@sonship saidOkay, I forgive you.
Why is it every time you post about Robert Govett I have to correct you on the spelling of his name?
Fair question.
It may be because the book cover is torn from age at two places. One at the top so that only the words Robert Gov show. And it is also torn at the bottom.
I take responsibility for the mistake though. Opening up to the inside page it does have by R. Govett in the center of the untorn page.
16 Sep 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidAgain it is now just eternal punishment is bad and you don’t see justification for it, it has nothing to do with Love?
Kelly, even if love 'couldn't' overlook a crime, nothing could justify such a disproportionate punishment. A father, who loves his child, may rightly punish that child for wrong doing, but only then so that the child would learn from the experience and change their behaviour. What a loving father would not do is punish that child with eternal torment. What we have then is unabashed cruelty.
@kellyjay saidI have clearly stated that the concepts of love and eternal punishment are not compatible.
Again it is now just eternal punishment is bad and you don’t see justification for it, it has nothing to do with Love?
@whodey said'So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.'
I have to say, the more I observe the evil in this world, and the unrepentant nature of those who carry it out who defy all reason and logic, the more I see the need for hell.
Hell is "game over".
And may it end soon.
Ecclesiastes 8:15
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou mean like Hitler?
'So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.'
Ecclesiastes 8:15
You honestly expect me to believe that that man deserves anything less than hell?
Do tell.
And no, he won't get the same chance to harm others in the next life as it should be.
@whodey saidGodwin's law alert.
You mean like Hitler?
You honestly expect me to believe that that man deserves anything less than hell?
Do tell.
And no, he won't get the same chance to harm others in the next life as it should be.
16 Sep 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWhy
I have clearly stated that the concepts of love and eternal punishment are not compatible.
16 Sep 19
@fmf saidThese aren't actually questions. They're statements conveying that you think my view is incredulous.
We can both agree that Boeing 747s with 200 passengers in them exist. But the rest of what you have typed seems like waffle. We are not in a Boeing 747s with 200 passengers in it, and the analogy is a dud. Does it work on your fellow Christians? Do you think that your assertion that by lacking belief in your God figure I am choosing to torture myself in burning flames for eternity is an "appeal to reason"?
You k ow what the Gospel is.
You reject the Gospel.
By rejecting the Gospel, you reject God, do you not?
Why should God not allow you to have what you have chosen for yourself? Is it such a case where you have no agency over your actions?
Do you have diminished mental capacity or were you born a pagan who never heard the gospel in the swamps of Papua New Guinea?
@philokalia saidI don't reject the idea of a creator being. I find the God figure you describe non-credible and the ideology attached to it morally non-sensical. I don't think you offer any information about a creator being, if there is one.
By rejecting the Gospel, you reject God, do you not?
Why should God not allow you to have what you have chosen for yourself? Is it such a case where you have no agency over your actions?
Do you have diminished mental capacity or were you born a pagan who never heard the gospel in the swamps of Papua New Guinea?
What you do seem to be offering instead is a noxious blend of narcissism and misanthropy, which pretty much maxes out when you make the ludicrous assertion that, if I don't also believe in the folkloric speculation about supernatural things that you deem good enough for you ~ therefore good enough for everyone else [narcissism] ~ then I am "choosing" to torture myself in flames for eternity, a fate everyone apparently deserves [misanthropy] unless they embrace your religion.
I am not rejecting "God". I just find your parochial ideology daft, that's all. You have cottoned on to some ghastly centuries-old human powerplay mumbo jumbo that you are unable to make moral sense of and you want dissenters to believe that you are tapping into some divine consciousness.
When asked 'why does your God figure torture people who lack belief?' your "appeal to reason" is 'He doesn't, people who lack belief choose to torture themselves'. It is beyond parody. Delivered with comic timing: it is a laugh line.
Seeing as how your squirming your lightweight unprincipled OP avoiding way through this thread I presume you won't be questioning my integrity again in a hurry.
Still sore that you said something like "on other worlds" when I didn't?
Still sore that you pushed space aliens and got caught exaggerating my use of the phrase "other worlds"?
Anyone interested, go back and find thread "The Space Alien Thing" where I called out the lie of Divegeester's repeated pushing of my so-called wacky space alien references.