I sometimes think my attacking strategies are a little simpleminded... blunt, even. Game 735898
Oog lock center! Oog open lines! Oog put heavy wood on lines! Oog hit opponent with club!
Game 645689
Move 11 - Start a combination to win a pawn.
Move 12 - (One week later) Forget the combination and lose a piece.
Move 24 - Win/Regain the piece with serious threats.
Move 26 - Go down an exchange again. (D**n Knight fork!)
Move 34 - Face checkmate.
Move 37 - Save checkmate, but lose a pawn. Opponent now gets a passed pawn.
Move 38 - Create a passer of your own.
(Lots of posturing by heavy pieces on both sides)
Move 46 - Create another passer. Connect it to the first one.
Move 54 - Game drawn.
Fritz calls it dead even =0.00; White has nothing better than perpetual check - any attempts to win from either side will result in a loss. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I'm still the exchange down and my opponent still has the passed pawn he created 17 moves back 😀 Despite the blunders, one of my favourite games on RHP.
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It's never wrong to sac a bishop against an opposite-side castled king :-) Game 732519
Originally posted by paultopiaNice execution!
woa! this thread almost left page 1!
It's never wrong to sac a bishop against an opposite-side castled king :-) Game 732519
A post *not* related to the resident whiner of RHP.
Game 729004
Watch out for the heavy exchanging starting from move 14.
I don't know how I managed to win this. Game 691198 I think it's safe to say my position was totally busted after 6. c4, but somehow. My opponent's unsound knight sac saved me.
Note the classy underpromotion to a knight by my opponent before resigning. I like that. Style.
My biggest win on RHP, was definitely wooly...Game 617753
Around move 18/19 I was getting worried....but somehow I didn't get crushed..
We end up in the pawn game and...
Knight sac on move 48 for the pawn promotion to win.
Or how about this one...Game 729292 starting around move 30....
My cowgirl riding in on her horse just in time to chase-down and lasso my opponents king.