Originally posted by daniel58What a blooming idiot ! Youre a gullible empty headed sychophant.
No the Pope didn't suggest anything of the sort, The Mass is a prayer itself, which Christ approves THROUGH THE CHURCH, the sooner you realize this the better for all concerned.
You and your type are the reason why religious fanatics succeed in manipulating people to their deaths.
Originally posted by galveston75Man was created a vessel to contain God.
Go ahead and explain what you mean...
Paul said - "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us." (2 Cor. 4:7)
We are earthen vessels created to contain the Spirit of God.
The priceless treasure of the life of God can be dispensed into this earthen vessel of our human being. For Christ to make His home in our hearts through faith is to receive the living Person of Jesus into our innermost being.
"That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man,
That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith..." (Eph. 3:16,17)
We are human vessels of honor created to receive God.
"Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one VESSEL unto honor and another unto dishonor? ... in order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon VESSELS of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory." (See Romans 9:21 - 23)
We were meant to RECEIVE this Triune God - Father - Son - all in the Holy Spirit into our beings that we may be His living abode:
" ... If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and WE will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23)
More can be seen at http://www.tripartiteman.org/
We are created living vessels that the living Spirit of Christ Who is God may enter into us, making His home in our hearts through faith and making an abode with us with He and His Father.
Originally posted by Rajk999Wow! That's cool, NOT, you just call people names to belittle them without actually replying to my statement.
What a blooming idiot ! Youre a gullible empty headed sychophant.
You and your type are the reason why religious fanatics succeed in manipulating people to their deaths.
Whoa, I don't think ANY religious fanatic manipulates ANYBODY to Death!!!
I don't really agree with religious fanatics but are you just saying that because you are an atheist or something?
Originally posted by daniel58Raj is stuck on some little island and has just gone crazy...
Wow! That's cool, NOT, you just call people names to belittle them without actually replying to my statement.
Whoa, I don't think ANY religious fanatic manipulates ANYBODY to Death!!!
I don't really agree with religious fanatics but are you just saying that because you are an atheist or something?
Originally posted by daniel58Never heard of Jim Jones, Branch Davidians,... there are dozens of them.
Wow! That's cool, NOT, you just call people names to belittle them without actually replying to my statement.
Whoa, I don't think ANY religious fanatic manipulates ANYBODY to Death!!!
I don't really agree with religious fanatics but are you just saying that because you are an atheist or something?
your statement is rubbish !!!
Christ approved of that prayer? How do you know that?
Originally posted by Rajk999Just a thought to all of you on this forum. I personally am not going to answer or respond to our dear friend "Raj" anymore. I keep hoping somehow he will snap out of his constant ridicule, badgering, hatred and down right rudeness to us all. He has no class or kindness and it shows in all his comments to us all no matter what we believe.
So you dont know. Just say that.
Just my decision on this...
Originally posted by menace71đ´
Greek scholars translate it differently than the Watch Tower http://www.equip.org/articles/john-1-1-and-the-new-world-translation
its makes no difference whether they stand on their head and translate it upside down, Greek does not have a definite article, and is therefore open to interpretation, Coptic does have a definite article and the ancient translators of the Coptic text preserved the doctrinal thought of the time, the word was 'a god'. you can cite scholastic references till you are blue in the face, it will not change this one bit! why you cannot admit it, i do not know why, is it so hard to admit, publicly that you are wrong! it seems so.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou must have meant to say something else:
its makes no difference whether they stand on their head and translate it upside down, Greek does not have a definite article, and is therefore open to interpretation
"The definite article in Modern and Ancient Greek is given in the tables below ... "
Why should a language require definite articles for precision in any case? Noun cases can do the job just fine.
Originally posted by Bosse de Nagein the verse under question, John 1:1 there is no definite article (a) before the word God, in the Sahidic Coptic text, there is a definite article (a) before the word god, in this context.
You must have meant to say something else:
"The definite article in Modern and Ancient Greek is given in the tables below ... "
Why should a language require definite articles for precision in any case? Noun cases can do the job just fine.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThat's quite a different sentence than the one I responded to.
in the verse under question, John 1:1 there is no definite article (a) before the word God, in the Sahidic Coptic text, there is a definite article (a) before the word god, in this context.
Definite article: 'the'; indefinite, 'a'.
Anyhow, you could do worse than read the article mentioned, as it discusses these grammatical issues quite explicitly, citing scholars whose views on Greek grammar are more authoritative than yours and mine, I think.