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Another sign of the godless times?

Another sign of the godless times?


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We went from this...

galveston75 It doesn't matter which ones [murder, theft, homosexuality] we think are worse or less important. In God's eyes they are all wrong. In the Bible they were both punished by death. He is the one who made these laws and for many different reasons. He did not set us up as judges when it comes to his laws. If he left this open to humans he would have stated that.


robbie corrobie All immoral acts relative to Gods standards are punishable by the practitioner being cut off from God. This is not only 'fair', it is just.

...while galveston75 and robbie corrobie purport to be in lockstep.

So, a question for galveston75 [not for robbie]: You say God made the law by which homosexuality was punished by death and it doesn't matter what we think about this; when [and why] did God change His mind about homosexuality - it's no longer punishable by death, right? - and what are we to think about this change of mind on God's part?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
The Mosaic laws was the way Moses thought would help his people
do the will of God.
So, please be clear, these Mosaic Laws were not the will of God? They were the will of Moses, not God? Is this what you are saying?


Originally posted by FMF
So, please be clear, these Mosaic Laws were not the will of God? They were the will of Moses, not God? Is this what you are saying?
I'll let someone else expain it to you. I am going to finish watching
the football game and eat some ice cream and go to bed. Good night.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I'll let someone else expain it to you. I am going to finish watching
the football game and eat some ice cream and go to bed. Good night.
ie I can't answer your question therefore I am going to skirt round it. La la la.

PS watching televisions is unnatural, is that a sin too, same with eating ice cream and sleeping in beds. Seems you want to select whichever things from the bible suit your life then condemn everyone else for living life in a way that disagree with.

I see a lot of good come from religion, morals, good deeds, compassion, fellowship etc. However, it is backward bigots like you that turn people away from religion.

If you think something is wrong in the eyes of God then don't indulge in it. However don't condemn your fellow man for doing something you disagree with, as it is not your place to do that.

Religion should be a tool to be shared by all to make life better for all, not just you and your select crew of cronies. Instead you use it to point blame, patronise and criticise others in an attempt to 'be closer to God' and elevate your worthless, perceived place in social hierarchy.

Sad, pathetic laughable.


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Originally posted by jimslyp69
[b]Religion should be a tool to be shared by all to make life better for all,,,,
Religion is certainly shared between a lot of tools. 😉


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Originally posted by FMF
We went from this...

galveston75 [b]It doesn't matter which ones [murder, theft, homosexuality] we think are worse or less important. In God's eyes they are all wrong. In the Bible they were both punished by death. He is the one who made these laws and for many different reasons. He did not set us up as judges when it comes to his laws. If he left this open t ...[text shortened]... able by death, right? - and what are we to think about this change of mind on God's part?
Why do you think he's changed his mind? Did I or Robbie ever say that? I don't think we did. Does the bible say that? I don't think so.
If God still directly dealt with the Isrealites today as he once did and they were still under the old laws, which no one is because of the ransome of Jesus which now gives all hope "IF" humans stop practicing sins such as homosexuality, theivery, drunkeness, murder, etc, etc, yes the death penalty would no doubt still be in affect by God.
But now because of Jesus's sacrifice and now having that avenue to have Jesus petition us to God for forgiveness, God no longer enforces he's laws of old.
But understand this if you can. The Bible is still very clear on God's view of PRACTICING sin. We all sin everyday and most of the time we do it's not usually on purpose. BUT if we PRACTICE sin such as stealing and drunkeness and homosexuality then God sees that and the Bible says there is no forgiveness for those sins as long as one contunies on with that sin willfully.
He no longer has a nation of judges as he had with the Isrealites to execute his laws. But when the time comes for all to be judged, these who have continued to PRATICE sin will not be forgiven and will be cut off.
Does that sound logical?

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
ie I can't answer your question therefore I am going to skirt round it. La la la.

PS watching televisions is unnatural, is that a sin too, same with eating ice cream and sleeping in beds. Seems you want to select whichever things from the bible suit your life then condemn everyone else for living life in a way that disagree with.

I see a lot of good ...[text shortened]... our worthless, perceived place in social hierarchy.

Sad, pathetic laughable.

So it's immoral to watch TV or eat ice cream or sleep in a bed? Lol. What kind of comment is that when were talking about morals and God's viewpoint on sin?

