-Removed-Ah well I have never ever been anything other than an atheist.
I have never believed in any god of any kind.
And nobody in my near family is a theist.
And very few (if any) of my friends are theists.
I did go to a Church of England primary school but the religion basically consisted of a
prayer at the end of assembly that I thought was a bit silly and pointless.
That's about the sum total of religion in my past life.
Originally posted by googlefudgeI could've sworn that was me you were describing.
Ah well I have never ever been anything other than an atheist.
I have never believed in any god of any kind.
And nobody in my near family is a theist.
And very few (if any) of my friends are theists.
I did go to a Church of England primary school but the religion basically consisted of a
prayer at the end of assembly that I thought was a bit silly and pointless.
That's about the sum total of religion in my past life.
Originally posted by rookie54It runs as this -
exact definitions seem to play an important part in the discussions, disagreements, disasters, derangement and diabolical deviousness that constitutes dialog...
if i consider myself christian, but two others think i be fringe, and four think i'm taoist/buddhist, and three are sure i'm only zenduist...
i state that "unbelievers" are NOT in le ...[text shortened]... odified, or rejected???
inquiring minds and all, thank you for yer consideration,
Are you a Christian? If your answer is yes to this the next question is a follows - Do you think unbelievers are in league with Satan? A yes or no will suffice followed by a smallish elaboration if you so choose.
So far we have Galvo's 'it would seem so' answer , RBHill's 'most unknowingly' answer (which leads to the conclusion that some unbelievers knowingly are in league with Satan, which then leads to the question - surely they wouldn't be unbelievers if they were knowingly in league with a Biblical fallen angel?), and jaywill's claim that the whole world is on league with Satan.
Where do we put you?
Originally posted by googlefudgeIt seems this is a very common pattern that I hear from most atheist and one I can understand how that would happen.
Ah well I have never ever been anything other than an atheist.
I have never believed in any god of any kind.
And nobody in my near family is a theist.
And very few (if any) of my friends are theists.
I did go to a Church of England primary school but the religion basically consisted of a
prayer at the end of assembly that I thought was a bit silly and pointless.
That's about the sum total of religion in my past life.
But the point I'm wanting to make is about satan who the Bible describes as an extremly intellegent being. But just bare with me for a minute on this.
I know you don't believe in him at all or very little.
But the bible also describes him as the "ruler of this world" so stop and think of what that would mean and would include if it is true.
First if God is who the Bible says he is, then ones like yourself would question that scripture and think that if God is truly the ruler of all things, if he really does exist and if he really did create all things, why would he have it written in the bible that satan is the ruler of this world?
A lot of discussion to really answer that but to put it in a shorter version, God is allowing Satan to control the earth at this time and as the ruler of this world of man as a whole and his governments and all secular levels and also including all religions that do not follow God's commands in a truthful way, then he has a hand in what the churches as a whole teach.
Satans one and only desire in his existance is to eventually destroy man and all that God originally created. The bible says that satan knows he will soon be destroyed and like any sick minded criminal he is wanting to take down all around him tha the can. He knows he will soon be put out of existance.
So while he can he is controlling the churches that teach false truths even down to the level of what you experianced with being taught basically nothing about God and who he truely is and that there is a great hope for us all in the future.
So for ones like yourself who has turned your back on religion because of what you were taught and not correctly taught, it is easy to see the emptyness and hypocrisy in most religions and how they paint God and it's usually not in a good way.
Originally posted by Proper Knobdang it...
Where do we put you?
some questions are not az easy az, "iz it black or iz it white" when you know for certain itz red...
here goes...
yes, i am a christian... wanna know about all the books i read that embrace other thoughts and philosophies???
maybe later...
"in league with satan" iz a phrase i am struggling with...
i mean, CRAP, are they onna football team???
or just scratching each others' backs???
again, here goes...
no, not all unbelievers of the doctrine of jesus christ are "in league with satan"...
now, a return question...
knowing now the proper lil pigeonhole in which to cram my sorry butt, does my stock rise or fall???
in yer OWN estimation, of course...
btw, nice to make yer acquaintance...
-Removed-Where did I say I spend a significant amount of my free time with those people?
I spend most of my free time with my fellow heathens or people of other religions and atheists that are reasonable and fair minded.
As far as getting a life, I'm fairly confident that you'd have a difficult time keeping up with the likes of me and all I've done in my life up to this relatively young age of 45. Unless you are a truly unusual person indeed. But go on and keep making assumptions and irrelevant statements if it makes you feel better.
