Hey, this is a great idea for a thread! A thread like this could go on for years and years!
I've got a few I'd like to post. Problem is I have over a thousand games in my notebook that I'll have to sift through. But I'll come up with a couple soon.
I agree. The Danish, though seldom if ever seen in master play, is really a wild ride. If you win, you win good, and if you lose you usually get smashed to bits, starting off two pawns down. Usually, after this game, there is blood all over the board. Ahh, yes, a sangunary treat, that danish! (And I'm NOT talking about breakfast food here, folks!)
Actually, this opening ought to be renamed the "Slaughterhouse Opening" (Ha)
One of my very first 1.d4 tries.A bad game,but kinda funny.I drop a piece,but then manage to confuse my oppo,with weird,desperate moves,so much that he proposes a draw 😀
To his defense,at the time,he was a young boy,playing somewhat below my strength
To my defense,I played 1.d4,what WAS I thinking? 😉
[Date "03-08-1999"]
[Round "-"]
[White "SLAL"]
[Black "VTT"]
[Result "draw"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c6 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Bg5 Nbd7 6. e3 Bd6 7. cxd5 cxd5
8. Bd3 O-O 9. O-O Qb6 10. Qc2 h6 11. Bh4 Re8 12. e4 dxe4 13. Nxe4 Nxe4 14.
Bxe4 Be7 15. Bg3 Bf6 16. Ne5 Re7 17. Rfd1 Nf8 18. Nc4 Qd8 19. Nd6 Rd7 20.
Bf3 Rxd6 21. Bxd6 Qxd6 22. d5 Qb4 23. d6 Qb6 24. Qc7 Bd8 25. Qc3 Bd7 26.
Rac1 Rc8 27. Qxc8 Bxc8 28. Rxc8 Bg5 29. d7 Bd8 30. Bxb7 Ng6 31. Rdc1 Kh7
32. Rxd8 Qxd8 33. Bc8 Ne5 34. Rd1 Nc4 35. Ba6 Nb6 36. Bb5 Kg8 37. a4 Nd5
38. Rc1
Sir Lot.
Originally posted by lucifershammerInteresting how you chose to show the game you won and not the game I won 😉
Rescuing it from page 2 again 😀
Game 710736
Game 710735
Originally posted by Faith No MoreI was hoping you wouldn't notice 😀😉🙄
Interesting how you chose to show the game you won and not the game I won 😉
Game 710735