05 Dec 21
@rajk999 saidJohn 4:24
What a load of garbage!
Go wash your mouth and try again
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
There are musts in scripture; for the worshiper of God, we must worship Him in Spirit and truth.
Ephesians 1:12-14
English Standard Version
so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.
Until we acquire possession of it means in this life we are still waiting, but we are not waiting alone as you make out. The promise seals us; this is not something we can demand of God; it is something God must do, not something we earn, it is so wonderful we can only accept it as a gift. Your doctrine would deny this, instead, have others attempt to be good enough, or worse, believe there is no need for Christ's salvation, leaving them on the road to damnation because, in the end, we end up where we are going now unless we repent and turn to God.
@rajk999 saidWow.
Empty meaningless words.
The book of Romans is empty meaningless words?
You’re showing your true colors.
@kevin-eleven saidI pray to God.
If you pray to Paul, you're praying in the wrong direction.
Paul was personally selected by Jesus Christ to carry His Gospel to the Gentiles. Paul knew the Gospel of Jesus Christ better than anyone on here.
@kevin-eleven saidSo what is Christianity in your view?
Paul was a manic-depressive busybody who invented and subverted Christianity.
Old Testament but with ramped-up commandments to make them even more impossible to follow?
And aren’t you an atheist?
@kevin-eleven saidSo what do you believe, if anything, in regard to God and the afterlife? I know you said you weren’t an atheist, but does that mean you’re an agnostic?
a) irrelevant
b) nope
c) no
@kevin-eleven saidWhy are you bothering to comment in this forum?
None of your damn business.
Why should I trust an internet character like you?
@kevin-eleven saidCan you explain this statement, not your views on Paul's part? Everyone has issues, so our views on him personally don't matter. You could be spot-on correct about him, but that would not justify saying he subverted Christianity, which requires explanation. That part of this statement suggests there was something about Christianity that was true, and he undermined it with the things he said. That means that scripturally speaking, it contradicts the truth in Christianity that would also be at odds with all of the other writers. If true, the conflict should be apparent and obvious, and you should have no problem displaying them. I don't believe that being upfront is the case, but this should make for an interesting discussion.
Paul was a manic-depressive busybody who invented and subverted Christianity.
@kellyjay saidIt’s also interesting that kevin-eleven said Paul not only subverted Christianity but invented it as well. So Paul apparently, in kevin-eleven’s view, felt the need to subvert something he had invented 🤔
Can you explain this statement, not your views on Paul's part? Everyone has issues, so our views on him personally don't matter. You could be spot-on correct about him, but that would not justify saying he subverted Christianity, which requires explanation. That part of this statement suggests there was something about Christianity that was true, and he undermined it with th ...[text shortened]... I don't believe that being upfront is the case, but this should make for an interesting discussion.
@kevin-eleven saidYou’ve confirmed extraterrestrials exist?
I would have included the people of all worlds and venues of existence who do so, unless you are so narrow-minded that you believe Christ is only for the humans of Earth.
@pb1022 saidAn estimated 2 trillion galaxies exist.
You’ve confirmed extraterrestrials exist?
You think Earth is the only planet containing life?