Where do you draw the line on what is literal or not?
Non-literalist Christians agree that the 6-day creation or Global Flood is not literal, and some Christians would even say hell is not literal because God is loving and wouldn't do that.
But by this same logic, couldn't God himself be non-literal? Maybe God is just an allegory of the concept of morality and there is no afterlife or God.
If you believe the Creation, Flood, or a the commandment to stone women for adultery are just allegories, how do you justify that the existence of God himself isn't just an allegory?
@vivify saidChristians dont generally concern themselves with any of those things.
Where do you draw the line on what is literal or not?
Non-literalist Christians agree that the 6-day creation or Global Flood is not literal, and some Christians would even say hell is not literal because God is loving and wouldn't do that.
But by this same logic, couldn't God himself be non-literal? Maybe God is just an allegory of the concept of morality and there ...[text shortened]... ry are just allegories, how do you justify that the existence of God himself isn't just an allegory?
@rajk999 saidTalking snakes, women turning to pillars of salt, 6-day creation....I can see why any Christian would not want to look silly by believing those things.
Christians dont generally concern themselves with any of those things.
Sadly, too many Christians do actually take the Bible literally.
@vivify saidYet how many today believe a person is what they consider themselves, even if genderless. Not to mention all that is going hand and hand in the world. If I remember correctly don’t you follow this line of thought?
Talking snakes, women turning to pillars of salt, 6-day creation....I can see why any Christian would not want to look silly by believing those things.
Sadly, too many Christians do actually take the Bible literally.
@mike69 saidNo, I don't follow this line of thought.
Yet how many today believe a person is what they consider themselves, even if genderless. Not to mention all that is going hand and hand in the world. If I remember correctly don’t you follow this line of thought?
My philosophy is live and let live, so long as your life doesn't harm anyone else. That includes trans people. I also try to be understanding of why people do what they do, even if I don't completely agree.
@vivify saidClearly your philosophy .. live and let live, so long as your life doesn't harm anyone else .. , does not apply to literalist Christians. Anyway apparently no Christian seems to care too much about your post, because you appear to be ridiculing them.
No, I don't follow this line of thought.
My philosophy is live and let live, so long as your life doesn't harm anyone else. That includes trans people. I also try to be understanding of why people do what they do, even if I don't completely agree.
Also what the poster seems to be saying is that you people who removed God from your lives seem to be up to your neck in confusion.... BLM, WOKE, Gender mayhem, sexual immorality and the impending civil war about to start in the US. Maybe you need to focus on your own mess that you created and try to fix that instead of trying to belittle Christians.
@rajk999 saidChristians who take the Bible literally are the ones ruining every one else's lives, like discriminating against gays. It's those types of Christians who are trying to take science out of classrooms and replace it with myths like creationism. It's also those types of Christians who tend to be racist right-wingers like the KKK.
Clearly your philosophy .. live and let live, so long as your life doesn't harm anyone else .. , does not apply to literalist Christians.
Literalist Christians actively harm other people and therefore deserve ridicule.
@vivify saidSeems like there is an easy solution to this. Let there be 2 types of schools. One teaching Christian values and another teaching Woke/BLM/LGBTQ stuff. Should not be too hard to do. That way Christians dont get to teach your kids the nonsense in the bible, and gays dont get to indoctrinate and convert Christian kids.
Christians who take the Bible literally are the ones ruining every one else's lives, like discriminating against gays. It's those types of Christians who are trying to take science out of classrooms and replace it with myths like creationism. It's also those types of Christians who tend to be racist right-wingers like the KKK.
Literalist Christians actively harm other people and therefore deserve ridicule.
Here we have the San Francisco Gay Chior singing about their plan to indoctrinate kids to be like them ...
Christians will be happy to stay in their own corner.... although I suspect that is not what the other group wants.
@vivify saidTell me what you see in the liberal party you are a part of that actually acts they way you’re describing. So if I believe in another way than you I’m a racist right winger if I don’t convert. How many you have you met like what your mind makes up here. Can you not look within at yourself and your party and see who the bigot’s, racist, hypocrite’s really are?
Christians who take the Bible literally are the ones ruining every one else's lives, like discriminating against gays. It's those types of Christians who are trying to take science out of classrooms and replace it with myths like creationism. It's also those types of Christians who tend to be racist right-wingers like the KKK.
Literalist Christians actively harm other people and therefore deserve ridicule.