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Credit Where Credit is Due

Credit Where Credit is Due


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Have you EVER cried out or even whispered that to YOU - Jesus Christ is your Lord ?

You will not confess it here before men.
Go to a mirror and ask yourself WHY you cannot simply confess that Jesus Christ is
your Lord.

You need God's mercy to break that stronghold erected in your heart against the knowledge of God.

You need to renounce in the name of the Lord Jesus your rebellion and refusal to own for your own being the Lord Jesus as YOUR Lord and Savior. Something is rising up in your heart insisting that:

You are better.
You do good works.
You do not need Christ to save you because you're a qood man.
You are better than all the mouthing Christians.
You're not so bad because you're a GOOD man.
At least you are not so bad because you do GOOD things like Jesus taught.

These thoughts of rebellion have you in bondage and you cannot confess Jesus as Lord. "No man can say Jesus is Lord except in the Holy Spirit"

You may be even thinking you do good things and have no need of God's Holy Spirit. You imagine that only YOU are teaching people to obey the commandments of Jesus Christ.

But you cannot confess Jesus Christ is Lord.
Something is wrong.

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@rajk999 said
Referring to the commandments of Christ as
- Pharisaical
- Legalistic
- Practicing works salvation
- Burdensome and unnecessary

All are derogatory statements and all are a condemnation of Jesus Christ and His teachings. If you have done these things, [and Im sure you have], then you [and sonship] are enemies of Christ fit to be destroyed.. God will decide who is the liar.
Show me where I have done one of these things liar boy. I do know that your current spiritual father is the accuser of the brethren; hint, hint. lol... 😉

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@rajk999 said
Me ... confess anything to Satan?
You and your church is of Satan.
You are going to hell.... you moron
Go and fix your Satanic doctrine, you disgusting fool.
Did you take your Thorazine this morning? clearly not.


@sonship said

Have you EVER cried out or even whispered that to YOU - Jesus Christ is your Lord ?

You will not confess it here before men.
Go to a mirror and ask yourself WHY you cannot simply confess that Jesus Christ is
your Lord.

You need God's mercy to break that stronghold erected in your heart against the knowledge of God.

Y ...[text shortened]... mandments of Jesus Christ.

But you cannot confess Jesus Christ is Lord.
Something is wrong.
Lets backtrack a bit. You raised the point about the church. I showed you from Revelation, where Jesus described the characteristics of different churches and their end result if they fail to live righteously and do good works. Because this condemnation from Christ fell squarely in your court you ignore it, changed the subject and got personal asking to confess that Jesus is Lord. Followers of Christ dont confess before Satan. This is the 4th time you are doing this when your false teachings are condemned by Christ. You just make yourself look like a an a$$.


@kingdavid403 said
Show me where I have done one of these things liar boy. I do know that your current spiritual father is the accuser of the brethren; hint, hint. lol... 😉
Who are Christ's brethren :

But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. (Matthew 12:48-50 KJV)

From your discouraging remarks about the commandments of Christ it would appear that you do not qualify as one of Christ's brothers

Going to church does not make you one.
Professing your faith does not make you one.

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Self righteous self boasting that you alone know how to do good works for Jesus NEITHER makes you a brother in the Lord.

I don't fault anyone for taking a necessary medication.
I do wonder about a man too proud to confess his Lord is the Lord Jesus.

I don't care how many brownie points you think you won.
Something is wrong with you disdaining to confess Christ as your Lord.


@sonship said

Self righteous self boasting that you alone know how to do good works for Jesus NEITHER makes you a brother in the Lord.

I don't fault anyone for taking a necessary medication.
I do wonder about a man too proud to confess his Lord is the Lord Jesus.

I don't care how many brownie points you think you won.
Something is wrong with you disdaining to confess Christ as your Lord.
You are missing some screws. Im not here to tell you what I do. Neither am I here to ask you what you do. But you keep trying to make it personal. You are really very stupid. This is a chat forum with people defending their doctrine. All I am telling you is what Jesus said to do. That is all. You are preaching some other doctrine.

You want me to confess to YOU. .. the biggest Satanic moron on this site? Lol .. Look fool .. get away from me.



