Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou seem to have backed yourself into a corner with what you have claimed to be your understanding of Grampy Bobby's beliefs. No wonder your posts addressed to me aren't referring to any of that any more.
no FMF, you cannot be trusted, you knowingly and wilfully deceive others through multiple accounts, who knowingly and wilfully released PMs to others and here you are lecturing me on honesty, wow. I refuse to be lectured on honesty by someone as clearly dishonest and deceitful as you.
Originally posted by FMFI am not lying and i resent being counselled on honesty by someone as clearly deceitful as you, i have produced the reference where he stated that it was a doctrine of annihilation, either explain it or retract your assertion of lying.
You said [b]"...I wont say that I am completely unprincipled but certainly I use what may be expedient at the time...". And you appear to have been lying about your understanding of Grampy Bobby's beliefs on this thread. If you can point out any lies I have posted on this thread, please feel free to do so.[/b]
Originally posted by FMFI have done nothing of the sort, the reference is there for all to see, either explain it or stop trying to use it as a pretext for dishonest and rather vile insinuations.
You seem to have backed yourself into a corner with what you have claimed to be your understanding of Grampy Bobby's beliefs. No wonder your posts addressed to me aren't referring to any of that any more.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieHow does my few days of using Duches64's old screen name affect the veracity of anything I have said on this thread, and what does any of that have to do with the clear lack of veracity of several of your posts on this thread?
I have not stated that you have posted lies FMF i have merely drawn attention to your history of being deceitful through the use of multiple accounts and releasing PMs to the public. You deal with it, you did it.
Originally posted by FMFof FMF its not the only multiple account you have had nor the only time you have attempted to deceive others through the use of multiple accounts, when i came here you were trying to pass yourself off as a woman!
How does my few days of using Duches64's old screen name affect the veracity of anything I have said on this thread, and what does any of that have to do with the clear lack of veracity of several of your posts on this thread?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThis is not going to get out of this corner you've backed yourself into re: Grampy Bobby's clear stance on "eternal torment".
of FMF its not the only multiple account you have had nor the only time you have attempted to deceive through the use of multiple accounts, when i came here you were trying to pass yourself off as a woman!
Originally posted by FMFI am not in a corner FMF, you will need to explain GBs reference to the doctrine of annihilation for its clear to me and any other sane person that torment and annihilation are not one and the same thing, but you continue to use whatever vile insinuations you feel are necessary.
How are you going to get out of this corner you've backed yourself into?
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyNote to all who have contributed to this wide ranging conversation: God respects human volition; His Sovereignty coexists with man's free will in time. Given this context, how could any of us here ever do less than respect each other's privilege to believe as we choose on any spiritual topic pro or con. Thanks for your interest. Be back late Monday. Kind Regards, Bob
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby Thread 158676 (Page 3)
[b]What is Truth?
The Offensive Nature of Truth:
"When the concept of truth is maligned, it usually for one or more of the following reasons:
One common complaint against anyone claiming to have absolute truth in matters of faith and religion is that such a ...[text shortened]... her, then no desire in the world will miraculously cause the car to keep going..." (Part 3 of 4)
Originally posted by FMFIts not entirely clear to me for he makes a clear reference to unbelievers and a doctrine of annihilation, but even if it is diametrically opposed, so what? so GB is teaching a doctrine of eternal torment?
"The doctrine of annihilation" is the diametric opposite of what Grampy Bobby has been "teaching" on this thread.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieGo back and read it for yourself. If you think Grampy Bobby believes in "annihilation" for unbelievers and not "eternal suffering" for unbelievers, because the words "annihilation" or "annihilationism" cropped up in some copy pasted material, just come out and say so.
I am not in a corner FMF, you will need to explain GBs reference to the doctrine of annihilation for its clear to me and any other sane person that torment and annihilation are not one and the same thing, but you continue to use whatever vile insinuations you feel are necessary.
As Proper Knob said, the beliefs of Grampy Bobby could hardly have been clearer on this thread. For you to pretend you do not know what his views are is very peculiar.
Originally posted by FMFlook, he makes a reference to the lake of fire in the book of revelation which seems to espouse the idea of eternal torment, then later he makes a reference to the doctrine of annihilation, one cannot simply ignore the fact, for they are not one and the same thing.
Go back and read it for yourself. If you think Grampy Bobby believes in "annihilation" for unbelievers and not "eternal suffering" for unbelievers, because the words "annihilation" or "annihilationism" cropped up in some copy pasted material, just come out and say so.
As Proper Knob said, the beliefs of Grampy Bobby could hardly have been clearer on this thread. For you to pretend you do not know what his views are is very peculiar.