Originally posted by tmetzler48. ... Nxb6!!! WOA! NICE!
My biggest win on RHP, was definitely wooly...Game 617753
Oh dear GOD!
Game 749708
My opponent played the absolute worst imaginable way to decline the KG (2. ... f6), which really ought to lose on the spot... so why did I end up barely holding on in the middlegame only to win thanks to a totally unsound exchange sac (or blunder?) by my opponent in the end?
It's never GOOD to squeak by in an endgame after your opponent plays the weakest possibly reply to your pet opening. (actually, tha 2. f6 business looks like a pet unsound defense)
Originally posted by paultopiaWas giving up your queen's knight pawn at move 8 a deliberate thing rather than an oversight?
Oh dear GOD!
Game 749708
Game 737174
Beginning is pretty boring, but what an end game eh? First time I see a ggame where queening the pawn would lead to a lost position, unfortunaly my opponent saw the fork so this ended in a draw :-))
Originally posted by Faith No MoreThat is indeed a strange one!
Game 737174... First time I see a ggame where queening the pawn would lead to a lost position, unfortunaly my opponent saw the fork so this ended in a draw :-))
Originally posted by Faith No MoreYeah, good game FNM! This is the first time I've made a reasonable underpromotion. I often promote to a rook instead of a queen if the only remains on the board are two kings and I usually promote lost pawns to knights, but this time an underpromotion was the right thing to do.
Game 737174
Beginning is pretty boring, but what an end game eh? First time I see a ggame where queening the pawn would lead to a lost position, unfortunaly my opponent saw the fork so this ended in a draw :-))
about time to kick this thread back to the top of the forum, soo....
this was a fun tense game. Game 732211 eventually solved by a pawn storm, which is good, because my queenside was about to utterly collapse.
Game 697576
It's a pity this game had to end on a time-out. Facing a mating threat, I manage to swindle myself into a series of exchanges that leaves me in a rook and pawn endgame.
Originally posted by lucifershammerDid you have a plan for dealing with 46. ... Ka6, perhaps just slide the rook along the g-file and ask for a draw?
Game 697576
It's a pity this game had to end on a time-out. Facing a mating threat, I manage to swindle myself into a series of exchanges that leaves me in a rook and pawn endgame.
A fun, tactic vs tactic game.
Game 713558
Another tactical game ending with a good knight sac which decimates my pawn chain.
Game 713559
Originally posted by paultopiaBecause you didn't take advantage of the open diagonal and weak g6 that f6 creates.
Oh dear GOD!
Game 749708
My opponent played the absolute worst imaginable way to decline the KG (2. ... f6), which really ought to lose on the spot... so why did I end up barely holding on in the middlegame only to win thanks to a totally unsound exchange sac (or blunder?) by my opponent in the end?
1. e4 e5 2. f4 f6? 3. f5 Ne7 {protect g6} 4. Qh5+ g6 5. fxg6 Nxg6 6. Bc4 {and begin normal KG type stuff with a great pin.}
There are other examples out there too
Originally posted by TovMauzerSWEEEETTTTT!!!!
I am very happy with this one (moves 23-28): Game 609601