Originally posted by vishvahetuYou are misusing the words "conscience" and "true spiritual living", vishvahetu.
You can eat your meat and support killing.......
But you may as well carry a sandwich board around saying I know nothing of true spiritual living.
Leave the meat eating and killing for the atheists....they have no conscience.
Originally posted by RBHILLYour constant defense for meat eating and animal killing reveals you have thrown away common sense and honesty, and to think that your own Bible says "thou shalt not kill".......its all nonsense.
Just becasue you eat meat doesn't make you a supporter. Like for example just becaseu I voted for Sarah Palin doesn't make me support her. Because I will never vote for a dumbacrat. Atheist dohave a conscience they just are lost in their sins and don't understand that they have been forgiven.
Originally posted by vishvahetuDo you kill cabbage before you eat it? Vegetables have souls you know...according to you anyway.
Not killing a human is a given......
Just like not stealing is a given.
You have taken error from the Bible and now you are bound by it.
Yes I'm being facetious; but there is no other way to cope with your incessant drivel and insults.
Originally posted by RBHILLLol. I am a captive of no one. I ride my own horse and Jesus is part of my life (albeit a small part)
we are warned in Colossians to do this:
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
Originally posted by joneschrAll bodies are just a bundle of dust...
What are your thoughts on Entomophagy? Does it fall under the same umbrella?
A big bindle of dust (elephant) or a small bundle of dust (insect.)
The soul is the living particle,
The dust is formed into a body and everyone thinks it is the reality, but it is the soul that is the living force.
The dust is not living.
Originally posted by vishvahetuanimals do not have souls.
All bodies are just a bundle of dust...
A big bindle of dust (elephant) or a small bundle of dust (insect.)
The soul is the living particle,
The dust is formed into a body and everyone thinks it is the reality, but it is the soul that is the living force.
The dust is not living.
Originally posted by RBHILLAbsolute foolishness...
animals do not have souls.
Nothing can live without the presence of the spirit soul.
Life is the soul.
This is where Christianity has become superstitious dogma.
Lots of faith and no common sense and no knowledge.
Christianity is the true Anti-Christ.
Simply misdirecting everyone away from true spiritual living.
Originally posted by vishvahetuhttp://christianity.about.com/od/whatdoesthebiblesay/f/animalsinheaven.htm
Absolute foolishness...
Nothing can live without the presence of the spirit soul.
Life is the soul.
This is where Christianity has become superstitious dogma.
Lots of faith and no common sense and no knowledge.
Christianity is the true Anti-Christ.
Simply misdirecting everyone away from true spiritual living.
Humans are more important then animals. You funny to put animals above us.
Originally posted by RBHILLWhose putting animals above anything?
Humans are more important then animals. You funny to put animals above us.
The living force within the animal is the soul.
The living force within the human is the soul.
The human body is dust.
The animal body is dust.
The consciousness in the animal is more covered, thats all.
When the animal dies and takes a higher birth as a human, then the consciousness is less covered.
But for many humans the consciousness is covered like the animals, because they embrace material consciousness instead of spiritual consciousness.
Originally posted by RBHILLI dont see how you could infer that he was putting animals above us from that post.
Humans are more important then animals. You funny to put animals above us.
I know V gets a lot of stick, but lets give it to him when he deserves it, not when he hasn't said anything of the sort that he is being accused of.
Originally posted by vishvahetuI'm not sure you answered the question. Do insects have souls? And so are you opposed to eating insects? Or are they solely a small bundle of dust.
All bodies are just a bundle of dust...
A big bindle of dust (elephant) or a small bundle of dust (insect.)
The soul is the living particle,
The dust is formed into a body and everyone thinks it is the reality, but it is the soul that is the living force.
The dust is not living.
Originally posted by joneschrDid I not say that the living force is the soul.
I'm not sure you answered the question. Do insects have souls? And so are you opposed to eating insects? Or are they solely a small bundle of dust.
Is not the insect living?
The insect is only an insect for a short time, and after its death the soul takes another birth.
You think that the human body is the all in all, but without the presence of the soul it will just rot away to nothing but dust.