10 Mar 22
@rajk999 saidIt is something KellyJay does in a calculated way. Another thing he does is to type a lot of stuff that's deliberately tangential or merely contextual and then claim it contains a specific answer
You answered the wrong question. You deceitfully changed the question to one of whether or not God enters our lives and said YES to that.
@fmf saidYES, we will have the Spirit of God in us; that better be true of you now, or you will have no part in Christ. NO, we will not be objects of worship, both of those things I have already said.
I looked at page 11. You are saying "Yes"... that Christians will be deified and will become godmen?
@kellyjay saidSpirit of God in you. Understood.
YES, we will have the Spirit of God in us; that better be true of you now, or you will have no part in Christ. NO, we will not be objects of worship, both of those things I have already said.
Not an object of worship. Understood.
Will you be deified?
10 Mar 22
@ghost-of-a-duke saidDefine that word, I'm missing something here, my fault.
Spirit of God in you. Understood.
Not an object of worship. Understood.
Will you be deified?
@kellyjay saidThe only thing you are missing is some balls. You are a coward little pussy, unable to stand up to other Christians who preach nonsense. This promotion of the deification of Christians has been ongoing for many months by sonship, and it is now you want to ask the meaning of the word?
Define that word, I'm missing something here, my fault.
@rajk999 saidI take it you are being led by the spirit of your god in the things you say and do, obeying the words of your god as you understand them.
The only thing you are missing is some balls. You are a coward little pussy, unable to stand up to other Christians who preach nonsense. This promotion of the deification of Christians has been ongoing for many months by sonship, and it is now you want to ask the meaning of the word?
@kellyjay saidI take it you are being led by the spirit of your god and that is the reason why you are such a liar and a deceiver.
I take it you are being led by the spirit of your god in the things you say and do, obeying the words of your god as you understand them.
@kellyjay said@ghost-of-a-duke said
Define that word, I'm missing something here, my fault.
Spirit of God in you. Understood.
Not an object of worship. Understood.
Will you be deified?
Define that word, I'm missing something here, my fault.
Bump for ghost
Deified as I have been using it is to be made God in life and in nature and expression but not in the Godhead.
I have a question to Josephw. I would like to ask you also.
Has no part of you at all been made God in any concievable sense as a Christian ?
@kellyjay saidYou seriously don't know the meaning of deification?
@ghost-of-a-duke said
Spirit of God in you. Understood.
Not an object of worship. Understood.
Will you be deified?
Define that word, I'm missing something here, my fault.
Bump for ghost
'The action of making someone or something into a god.'
Will that happen to you? The question is a straightforward one.
@sonship saidYou water down deification in the hope that more naive Christians will drink it, but it comes from sheer human arrogance, not the Bible.
Deified as I have been using it is to be made God in life and in nature and expression but not in the Godhead.
I have a question to Josephw. I would like to ask you also.
Has no part of you at all been made God in any concievable sense as a Christian ?
As Joseph said, 'To be "deified" one would need to be able to fathom all that it means to be God. Not humanly possible.'
@sonship saidI'd have huge issues with saying we are being made into God. We were made gods already and restored to that uncorrupted state through Christ since we were made in God's image. Saying God, I believe, is not scripturally correct. Jesus said as much, and it is also in the OT about us being called gods. There is only one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons, One essence, One Being.
Deified as I have been using it is to be made God in life and in nature and expression but not in the Godhead.
I have a question to Josephw. I would like to ask you also.
Has no part of you at all been made God in any concievable sense as a Christian ?
John 10:34-36
English Standard Version
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken— do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI answered as I understood it, but I guess it wasn't as you did. I believe I now know what was meant and said, and I addressed it as I believe it should be.
You seriously don't know the meaning of deification?
'The action of making someone or something into a god.'
Will that happen to you? The question is a straightforward one.
I'd have huge issues with saying we are being made into God.
I agree one needs to be careful.
However, consider the facts.
Has Jesus Christ become a part of you ?
"Christ our life . . . Christ in you the hope of glory"
Is Jesus Christ God?
Could you say you have been, let's say - "Christ-ified?"
If so has not part of you been made God?
Has part of you been deified?
If not then why not ?