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Having freedom FROM religion:

Having freedom FROM religion:


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Originally posted by OdBod
Oh come on! Ever since humans came across something they didn't
understand we have had one god after another thrust on us. How about we
take responsibility for ourselves and stop looking for supernatural help!


Originally posted by Suzianne
Okay, you're atheist, I get it. Stop shoving it down my throat.
Who is shoving it down your throat? A few posts on a chess site that you willingly ready knowing full well what the content will be?
Do people try to teach you to be atheist at school?
Are there parts of the world you should not travel to because you are not atheist?
Are there places where you could be killed for loosing your atheism?
Be honest, is it really a fair comparison?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I am sure you realize you have a choice to accept or reject Christianity, so it is not forced on you. As a Christian it is our duty to let you know about it. I am sorry you consider that shoving it down your throat, but we are not threating you with bodily harm, but simply warning you of the eternal consequences for your soul. You are free to believe it or not.
It might be better if Christians sang from the same hymn sheet for a change. There are so many varieties, all touting their own particular version of god's word as truth, that it seems incredibly unlikely to me that any of them actually know what they are talking about. You can't all be right!

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Originally posted by Kepler
It might be better if Christians sang from the same hymn sheet for a change. There are so many varieties, all touting their own particular version of god's word as truth, that it seems incredibly unlikely to me that any of them actually know what they are talking about. You can't all be right!
Wel, just listen to me then. 😏


Originally posted by sonhouse
I would like to live and work and advance in Provo without being pressured to become a Mormon.

I would like to walk around in Iran as a clear westerner without being the subject of a jihad.

I would like to be a gay person in trouble and going to a Salvation Army post and not get turned out BECAUSE I am gay.

I would like to be in Sudan without havin ...[text shortened]... n.

I want to live in a society where there is freedom FROM religion not freedom OF religion.
For someone who does not want religion you sure spend a lot of time talking about


Originally posted by KellyJay
For someone who does not want religion you sure spend a lot of time talking about
He would not have to talk about it if he had freedom FROM religion. When we are oppressed, we speak up. I am not talking about people going around ringing door bells, I am talking about wars started by religion, the oppression of education due to religion, the oppression of women, enabled by religion, the spread of AIDS, encourage by religion etc. These things may not seem to be affecting me directly, but they affect the whole world and thus me indirectly.

2 edits

Originally posted by sumydid
We Christians take full responsibility for ourselves, and have no reason to look for anything. And by the way, no god could possibly be thrust upon any genuine Atheist. That being said--and being fact--what sense does your post make? None whatsoever.
It makes total sense to me and I am not even an atheist. He means we need to stand on our own two feet and take responsibility for our own actions and stop making references to a god or gods for every frigging thought that goes on inside our heads.

If you look at right wing christians or most any muslim, they can't wipe their ass without asking permission from a god. We CANNOT live like that forever and expect to make ourselves into any sort of mature civilization. We HAVE to get beyond that or we will perish just like the dinosaurs.

Look at the mess we make of the Earth, using religion to say in the back of our minds, god will fix all our boo-boo's, hesheit will come down and save our sorry asses if we screw up so badly we destroy the Earth.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but no such help will be forthcoming if we screw up so badly as to off ourselves. The sooner the human race realizes that the quicker we can actually make a mature civilization.

Surely you can't be thinking the total civilization on Earth is civilized at this point in time do you? All the different religions at each other's throats, bombing daily. This is not a mature civilization, this is a bunch of spoiled children with nuclear weapons ready to go off at any time.

Terrorists just frothing at the mouth to get a backpack nuke into NYC or London or Paris because of what they consider religious based slights. What we have in fact is a completely insane civilization and it needs to grow up or perish.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Wel, just listen to me then. 😏
Your version of events conflicts too much with the evidence. You are going to have to demonstrate the falsehood of a good part of quantum mechanics and particle physics before I even think about accepting you might be have the correct version.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
For someone who does not want religion you sure spend a lot of time talking about
Because religion sucks the very humanity out of mankind that we possess. All the wars caused by religions fighting each other, like Islam coming out of the gate militarily as soon as it was formed 1500 years ago, like the Crusades, like the inquisitions(there is still an inquisition office open in Peru), like the burning at the stake of apostates or unbelievers.

That is all in the past you can say but it is still going on here today as we speak. You don't have to look further than Sudan and the villages burned because they won't convert to Islam.

You don't have to look further than the state of Kentucky where they are on the verge of polluting young folk's minds with creation nonsense AS A SCIENCE IN A SCIENCE class in the effort to kill evolution. Just what young kids need is more confusion in their lives.

Or the abortion clinic doctors murdered by right wing christian nutters.

Or the right wing militants in Wyoming building up an righteous army.

As we speak in fact.

You think somehow we have gotten over all that religious bias and warmongering based on religion but it goes on daily with bombing of mosques, churches, synagogues and hindu temples around the world.

You seriously think a real god set all this up?

Your so-called christianity, which by rights should be called Paulism, a religion started by an alleged god in a tiny tribe in the middle east in ONE language which is supposed to be universal in scope?

Why then are there people in Siberia, or Africa or China who never heard of Jesus and never will and never have in the past 2000 years?

Not very universal is it? That would be because the whole thing was a scam made up by men intent on controlling other men, making a political power base and subjugating women. Worked incredibly well, has a billion people totally duped.

And then there is Islam, the supposed religion of peace, where they came out of the gate as this new religion 1500 years ago and the first thing they did was to organize an army to attack the states around them and force them through military action to become Muslim.

Then the next thousand years spent with Paulists, er, Christians and Muslims fighting which is still going on to this day.

A real god would set such an insane system up? Not in THIS universe.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
He would not have to talk about it if he had freedom FROM religion. When we are oppressed, we speak up. I am not talking about people going around ringing door bells, I am talking about wars started by religion, the oppression of education due to religion, the oppression of women, enabled by religion, the spread of AIDS, encourage by religion etc. These t ...[text shortened]... ay not seem to be affecting me directly, but they affect the whole world and thus me indirectly.
Well, then turn to Christianity. 😏

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Originally posted by Kepler
Your version of events conflicts too much with the evidence. You are going to have to demonstrate the falsehood of a good part of quantum mechanics and particle physics before I even think about accepting you might be have the correct version.
My version has no conflict with real science, only evil-lution.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Because religion sucks the very humanity out of mankind that we possess. All the wars caused by religions fighting each other, like Islam coming out of the gate militarily as soon as it was formed 1500 years ago, like the Crusades, like the inquisitions(there is still an inquisition office open in Peru), like the burning at the stake of apostates or unbelie ...[text shortened]... oing on to this day.

A real god would set such an insane system up? Not in THIS universe.
We Christians are fighting to prevent Satan from having a free hand over the world. Apparently you would rather just let Satan and his demons just take over everything. I think that would be many times worse than having to fight for our freedom now.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
My version has no conflict with real science, only evil-lution.
evil-lution? What's that?

Your version definitely conflicts with ages obtained by radiometric dating. That is based on quantum mechanics and particle physics. Falsify those areas of physics and you might get my attention. I won't be holding my breath though.


Originally posted by RJHinds
My version has no conflict with real science, only evil-lution.
and cosmology
and dendrochronology
and carbon dating
and geology
and plate tectonics
and biology
and physics
and chemistry
and logic

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