Does one need to believe in Jesus for salvation.

Does one need to believe in Jesus for salvation.


King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
11 Jul 20
3 edits

@caesar-salad said
As for me, yes, of course I have thoughts. The Cosmos sprouts at all levels. 😉

But inasmuch as there has been a sociopath camped out in this forum for the past year or more, possibly many years, apparently for the purpose of cutting down or winding up other RHP members, I hesitate to share my thoughts.

The one I'm thinking of sometimes says "please" whenever he wa ...[text shortened]... ms he is a shark gathering up material from other RHP members for the sake of using it against them.
"Jesus said: "you will know them (false teachers and brothers) by their fruits."
This does not mean they cannot change.
Go for it, I got your back; and, I'm sure others would step in if needed. Please share?
Trust me, as of now, you're far ahead in the line to Salvation than that person.

06 May 15
12 Jul 20

@kingdavid403 said
"Jesus said: "you will know them (false teachers and brothers) by their fruits."
This does not mean they cannot change.
Go for it, I got your back; and, I'm sure others would step in if needed. Please share?
Sorry, but nope. If we ever meet in person, we might become good friends. But unfortunately this damn forum has made me somewhat paranoid.

Chalk one up to RHP's principles of moderation.

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
12 Jul 20

@caesar-salad said
Sorry, but nope. If we ever meet in person, we might become good friends. But unfortunately this damn forum has made me somewhat paranoid.

Chalk one up to RHP's principles of moderation.
I totally understand. If you ever wish to PM me, please feel free. 🙂

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Jul 20

@caesar-salad said
But inasmuch as there has been a sociopath camped out in this forum for the past year or more, possibly many years, apparently for the purpose of cutting down or winding up other RHP members, I hesitate to share my thoughts.
You really should alert any posts which you deem to be inappropriate; the site administration are red hot on this sort of thing at the moment.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Jul 20

@caesar-salad said
Sorry, but nope. If we ever meet in person, we might become good friends. But unfortunately this damn forum has made me somewhat paranoid.

Chalk one up to RHP's principles of moderation.
Playing the victim card when you have been actively one of the protagonists in the cut-and-thrust of this forum for at least 18 months is hardly representative of your contributions, but the disingenuousness is perhaps representative of your character.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Jul 20

@caesar-salad said

Chalk one up to RHP's principles of moderation.
I think you are being most unfair to the site administration.

The moderation on this site is generally an excellent balance of restraint and surgical application by a limited team who operate across several active and combative forums.

Complaining about bad behaviour and “sociopaths” as you are in these last few posts is an utterly pathetic playing to the small audience of Suziannesque posters who struggle to post with principle and instead pander to the partisan trends and moods of the moment.

KingDavid403 is a frequent combative poster in Debates and while he may enjoy your superficial pseudo brotherly bonding of the moment he will not for long tolerate your flimsy character and vacuous contributions. The phrase iron sharpens iron involves iron not plastic.


28 Oct 05
12 Jul 20

@kingdavid403 said
Trust me, as of now, you're far ahead in the line to Salvation than that person.
Does your version of Christianity entitle and enable you to make the above assertion?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
12 Jul 20
1 edit

@kingdavid403 said
I say no. Thoughts?
"Does one need to believe in Jesus for salvation".?

Matthew 11:27
All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 6:48
I am that bread of life.

Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

You say no, and you can have your own opinion, but your opinion contradicts the Word of God.

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
12 Jul 20
1 edit

@fmf said
Does your version of Christianity entitle and enable you to make the above assertion?
Does your version of Christianity entitle and enable you to make the above assertion?
It does not entitle me; it does enable me.
I really have not gone into depth on my true stance on the statement or subject above. That will come in time I'm sure.
Again, hypothetically: If one is truly and diligently seeking after God, even if they do not know Jesus yet, they are SAVED (salvation) at the moment they started seeking God (conception). I'm not asking anything more than this at this time; and, I'm not asking any-less.
On a side note: How do you like the thread so far fmf? You're the one who asked for it. What ya think so far?
I'm certain that you can tell I wish ALL would come to Jesus; and, they all will one day. 🙂

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
12 Jul 20
5 edits

@secondson said
"Does one need to believe in Jesus for salvation".?

Matthew 11:27
All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 6:48
I ...[text shortened]... ved.

You say no, and you can have your own opinion, but your opinion contradicts the Word of God.
You say no, and you can have your own opinion, but your opinion contradicts the Word of God.
Actually, my opinion does NOT contradict the Word of God at all according to what I'm asking. You can see what I'm asking in my previous post.

Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

100% TRUE. No one is saved but by Jesus. Amen! 🙂
Where does a belief in Jesus become required (absolute) for Salvation in this scripture?

John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
100% TRUE. No one is saved but by Jesus. Amen! 🙂
Where does a belief in Jesus become required (absolute) for Salvation in this scripture?

John 6:48
I am that bread of life.

Amen! 🙂
Where does a belief in Jesus become required (absolute) for Salvation in this scripture?
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Amen, and so True. 🙂
Where does a belief in Jesus become required (absolute) for Salvation in this scripture?
You are missing my point.

Please read: Again, hypothetically: If one is truly and diligently seeking after God, even if they do not know Jesus yet, they are SAVED (salvation) at the moment they started truly and diligently seeking God (conception). I'm not asking anything more than this at this time; and, I'm not asking any-less.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Jul 20

@kingdavid403 said
You say no, and you can have your own opinion, but your opinion contradicts the Word of God.
Actually, my opinion does NOT contradict the Word of God at all according to what I'm asking. You can see what I'm asking in my previous post.

[b]Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we ...[text shortened]... God (conception). I'm not asking anything more than this at this time; and, I'm not asking any-less.
I have already given you a scripture response to your repeated question in your post.


28 Oct 05
13 Jul 20

@kingdavid403 said
How do you like the thread so far fmf? You're the one who asked for it. What ya think so far?
Your stance is an idiosyncratic and a potentially interesting one, but you've been weak and evasive in the way you've proposed it and the way you've dealt with the scripture.

It sounds like a theory you suddenly came up with while you were typing the OP ~ as if thinking out loud ~ having perhaps been in orbit of Christians for some time and having been impressed by a few of the things they believe.

So, I'd say this thread has been a wash out so far.

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
13 Jul 20
1 edit

@fmf said
Your stance is an idiosyncratic and a potentially interesting one, but you've been weak and evasive in the way you've proposed it and the way you've dealt with the scripture.

It sounds like a theory you suddenly came up with while you were typing the OP ~ as if thinking out loud ~ having perhaps been in orbit of Christians for some time and having been impressed by a few of the things they believe.

So, I'd say this thread has been a wash out so far.
lol... Interesting. I feel like I'm being accused of apostasy or hearsay from an Atheist. Interesting for sure.
You got any theory's?

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
13 Jul 20
1 edit

@divegeester said
I have already given you a scripture response to your repeated question in your post.
Give it again; and, I was NOT talking with you there.


28 Oct 05
13 Jul 20

@kingdavid403 said
Does your version of Christianity entitle and enable you to make the above assertion?
It does not entitle me; it does enable me.
I really have not gone into depth on my true stance on the statement or subject above.
It does not entitle me; it does enable me.
I really have not gone into depth on my true stance on the statement or subject above.

So your version of "Christianity" enables you to casually assert things - having admittedly not given the stance much thought - about the "salvation" of someone who DOES believe in Jesus - even though you admit that you are not entitled to do it?

Have I understood your self- justification correctly?

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