@vivify saidI think YOU HATE BLACKS. People who identify the issues blacks are facing all over the world are the ones who do not hate. The ones like you that encourage the stupidity to continue are the ones that hate blacks. Candice Owens is a good advocate for speaking up about blacks and their problems, and one of the things that blacks seem to have in common [more than any other race] is father absence. A man impregnates a woman and then moves on to do the same with several other women. He is taking care of none of them, and the woman becomes a single mom and the kids grow up without a father. One of the points I made in the past is just that that father absence issue is rampant here... lots of kids growing up without a proper family and father figure.
Ooh, that hate is starting to creep back out.
Thanks for proving I wasn't making it up.
If you cannot see that, or point it out or attempt to get people to change their ways then it is you are showing that you hate blacks.
Candice Owens and many other blacks in the US and other countries have pointed this out and are trying to get some kind of change. They love their own race and are fixing the problem .. not you.
@vivify saidIs that happening in your country? As far as I can see gays can get married and can adopt children if they qualify. Naturally they will have problems, but they cannot expect society to fix their problems of 2 men bringing up a child. Something is wrong with that.
Am I looking to deny Christians any rights? No. Am I advocating that Christians shouldn't be allowed to get married, adopt children or be denied services? No.
Are Christians doing that to gays? Yes. Therefore, hate.
@rajk999 saidhttps://www.sj-r.com/story/news/2021/05/17/here-candace-owens-tweets-statements-black-lives-matter-covid/5128456001/
Candice Owens is a good advocate for speaking up about blacks and their problems
"White supremacy and white nationalism is not a problem that is harming Black America.”---Candice Owens
No wonder a racist like you supports her.
@rajk999 saidhttps://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256
Is that happening in your country? As far as I can see gays can get married and can adopt children if they qualify.
Republican (and Catholic) Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas made an open invitation to bring a legal challenge to and overturn gay marriage. This was only last year.
@vivify saidI agree. It is not. Black America is suffering because of their own stupidity.
"White supremacy and white nationalism is not a problem that is harming Black America.”---Candice Owens
No wonder a racist like you supports her.
Is white supremacy and white nationalism causing a black man to impregnate 3 women? Are they also causing him to take care of none of them? Are the kids turning to drugs and crime because of white nationalism ?
You are damn fool, and your type is the reason why your problems dont get solved and you jsut go around begging for reparations
@vivify saidI got that from your own black people both in your country and in my back yard. They destroy their own family life by having several families none of which they can afford. Kids grow up fatherless, leave school early and the cycle repeats itself. None of that is caused by white supremacy. You are a stupid man looking for excuses.
Need any more proof, Dive?
The funny thing is that down here blacks are clamoring for reparations... from their very own black government ... lol.
@vivify saidGreat attempt, but really, what else did you expect?
Need any more proof, Dive?
Did you expect a forum full of Suziannes?
People aren't too willing to let go of their baked-in prejudices, especially in an echo chamber such as this. Retribution is never far from the traditional Christian mind, especially the evangelical type.