Here's my favorite games...I played it with this guy in chess club who is very good, but he started making bad moves because it was timed...(15 minutes for 66 moves is hard!)
[Event: ?]
[Site: ?]
[Date: 2004.08.17]
[Round: ?]
[White: ????????]
[Black: yamiyokaze]
[Result: 0-1]
[ECO: C84]
[PlyCount: 132]
C84: Closed Ruy Lopez: Unusual White 6th moves
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Nc3 b5 7. Bb3 Bb7 8. d3 O-O 9. Be3 d6 10. a3 Nb8 11. Qe2 Nbd7 12. Nd2 c6 13. f4 a5 14. Qf3 a4 15. Ba2 Qc7 16. Rae1 Rae8 17. Kh1 exf4 18. Qxf4 Ne5 19. d4 Ng6 20. Qg3 Qc8 21. Qf3 Ba6 22. Ne2 d5 23. e5 Ng4 24. Bg1 f6 25. h3 Nh6 26. e6 Qxe6 27. Nf4 Qd7 28. Nxd5 cxd5 29. Bxd5+ Nf7 30. Be6 Qc7 31. Ne4 b4 32. Rf2 Bb7 33. Bh2 Qb6 34. d5 Bc8 35. Bxf7+ Rxf7 36. Nd6 bxa3 37. Nxe8 axb2 38. Rff1 a3 39. d6 a2 40. dxe7 Rxe7 41. Qd5+ Be6 42. Qa8 Nf8 43. Nxg7 Qb7 44. Qxb7 Rxb7 45. Ne8 Bc4 46. Nxf6+ Kf7 47. Rg1 b1Q 48. Be5 Ng6 49. Ba1 Qxc2 50. Rc1 Qd3 51. Rcd1 Qb1 52. Nxh7 Qf5 53. Nf6 Rb1 54. Ng4 Qc2 55. Ne3 Qb3 56. Rde1 Rxa1! 57. Rxa1 Qxe3 58. Rgc1 Qe2 59. Re1 Qf2 60. Rg1 Nh4 61. Rad1 a1R! 62. Rxa1 Bd5 63. Ra7+ Kf8 64. Ra2 Bxa2 65. g3 Bd5+ 66. Rg2 Qxg2++
Not waiting to see what whites plan is :-)
Its not very sound but it was fun :-)
Game 390484
There hasn't been a post on this thread for a while. SOOOOO....
Game 704624 One of my typical KG games... 😀
Thought it was time to show draws can be exciting 🙂
It was also one of my best games here,though analyses showed I could have won.That may be so,but I was quite happy to draw.During half of the game,I thought I was losing bad.
Game 634982
He makes an unsound exchange sac, so what do I do in order to refute it? Make an unsound exchange sac! 🙂 Game 719792
Originally posted by SirLoseALotAt move 20 were you able to foresee the sequence of moves all the way to 27?
...Game 634982
Originally posted by Paul DiracThe plan I carried out,originated around move 14.It didn't include 21....,Rxc2,I wanted to play it without that move(which,in hindsight,was better),but I changed my mind when I had the position in front of me,don't recall why.I also managed to 'forget' to analyse his 23rd move.Came as quite a shock!That's when I started to think I was losing bad,but I had little choice but to go through with it,I just had to try and make the best of it.
At move 20 were you able to foresee the sequence of moves all the way to 27?
I'm beginning to think any game I play against FNM is destined for this thread.
Here's the latest edition:
Game 714431
Game 714430
I think it's fun even to be on the DEFENDING side of these opposite-side castling games, especially when you successfully repel the attack.... Game 711089
And today's lesson is: don't sacrifice a rook and a knight when the opposing king has an escape square. (especially when your more conventional attack will hit home in a couple moves anyway!) Game 730992
Originally posted by lucifershammerIt's a good thing for you that you didn't waste a tempo earlier in the game! I always enjoy looking at games that feature a pawn race near the end. The player who promotes first nearly always wins, unless maybe the other player's promotion causes immediate check.
Game 712108
Or, as they say, timing is everything! 🙂
Originally posted by Paul DiracWhich is why I played 47. ... Rf1+ - in the event of a straight pawn race, I had a mate in two after queening. If he moved his King from g4, my pawn would queen a full two moves before his!
It's a good thing for you that you didn't waste a tempo earlier in the game! I always enjoy looking at games that feature a pawn race near the end. The player who promotes first nearly always wins, unless maybe the other player's promotion causes immediate check.