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Originally posted by galveston75
So it's immoral to watch TV or eat ice cream or sleep in a bed? Lol. What kind of comment is that when were talking about morals and God's viewpoint on sin?
Your argument is that homosexuality is immmoral as it is unnnatural. It follws that these other activities are unnatural and therefore immoral
Also, it is immoral to watch the television in some bible based religions, yes! You see, it is just someone elses twisted spin on some phrasing of the bible, just as a lot of your arguments are twisted views of some phrasing in the bible. What I say is no more ridiculous than what you say. Your vision is just too blinkered to see that. You put all of your faith into a book that has been translated numerous times and lost large parts of its meaning, then when someone does something that you disagree with, you quote this book of innaccurate riddles that has lost large parts of its original meaning.

PS, nice picture of a car, also frowned upon in certain bible based religions.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
Your argument is that homosexuality is immmoral as it is unnnatural. It follws that these other activities are unnatural and therefore immoral
Also, it is immoral to watch the television in some bible based religions, yes! You see, it is just someone elses twisted spin on some phrasing of the bible, just as a lot of your arguments are twisted views of som ...[text shortened]... ginal meaning.

PS, nice picture of a car, also frowned upon in certain bible based religions.
This is just to weird to answer, sorry.

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Originally posted by galveston75
This is just to weird to answer, sorry.
As per usual, you skirt round the issue. You have no answer for this so you refuse to answer and come up with some lame excuse.

'This is too weird to answer' LMFAO.

Merry Christmas dude and good will to ALL men. That includes gays, jews, muslims, politicians, murderers and bigots. I forgive you all 😛

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
ie I can't answer your question therefore I am going to skirt round it. La la la.

PS watching televisions is unnatural, is that a sin too, same with eating ice cream and sleeping in beds. Seems you want to select whichever things from the bible suit your life then condemn everyone else for living life in a way that disagree with.

I see a lot of good ...[text shortened]... our worthless, perceived place in social hierarchy.

Sad, pathetic laughable.

What is unnatural about sleeping, eating, and seeing?
What question do you think I skirted around?
You say I condemn everyone else for living a life in a
way that disagree with WHAT?





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Originally posted by RJHinds
What is unnatural about sleeping, eating, and seeing?
What question do you think I skirted around?
You say I condemn everyone else for living a life in a
way that disagree with WHAT?




Oooh block capitals. Scary, man.

What is unnatural about having sexual intercourse with someone made out of natural flesh?
You skirted around the question that was asked of you in the post I replied to. Go back and have a read or are you too lazy?
I don't understand your third question as it makes no sense whatsoever. You completely ballsed it up in your mouth foaming frenzy. Too much icecream? "You say I condemn everyone else for living a life in a way that disagree with WHAT?"

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
Oooh block capitals. Scary, man.

What is unnatural about having sexual intercourse with someone made out of natural flesh?
You skirted around the question that was asked of you in the post I replied to. Go back and have a read or are you too lazy?
I don't understand your third question as it makes no sense whatsoever. You completely ballsed it up in ...[text shortened]... ecream? "You say I condemn everyone else for living a life in a way that disagree with WHAT?"
I don't recall ever saying having sexual intercourse is not natural.
Yes I am too lazy. Besides as crazy as you seem to be the question
probably means something different to you. And IMO I already
answered the question and he did not understand it. So I felt it
was best to let him sleep on it or someone else answer in a different
way that he might understand. How can you judge that I am eating
too much ice cream. Actually, the capital letters was a mistake at
first when I pressed "caps lock" instead of "shift" and did not notice
until I looked up at the screen, so I being a hunt and peck typist I
decided to make do instead of retyping a whole line. The rest of your
post I do not understand. What is the life style that everyone is
living that you think I am condemning?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I don't recall ever saying having sexual intercourse is not natural.
Yes I am too lazy. Besides as crazy as you seem to be the question
probably means something different to you. And IMO I already
answered the question and he did not understand it. So I felt it
was best to let him sleep on it or someone else answer in a different
way that he might un ...[text shortened]... nderstand. What is the life style that everyone is
living that you think I am condemning?
RJHinds "The homosexuals need help to overcome their abnormality".

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
RJHinds "The homosexuals need help to overcome their abnormality".
I guess you have not read any of my earlier posts where I
state that my youngest son is homosexual and I love him
very much. He has been blessed with being very intelligent
but also cursed with the gene of homosexuality. Yes I do
think it is abnormal but I have never condemned him for it
any more than I would condemn a down's syndrome person
or anyone else with a physical abnormality.

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