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@ vishvahetu

@ vishvahetu


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Originally posted by RBHILL
Well he says i support animal killing, so therefore I say he put animals above humans.
That makes no sense.
I'm pretty sure he has been saying that if we are born as humans we have the potential to see Krsna. Animals dont have that potential, so I think he's putting humans above animals.

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Vishy do you kill spiders or insects when you see them?
If Ants too over your pantry would you raid them?

I personally do not kill bugs. I have may family members do it. I think it is gross. I even could go have my wifes hampter put down becasue it was about 30 US dallors, so it suffered for about 3 days before it died.

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To whoever.....

You think because you are in the human body that you are supreme, and therefore to think that to become a bug is unquestionable........this is your illusion.

The human body is dust.

The bug is dust.*

So why are you so proud with big head and puffed up chest.

You are the soul....... and with you ego and mind, you identify with whatever body you find yourself in.

If the soul is in the bug, it is not thinking ....oh I am John Smith living as a bug...No...

The soul identifies as the bug ( John Smith doest exist) and the bug has no identity really, because to have identity you would have to have knowledge and understanding, but the bug doesn't have knowledge or understanding......but only has needs.

The bugs consciousness is consumed by....where is food, where is shelter and where is sex... that's all.

The bug lives in the bug world, and the human world does not exist for the bug.

The bug seeks pleasure (bug pleasure) and avoids pain.... just like all lower forms of life.

The soul is dreaming everything, and has given power of attorney over to the mind, false ego and senses.

So without spiritual consciousness, it wouldn't matter if you were a bug or a human, because they both do the same thing.

The human who does not live by spiritual consciousness, lives like the bug.

The bug is looking for shelter, sex, food, pleasure and defends.....and the materialist non spiritual person is looking for shelter, food, sex and defending..... there's no difference.

If you want to be different than the animal, you must live the spiritual life with spiritual consciousness, and then you will be a proper human because a proper human seeks God and seeks to understand why he is suffering and has to die, and seeks to understand what is the real purpose of this thing called life.

If you live like an animal while you have the human form, then your Karma will afford you an animal body.....and when you are in that animal body, you will enjoy it, as far as enjoying goes with animal bodies.

If you give a pig a fresh stool to eat, he will enjoy it.........and if you give a man of ignorance....... sex, meat, alcohol, wealth and position he will think his life is supremely successful and he will gloat with false pride.

The pig is thinking, if he could only get fresh stool to eat every day wouldn't life be wonderful.

And the materialist is thinking...if I could only get sex, alcohol, meat, and wealth every day, wouldn't life be wonderful,....... and the pig and the materialist will both die in ignorance never knowing the real purpose of existence.

And the big big cheating scientist is thinking....I have so many degrees and my peers respect me, and I have written so many postulations of how this cosmos has popped into existence without God.......I am so proud of my fabrications and speculations, but he will die just like the fat stool eating pig....in ignorance.

So dont be so proud of your human body of.....pus, stool, blood, muscle, mucus and urine,........its not you.

And the human form is only glorious, if it is endowed with spiritual consciousness, which will return the soul back to Godhead.

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Many of these lower forms, only live a week or month.
Or, in your case, about another 3 months with some kind of credibilty, until you have a loss on that cause too!

I find it interesting that you, in audacity, say I fear you. Hilarious! 😀

The only thing I fear is not cleansing my own brain, and thoughts, to get away from crap that people like you try to impere people with.

My work, upon myself, is to clean my thoughts so as to be better for others; in order to give better and help better.

Your work, upon yourself, is quite clearly pathetic; in that you don't see the value of other human beings unless they are in your little 'clique'. That in itself leaves the whole YOU, 'you' Visha, open to questions as to the regards of the intent of your religion's care for others - or maybe your muddled interpretation of what your own intent is for others.

Of course, you come first! Every other human is secondary to you - because you 'KNOW' your path.\ the one set before you by your indoctrination. If, perhaps, by any small chance, you could include some philosophy about what you write; then you may gain some following and respect. But, alas, you are as clean cut in your arrogance as a slither of glass.

I see through you clearly, even with your diffraction.


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Originally posted by mikelom
Or, in your case, about another 3 months with some kind of credibilty, until you have a loss on that cause too!

I find it interesting that you, in audacity, say I fear you. Hilarious! 😀

The only thing I fear is not cleansing my own brain, and thoughts, to get away from crap that people like you try to impere people with.