Originally posted by galveston75So according to you, one either has the same understanding of God as you (Christianity) or he/she is in league with/influenced by the worst thing/figure you can think of (Satan). It's an Either-Or situation, right? So, what about a Christian who does not think non-Christians are Satanic? Would such a Christian be in league with/influenced by Satan too, in your view, on account of not having the same understanding of God as you?
The Bible clearly says "you cannot serve two masters". One is either serving God the way that God wants one too or you are not.
Originally posted by FMFI don't understand the preoccupation with Satan. I mean, he is just another independent moral agent apart from God. If such a God is all knowing and benevolent, it would then behoove us to align ourselves with him, whoever you may be.
So according to you, one either has the same understanding of God as you (Christianity) or he/she is in league with/influenced by the worst thing/figure you can think of (Satan). It's an Either-Or situation, right? So, what about a Christian who does not think non-Christians are Satanic? Would such a Christian be in league with/influenced by Satan too, in your view, on account of not having the same understanding of God as you?
Originally posted by whodeyWell, it's Christians who have the preoccupation with "Satan" and they brandish chapter and verse in an odd effort to land blows upon people who don't subscribe to the same folklore. This preoccupation strikes me as more indicative of human patterns of psychology and anthropology - and religionist traditions and mechanisms of social control, down through the ages, attendant thereto - rather than anything authentically 'spiritual'.
I don't understand the preoccupation with Satan. I mean, he is just another independent moral agent apart from God. If such a God is all knowing and benevolent, it would then behoove us to align ourselves with him, whoever you may be.
Originally posted by galveston75Ah, you misunderstand what my position is and why I hold it.
So for ones like yourself who has turned your back on religion because of what you were taught and not correctly taught,
it is easy to see the [emptiness] and hypocrisy in most religions and how they paint God and it's usually not in a good way.
I have not 'turned my back' on religion because of anything I have or have not been taught about it.
I don't believe in the existence of ANY god or gods OR the supernatural because nobody has
shown me ANY evidence that they exist and I consider it to be dishonest and immoral to knowingly
believe things for which you have no evidence or justification.
I don't believe anything on faith [faith here meaning without evidence] I require evidence.
Now if you have sufficient evidence that your particular god exists then by all means share it and if it pans out then
I will [because I do have an open mind and am prepared to believe whatever the evidence indicates to be true]
believe that your god exists.
I will not worship that god because I don't believe in worshipping gods or people.
And I wont look to this god for a source of morality or instruction.
But if presented with sufficient evidence [I admit at the moment I can't conceive of any evidence that you could possibly
produce that would be sufficient to demonstrate the existence of a god (as you describe such a being) however if there
is evidence that would convince me your god would know what it is and be able to produce it] I would believe in your
gods existence.
However lacking such evidence I will not believe in your god or gods nor anyone else's.
The fact that I object to many of the backwards teachings of most religions is irrelevant to me with regards to the question
of whether or not their god or gods actually exist.
I care about truth, which requires that I don't believe anything without evidence.
Do you have any evidence?
Originally posted by Proper KnobNo, I would say some are more than likely. I'd say if you look at scripture
In light of a recent exchange with jaywill, how many Christians on this forum believe that unbelievers are in league with Satan?
you'd see that they are under his influence he is the god of this world. I do
not think that you could say that all unbelievers have a common goals as
Satan, but may unknowly be working for him; however, off and on if
believers are not careful so can they.
1. a covenant or compact made between persons, parties, states, etc., for the promotion or maintenance of common interests or for mutual assistance or service.
2. the aggregation of persons, parties, states, etc., associated in such a covenant or compact; confederacy.
3. an association of individuals having a common goal.
Originally posted by FMFI have to agree, I have found a great number of Christians focused on Satanic activity. Although we should be mindful of it, to be preoccupied with it is unhealthy and skewed. After all, according to our faith God is far more powerful, so why not focus on him?
Well, it's Christians who have the preoccupation with "Satan" and they brandish chapter and verse in an odd effort to land blows upon people who don't subscribe to the same folklore. This preoccupation strikes me as more indicative of human patterns of psychology and anthropology - and religionist traditions and mechanisms of social control, down through the ages, attendant thereto - rather than anything authentically 'spiritual'.
Originally posted by googlefudgeI'm not avoiding your question but if you'll humor me for a bit, can you prove he doesn't exist?
Ah, you misunderstand what my position is and why I hold it.
I have not 'turned my back' on religion because of anything I have or have not been taught about it.
I don't believe in the existence of ANY god or gods OR the supernatural because nobody has
shown me ANY evidence that they exist and I consider it to be dishonest and immoral to knowin ...[text shortened]... ch requires that I don't believe anything without evidence.
Do you have any evidence?