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Proof that you love God

Proof that you love God




You need to cease the cowardly practice of getting on people backs if they don't respond immediately as if you have somehow overpowered someone with your argument (when in reality the person is no longer logged into the site). Dive isn't around at the moment. Be patient, not disingenuous.


@ghost-of-a-duke said
Precisely sir.

He admits that his assertions are speculation and is unwilling to provide any biblical basis for them. Instead, he brazenly asks for evidence they are unbiblical.

It's like me speculating Moses was left-handed, and instead of providing biblical support for this, asking instead that people show evidence that he wasn't left-handed.




@sonship said
prove that future punishment of the lost is in no way a deterrent.
Torment in burning flames for eternity isn't a deterrent to non-believers because, in the absence of even one scintilla of evidence that it is real, one is therefore supposed to believe it is being conducted in complete secrecy.

Can the people 'on other worlds' see the burning dead people being tortured and hung out on chains?

No, they can't.

Can I? No. In fact, no one can.

It's just in your imagination sonship.

So, how is it a deterrent then?

And, furthermore, there would be no moral purpose in carrying out the hung-out-burning-on-chains things on non-believers after they die if its attempt at coercion had not worked while those non-believers were alive due to the fact that it was not believable.

So what is the far-fetched threat of "future punishment" for?

It certainly is not a deterrent.

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Aliens on other planets observing eternal suffering is not in the Bible, period.

I’m beginning to wonder if you are entirely mentally stable sonship.

The lost will glorify him in their endless woe ... they will be hung in chains of punishment as a deterrent to those on other worlds

THAT is what you accuse me of writing out of your dishonest imagination.
THIS is what I wrote:
The saved will glorify God with their endless happiness. But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds. That punishment is designed to deter others from like guilt is evidenced so often in the Bible.

While you're contemplating "mental stability" explain your lying about what I actually wrote.

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In the mean time you get an all around F for failure:

Did divester handle this ?

1. Divegeester should show that there is no such thing as "the lost".

Not even with a little help from his friends.

Did Divegeester handle this?

2.) Divegeester should show there is NO "endless woe" for the lost.


Did Divegeester do his job to handle this?

3.) Divegeester must prove that God does not intend that such lost will bring any glory to Himself.

Nope. He didn't even try.

I thought surely he'd tackle this one, a pretty easy one:

4.) Divegeester must prove no such thing as "hung out in chains" pertains to the lost.

Nope. Couldn't deal with that either.
Did Divegeester show this is totally not in the Bible?

5.) Divegeester must prove that future punishment of the lost is in no way a deterrent.

NO! He's depending on you to not like it to count instead of him showing its unbiblical.

Did Divegeester deal with this ??

6.) Divegeester must prove no such thing as "other words" is possible in that coming age.

NO! He lied to twist my words "deter other worlds" to match his imagination "a deterrent to those ON other worlds."

F - Even with a little help from his friends.


Sorry dj2becker.

Time to turn the thread back to the OP.

I agree with the following quote and would like to have your views on the matter:

“If we are to accept the teaching of Jesus at all, then the only test of the reality of a man's religion is his attitude to his fellow men. The only possible proof that a man loves God is the demonstrated fact that he loves his fellow men.” -- William Barclay

An addition it could be said that anyone who claims to love God yet hates his brother is a liar.


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Not my question...

But the criminal's head on a pike scares criminals and, thus, in an abstract sense, serves a purpose as a warning, does it not, Dive?

Thus the logic seems pretty wound: any action which affirms God also glorifies God, and this could be said of a very wide variety of things.

Perhaps everything.


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@philokalia said
But the criminal's head on a pike scares criminals and, thus, in an abstract sense, serves a purpose as a warning
With the torturer god ideology, there is no "head on a pike". There is only some inexplicably demented violence in the imagination of some religionists.

If the eternal torment in flames was occurring, then it would be being carried out in complete and utter secrecy and therefore plays no role as a deterrent to non-believers. That would be nonsense beyond parody - although Dr Strangelove touched upon it.

Torturer god ideologues like sonship aren't issuing a credible "warning" about anything; they are simply describing an incoherent and depraved moral darkness that happens to appeal to their imaginations.

Christians have no "heads on a pikes" to show anyone. Thousands of years; no evidence of it whatsoever.

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