My work, upon myself, is to ...[text shortened]... as a slither of glass.

I see through you clearly, even with your diffraction.

You have typed many words but said nothing....

Why do you push truth away?

Why dont you embrace truth and raise your consciousness?

What I have presented is truth...you cannot deny it.

Has the truth exposed your false beliefs?

If so...rejoice and take the truth and make it your own, ...its free.

What,s truth for me, is truth for you and everybody else.

Its not my exclusive truth, but it,s everyone's truth because it encompasses all persons because all persons are under the same umbrella.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
You have typed many words but said nothing....

Why do you push truth away?

Why dont you embrace truth and raise your consciousness?

What I have presented is truth...you cannot deny it.

Has the truth exposed your false beliefs?

If so...rejoice and take the truth and make it your own, ...its free.

What,s truth for me, is truth for you and ...[text shortened]... one's truth because it encompasses all persons because all persons are under the same umbrella.
You have typed many words but said nothing....

Oh, the irony!!!

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
To whoever.....

You think because you are in the human body that you are supreme, and therefore to think that to become a bug is unquestionable........this is your illusion.

The human body is dust.

The bug is dust.*

So why are you so proud with big head and puffed up chest.

You are the soul....... and with you ego and mind, you identify wit ...[text shortened]... if it is endowed with spiritual consciousness, which will return the soul back to Godhead.

You don't seem to get a lot of respect here; and I must admit the whole Christianity = Anti-Christ quote was a little over the top for me. But I still find a lot of truth in what you're writing. I'd like to understand your religion more. So far, I've not personally identified with any one religion -- and find truth and lies in all of them -- but my knowledge of Hinduism is very limited, so I'm interested.

I still don't understand the crux of your resistance to eating meat. I still don't understand the difference between killing insects to protect your crops, and the killing and eating of a cow; what makes those animals fundamentally different?

I can certainly understand your point that we should pursue a spiritual life - not materialistic goals - and so I can certainly understand a viewpoint that cravings for meat shouldn't be considered over our karma.

But at the same time, I just don't understand why there's even a conflict between eating meat and pursuing good karma. Eating vegetables means killing many insects to protect your crops. Why not kill only a single cow and feed your whole family? What is it that makes that act selfish or against God's will in comparison to the alternative?

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Originally posted by joneschr

You don't seem to get a lot of respect here; and I must admit the whole Christianity = Anti-Christ quote was a little over the top for me. But I still find a lot of truth in what you're writing. I'd like to understand your religion more. So far, I've not personally identified with any one religion -- and find truth and lies in all of them ...[text shortened]... t that makes that act selfish or against God's will in comparison to the alternative?
I am not a Hindu so I cannot help you with your Hindu enquiries.

Are the dishonest people who present absurdity, not respecting me....?

I have answered the question on the previous page.

Is there any difference between a mosquito and a cow......now think deeply about this, and be honest.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
I am not a Hindu so I cannot help you with your Hindu enquiries.
My mistake, surely, as I said, I'm not very familiar with your beliefs. You quoted the Vedanta Sutra, which I understood to be a Hindu scripture. What religion do you practice?

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Is there any difference between a mosquito and a cow......now think deeply about this, and be honest.
Yes of course -- many physiological differences -- but many things in common:

- They both have souls
- They both, as you attest, have no ability to understand God.
- They both have the ability to feel pain.
- They both are driven by basic instincts (Shelter, sex, food, pleasure to use your example)

They differ in lifespan, size, ability to fly... but these things are hardly relevant -- by killing them you deny them... life.

What am I missing?

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Hey - trolls have feelings too!

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Originally posted by joneschr
Yes of course -- many physiological differences -- but many things in common:

- They both have souls
- They both, as you attest, have no ability to understand God.
- They both have the ability to feel pain.
- They both are driven by basic instincts (Shelter, sex, food, pleasure to use your example)

They differ in lifespan, size, ability to ...[text shortened]... these things are hardly relevant -- by killing them you deny them... life.

What am I missing?
But I said...... I have answered the question on the previous page (11:18:28)

Did this not help you with your question?

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
But I said...... I have answered the question on the previous page (11:18:28)

Did this not help you with your question?
Well, no - in that response you said that people that tend their crops will destroy insects. That much was obvious. But it's unclear to me why the intentional destruction of many insects is necessary, in comparison to avoiding doing that by choosing instead to kill a cow.

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