-Removed-Why not go look at the numbers.
Whites have a very wide range of IQ depending on national origin and even what decade it is due to the Flynn effect.
We have now spent almost a week dancing around. Why not just call me a racist, Nazi, homophobe, etc. etc., and throw your tantrum already?
Do you not even throw tantrums?
Is this literally the pinnacle of Dive-posting...
"... Why did you use word X? Isn't that racist?"
"I remember your casual racism."
"... You're not my friend."
"Casual... RACISM. What's your ethnic group?"
"Why did you say white, and not an ethnic group?"
Please, man, take this somewhere. ANYWHERE.
We know you don't respond ot questions.
The least you could do is take the conversation somewhere.
This is worst than an FMF train to "Start Your Own Thread."
It's like... an invitation to keep repeating yourself endlessly, arriving at zero destinatiojns.
Originally posted by @philokaliaWhat is the "physical reality" of IQ and race?
I also will gladly accept whatever the physical reality may be. It's fine.
That an "East Asian" uneducated rural labourer is likely to have a higher IQ than you - because you are a "white", is that a physical reality?
Originally posted by @fmfThat actually wouldn't be the case if they literally were, as per implication, never attending school and learning formal methods of logic or problem solving.
What is the "physical reality" of IQ and race?
That an "East Asian" uneducated rural labourer is likely to have a higher IQ than you - because you are a "white", is that a physical reality?
However, the average Japanese person who has been living in a middle class environment by parents who also grew in a middle class environment is more likely to have a higher IQ than the average German or American white person, and as the "Flynn effect" has fully actualized itself in both soceities, the implication would be that the greater number of neurons that the Asian has reflects a greater natural aptitude and a predominant of genes that correlate with higher intelligence.
That's a tleast what a scientific explanation would sound like.
Would you like to talk about that, FMF?
I am wondering if like... Dive has anything to say about that.
I think this is the big, undisguised statement he has been waiting for. What say you?
FMF: That an "East Asian" uneducated rural labourer is likely to have a higher IQ than you - because you are a "white", is that a physical reality?What would be the case if they were?
Originally posted by @philokalia
That actually wouldn't be the case if they literally were, as per implication, never attending school and learning formal methods of logic or problem solving.
Originally posted by @philokaliaActually, I'd be more interested in you tackling the question in OP - filtered through the definition of "individualism" found there - when you have the time.
Would you like to talk about that, FMF?