@avalanchethecat saidYou know nothing about me.
Oh please, if you are 'saved' it's not something worth having.
And I think you will reconsider your position. Hopefully while you’re still alive.
How long will you cling to this excuse?
This rational won't work.
Christ went to the cross to prepare a place for you to get INTO God.
He prepared a place for you, not a place in heaven here, but a place IN GOD.
"In My Father's house are many abodes; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming sgain and will recieve you to Myself, so that where I am you also may be." (John 14:2,3)
Do you know what it cost Jesus to go to Calvary to prepare a place for you, so that you could be with Him where He is? He is in God. And you can be in Him and He in you.
If it were not possible for you to experience God living in you, He would have told us so. He went to His cross to accomplish redemption that we, being justified by faith, may come INTO Him and be with Him where He is.
"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you," (v. 20)
He is not trying to evilly usurp your will or rip you off. He went to the cross for you to prepare a place for you in the living realm of the Triune God.
@sonship saidWhat 'excuse' do you think I'm clinging to?
How long will you cling to this excuse?
This rational won't work.
Christ went to the cross to prepare a place for you to get INTO God.
He prepared a place for you, not a place in heaven here, but a place IN GOD.
[b]"In My Father's house are manuy abodes; if it were not so, I would hagve told you; for I go to prtepare a place f ...[text shortened]... off. He went to the cross for you to prepare a place for you in the living realm of the Triune God.
@avalanchethecat saidNot unpleasant at all.
I know how you behave here. You behave as though you are a thoroughly unpleasant person.
In fact, ‘Ol PB is quite pleasant and enjoyable - just like the real PB.
Have a spoonful of both today! 😋
@avalanchethecat saidWell at least I don’t tell whoppers like you.
I suspect your behaviour in these fora reflects your true nature, and I don't think there's anything pleasant or enjoyable there.
What 'excuse' do you think I'm clinging to?
Excuses something like this:
Harry potter is a book with pages.
The Bible is a book with pages too.
So I shouldn't take the Bible any more seriously.
The candle on that birthday cake is a light.
The sun in the sky is a light too like that.
So there is no real difference.
Julius Ceasar was famous.
Christ was famous.
So its about the same. No need to take Jesus Christ in any other regard.
What I mean is the excuses to immediately dumb down Christ to render Him the same as everything else.
That is one form of excuse. To labor to render Jesus not in the least unique.
He's the same.
He's just the same.
He's no different.
This is one form of excuse you cling to imo.
Tear away at the singleness and uniqueness of the Son of God.
Then there is the "bad stuff under the banner of Jesus" excuse.
In probably no other realm of life do you distance yourself with reection BECAUSE someone seemingly associated with something was bad example.
Some oeople cheat at chess.
Do you refuse to be interested in chess because you're afraid if you plauy you'll
lose all self control and also cheat ?
I think you should think about being out by God INTO Christ Jesus the Savior, the way the truth and the life.