It is not just me that I want you to confess Jesus is Lord to.
It is to anyone. Apparently you cannot do it.

Probably because you know it is not true - Jesus is not Lord to you.
The unclean spirits are so intent on keeping you from confessing His name that they have influenced you to hate everything having to do with a Christian mouth.

Go look up "a good confession" in New Testament.


@sonship said

It is not just me that I want you to confess Jesus is Lord to.
It is to anyone. Apparently you cannot do it.

Probably because you know it is not true - Jesus is not Lord to you.
The unclean spirits are so intent on keeping you from confessing His name that they have influenced you to hate everything having to do with a Christian mouth.

Go look up "a good confession" in New Testament.
You making an a$$ of yourself. ... I mean, Im enjoying your stupidity and your total failure in dealing with the churches issue and how Jesus condemned churches like yours. This is a chess chat forum not your local church gathering you fool. Get a grip and stop making yourself look like a total dunce. Do you really think Im going to confess anything to some idiot on the internet? What planet are you from?

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You think by name calling, trying hard to humiliate an examiner the questions will go away?

Do you believe that Jesus bodily rose from the dead?
Call me any name you want.
Just tell me if the bodily and physical resurrection of Jesus is part of your belief.

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Is the physical and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ in your belief ?

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@sonship said

Is the physical and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ in your belief ?
This is a very superficial summary of the main characteristics of seven churches Rajk999. It just shows that if the only tool you have is a hammer than every problem looks like a nail.

I didn't evade this summary.
I'd be quite willing to get more into the depths of the seven churches in Rev. 2 and 3. Your analysis is kind of myopic and shortsighted.

Here are the 7 churches :
Ephesus - warned to repent and do good works
Smyrna - some are of Satan, promoting sin and evil and will be destroyed
Pergamos - some are of Satan, living sinfully and worshipping idols, and committing fornicaton
Thyatira - Jezebel was introducing sin into the church - idolatry and fornication, those who follow her sin will be destroyed
Sardis - works not perfect, repent otherwise you will be destroyed
Philadelphia - they do good works and will e rewarded
Laodicia - not up to standard, only those who hear the voice of Christ will get eternal life

In all cases, the message from Christ to all the churches is do good works, stop sinning and repent or their names will be struck off the book of life and they will be destroyed.

But first a far mare basic question I would like to know:

Is the physical and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ in your belief ?


@sonship said
This is a very superficial summary of the main characteristics of seven churches Rajk999. It just shows that if the only tool you have is a hammer than every problem looks like a nail.

I didn't evade this summary.
I'd be quite willing to get more into the depths of the seven churches in Rev. 2 and 3. Your analysis is kind of myopic and shortsighted.

[quote]Here are ...[text shortened]... ld like to know:

Is the physical and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ in your belief ?
I simply quoted verbatim what Jesus said in the book of Revelation about the 7 churches and what are the consequences to those who practice sin and evil in these churches. They are the polar opposite of your doctrine. You are therefore a false teacher. The wise man believes and follows Christ, while fools follow the teachings of men.

I asked you no question. I never do in the past either, and there is a good reason for that. First, Im not interested in you personally. Your statements about the teachings of Christ is all that matters.

Your attempts to cross question me shows that you seem to have some personal interest in me, and this is most unwelcome, and futile, and it is also contrary to the guidelines for forum behaviour.

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You didn't do much verbatim. You added your own commentary to push your restricted, limited, one note agenda like sinning was the only problem with all seven churches.

It was pitiful and sophomoric (not even).

And you must be a fraud Christian, a tare planted along with the wheat by the enemy of Christ to confuse his crop. All you talk of bad churches is smoke screen to hided your unbelief in the Gospel. Go talk about good works as a cloke of for unbelief in Christ.

Will not confess Jesus is Lord to anyone behind multitude of cute excuses.

You cannot CLEARLY indicate that you believe in the PHYSICAL and BODILY resurrection of Jesus.

You've been here for years pushing your "another Jesus" .

And this post will only generate more excuses why you won't CLEARLY indicate:
1.) The Lordship of Jesus Christ
2.) The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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