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Question for non-literalist Christians

Question for non-literalist Christians


@suzianne said
Did you expect a forum full of Suziannes?
I don't expect it, no. Unlike you, most other Christians here don't come over all furtive and prickly when asked whether abortion is "sinful" or whether the Bible condemns homosexual acts.

It's YOUR echo chamber!

@fmf said
I don't expect it, no. Unlike you, most other Christians here don't come over all furtive and prickly when asked whether abortion is "sinful" or whether the Bible condemns homosexual acts.
I'm not talking to you, Homer.

@suzianne said
I'm not talking to you, Homer.
Hey, you self-identify as a Christian. Is abortion "sinful" and does the Bible condemn homosexual acts?

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You hold court here, as surely as Herod ruled Jerusalem.

I'm not talking to him, and so I'm not required to engage someone who refuses to engage in good faith.

He uses words the way a cobbler used an awl to make shoes. He speaks with the voice of the serpent. He'll get no satisfaction from me.

@fmf said
Hey, you self-identify as a Christian. Is abortion "sinful" and does the Bible condemn homosexual acts?
Stop using the condemning words of the political far-right to pigeon-hole me.

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Thus, this IS your echo chamber.

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You seem to not understand that word, as I speak the truth in regards to this, your echo chamber.

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I think I got it figured out. The word 'hate' is now being redefined by several countries and laws are being passed where any comment that makes someone feel uncomfortable or offended, however truthful that comment, then that is hate speech and in some countries it is outlawed.

This includes quoting from the bible that homosexuality is a sin. That is considered hate speech. Saying that white supremacy is not the cause of fatherless black children is also hate speech. Its true but it is offensive.

A new definition of hate. Next up removal of the bible and all books containing hate.

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