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Credit Where Credit is Due

Credit Where Credit is Due


2 edits


Hey, nobody is interested.

No example big mouth.
" Nobody is interested " excuse instead.

Nobody likes you and your foolish doctrine of lies

You've been a failure to definitely point out error.
Your attempts to do so end in name calling.
Still no example to back up your accusation.

Get a conscience someday.

Nobody reads your long copy and pasted nonsense.

Boo Hoo!
Still no example.
Hide behind ad populum excuse.

People are fed up of your pages and pages of garbage.

Boo Hoo!
I'm not as popular as Rajk999 the darling of Spirituality.

I mean boo hoo!

Entire threads go unread and nobody responds.

You got it?

You're reading it and are unable to refute a word.
Occasionally I get PMs telling me something I wrote was encouraging.

In the meantime = NO EXAMPLE of your off the cuff accusation.
Yea, I got it.

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Going temporarily off at a tangent,

Sonship - have you ever been into fantasy games (non sexual) like d&d or such ?

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@medullah said
Going temporarily off at a tangent,

Sonship - have you ever been into fantasy games (non sexual) like d&d or such ?
Fantasy games? No.
I guess preferred other vices.


@medullah said
Going temporarily off at a tangent,

Sonship - have you ever been into fantasy games (non sexual) like d&d or such ?
He not into that. Neither does he play chess. Instead he enjoys perusing the sleazy vulgar threads on the General Forum.



I'm playing a game right now.

Get a conscience some day.

1 edit


I called you a jack ass. Forgive me. I sinned in calling you that name.

I am sorry.

3 edits

@sonship said

I called you a jack ass. Forgive me. I sinned in calling you that name.

I am sorry.
There is no sin in telling the truth. Jesus did it all the time to the Pharisees; just as this absolutely worthless piece of crap. rajk666 is a jack-ass for certain. Same with mott the poople, ealdar, smaller than average joe boy, etc etc.
"Give credit where credit is due."


@sonship said

I called you a jack ass. Forgive me. I sinned in calling you that name.

I am sorry.
Take a hike with your lame apology. You do that every few months and it is meaningless. You should start by apologizing to all the people who you have told that they do not need to keep the commandments of Christ. Apologize to them, because both you and them going to damnation if you follow Witness Lees false doctrine. Start there.

4 edits


The Christian who trusts in Christ has had his damnation passed through by Jesus on Calvary. He was judged as to eternity there on the cross of the Redeemer.

So no apology is owed anyone for teaching that.

"But when the kindness and the love to man of our Savior God appeared, not out of works of righteousness which we did but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit." (Titus 3:4,5)

You will insanely twist this to accuse me of teaching "disobey the commands of Jesus". That's because you cannot help your hopelessly legal self righteous NT perversion.

But the word of God said here we believers were saved "NOT out of works of righteousness which we did but according to His mercy".


1.) God saved the redeemed out of works of righteousness which we did?

2.) God saved the redeemed not out of works of righteousness which we did?

Answer: "Not out of works of righteousness which we did but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit

Which He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior." (Titus 3:5,6)

1 edit

What can Rajk999 do?

He can bribe his conscience by believing receivers of grace are all disobedient to the commandments of Jesus.

He can complain that the Apostle Paul ruined the Gospel Jesus preached.

He can perhaps thumbs down my post without explanation.

Of course he can wave hands and cry "Witness Lee!! Witness Lee !!"

But the power to continue on in obedience to Christ lies in the solid realization
that He paid the debt of eternal redemption in full. And it lies receiving His life
within in the regeneration of new birth to grow into His image.

Paul labored for the Christians that the Christ imparted into them would be formed in them.

"My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you." (Gal. 4:19)

Paul and his partners labored that they could present every believer under their shepherding full grown in Christ - matured in the indwelling life of Christ.

" . . . Christ in you the hope of glory, Whom we announce, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man full-grown in Christ; " (Col 1:27b-28)


@sonship said

I called you a jack ass. Forgive me. I sinned in calling you that name.

I am sorry.
I've seen you resort to this many times over the years. It systematically negates everything else you write.


@ghost-of-a-duke said
I've seen you resort to this many times over the years. It systematically negates everything else you write.
Its his usual hypocritical modus operandi. You cannot trust a word the man says.


@medullah said
Going temporarily off at a tangent,

Sonship - have you ever been into fantasy games (non sexual) like d&d or such ?
Please continue with this.

I'm wondering where this is going.



Praying with the Bible's words is more interesting imo.

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