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New Testament


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Originally posted by stellspalfie
does this mean you view the writings of all christians inspired if they were influenced by the bible?
No they are not. If they teach and do things that are contrary to the Bible and that religion teaches a known teaching such as the trinity that is of pagan origin and goes againts the Bible and continues to teach that even with the evidence being against them that it is truly paganistic by all historians on this subject, how could God be inspiring them? They refuse to correct their teachings and get in line completely with the Bible's teachings.

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Originally posted by galveston75
I'm pretty sure I explained this in my last post. It's a passive way of communicating. At God's time he lets us understand. So is that not a way of communication?
If I had the ability as God does to do this and if I decided to let you see something you had never seen or understood before, is that not a way of communicating with you?
And if you knew ...[text shortened]... s that not a communication between me and you?
Does communication always have to be verbal?
Communication does not have to be verbal. We have agreement there.

Earlier in the thread you stated that members of the Governing Body had had direct communication with God via the Holy Spirit. I'm trying to understand how that communication takes place, how has God let these people understand what it is he wants to communicate with them? You stated it was in the form of literature. What is the process by which God transfers his message to them?

In an earlier thread you stated this -

All the bible writters were used by God to write the Bible. So since he has used humans before, why can't he use them now?

Has God used members of the Governing Body to write down his thoughts? This what you seem to be saying in the above quote.

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Originally posted by galveston75
No they are not. If they teach and do things that are contrary to the Bible and that religion teaches a known teaching such as the trinity that is of pagan origin and goes againts the Bible and continues to teach that even with the evidence being against them that it is truly paganistic by all historians on this subject, how could God be inspiring them? They refuse to correct their teachings and get in line completely with the Bible's teachings.
as many people have different interpretations/translations of the bible how do you know which people are inspired and which are not?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Communication does not have to be verbal. We have agreement there.

Earlier in the thread you stated that members of the Governing Body had had direct communication with God via the Holy Spirit. I'm trying to understand how that communication takes place, how has God let these people understand what it is he wants to communicate with them? You stated ...[text shortened]... Governing Body to write down his thoughts? This what you seem to be saying in the above quote.
Thanks again as I can tell you are really reading my post.

To be honest I have no idea how God does this. All I can understand and explain is that as time goes on, he lets them see now clearly what has always been there in writing from the beginning.

I know when I read something in a normal book I may have to read it a few times before I get it. But then I am from the South. Lol

But seriously he allows them to not only understand what they read in a particular verse but then can connect that with other scriptures to get a better understanding perhaps on a few different subjects that they may have been confused on in the past.
Sometimes one may have a good idea of what the scriptures are saying but then finally one day another scripture is clear to see and it falls into line with other scriptures on that subject.

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
as many people have different interpretations/translations of the bible how do you know which people are inspired and which are not?
By what they believe, teach and by their fruits.

The Bible for instance does not teach that bad people will burn forever in a firey place. When the Bible speaks of that it is simply refering to eternal death with no chance of a resurrection, that is why it is also called the second death.

That belief can from ancient Baylon.

So if a religion refuses to see or refuses to change that type of doctrine, God will never work with them. That would be hypocritical of him.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Thanks again as I can tell you are really reading my post.

To be honest I have no idea how God does this. All I can understand and explain is that as time goes on, he lets them see now clearly what has always been there in writing from the beginning.

I know when I read something in a normal book I may have to read it a few times before I get it. ...[text shortened]... another scripture is clear to see and it falls into line with other scriptures on that subject.
I'm trying my best to understand, just as i'm sure you're trying your best to explain.

I get what you're saying about 'understanding' particular passages of scripture, but i'm curious about people writing down Gods thoughts. Take this from an earlier thread -

Just as in the past with the writing of the Bible he chose only a few to write what he wanted, so what is the problem with only a few writing what he wants today? Do you not think God can cause a human to write on paper what he wants other humans to read,.............

How does God get people to 'write on paper what he wants' as you have said above? Is he transferring his thoughts to humans and they write down? How else could it happen?

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Originally posted by galveston75
By what they believe, teach and by their fruits.

The Bible for instance does not teach that bad people will burn forever in a firey place. When the Bible speaks of that it is simply refering to eternal death with no chance of a resurrection, that is why it is also called the second death.

That belief can from ancient Baylon.

So if a religio ...[text shortened]... change that type of doctrine, God will never work with them. That would be hypocritical of him.
so when you say god is slowly releasing information and understanding of the bible, it is to specific religious groups, other wise all christian groups would understand to the same level and all agree on translation. do you agree?

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Gotta run some errands. Be back soon.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
There is not a shred of evidence that the Gmans statement was intended to state
that their writings are to be considered inspired, although their work of producing
spiritual food is, for all they do is reiterate and explain what is written in scripture already, not to originate it.
The 'evidence' is there in what galveston75 clearly wrote, robbie.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes dear Gman, I knew what you meant, it was clear, but i had not read the posts and now that they were reiterated i could see at once what you meant,
Are you claiming that you "had not read the posts" by galveston75 until Proper Knob posted them on the previous page of this thread?

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
so when you say god is slowly releasing information and understanding of the bible, it is to specific religious groups, other wise all christian groups would understand to the same level and all agree on translation. do you agree?
Yeah sounds fair.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
I'm trying my best to understand, just as i'm sure you're trying your best to explain.

I get what you're saying about 'understanding' particular passages of scripture, but i'm curious about people writing down Gods thoughts. Take this from an earlier thread -

[quote]Just as in the past with the writing of the Bible he chose only a few to write wha ...[text shortened]... s he transferring his thoughts to humans and they write down? How else could it happen?
Again he allows on his own time frame to let us learn. So he lets us gain the understandings as time goes on. And with his Holy Spirit he does direct ones to make decisions that are in the direction he is choosing for us to follow and to write down for others to read.
But remember each of us are imperfect and still and will make mistakes. No different then a teacher explaining to a student how to solve a problem but then the student may still not fully understand without more instruction at a later time.

It's somewhat of a mystery on how Jehovah does this as he has never explained this to us other then he accomplishes his will in helping us to constantly learn and progress.

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Originally posted by galveston75
It's somewhat of a mystery on how Jehovah does this as he has never explained this to us other then he accomplishes his will in helping us to constantly learn and progress.
You say it's "somewhat of a mystery" how it's accomplished. What evidence do you have that it happens at all?

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Hummmm. I feel like I'm being followed again. Strange but true.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Again he allows on his own time frame to let us learn. So he lets us gain the understandings as time goes on. And with his Holy Spirit he does direct ones to make decisions that are in the direction he is choosing for us to follow and to write down for others to read.
But remember each of us are imperfect and still and will make mistakes. No different ...[text shortened]... this to us other then he accomplishes his will in helping us to constantly learn and progress.
And with his Holy Spirit he does direct ones to make decisions that are in the direction he is choosing for us to follow and to write down for others to read.

So God is choosing the direction for us to follow and he is passing on these thoughts, via the Holy Spirit, to others who write them down for others to read?

Is that right?

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