25 Oct 21
30 Oct 21
@bigdogg saidYes, I think it did, and KJ did not deny my implication. When a Christian says gospel it is normally assumed to be the Gospel of Christ. If someone was speaking specifically of another one they would usually specify which one.
You were the first person to use the term "Gospel of Christ" in this thread.
Do you think OP implied it, then?
30 Oct 21
@kellyjay saidAll Christians are guilty of claiming to know and believe the truth. Personally I would reserve the label 'evil' for those who preach a doctrine which encourage others to avoid good works and righteousness. In some ways there are atheists who are closer to living the life which Jesus commanded people to live, and it is because of this the church is is the collection of all of Christ brothers ie those who keep the commandments. This is not necessarily a church or a Christian sect.
There are many people who claim to know the truth and call everyone else evil or deceived casting insult towards those who they claim are Christian in name only. The Mormon church started this way, something only they know, something only they do sets them apart.
While the Head of our church is Jesus Christ, it is He is who binds us as one. We look to Him as the author o ...[text shortened]... d man. I can not add to my salvation by earning it, I can only obey Him as He is my Lord and Savior.
@rajk999 saidWho has told anyone to avoid good works? We are to love God and each other, we by the nature of love would always look to improve and care for one another. The only caveat I would throw in would be we are redeemed by God to do good works because of God’s grace for us. It is God’s Kingdom we are to show the grace we were given, forgive as we are forgiven. Love each other because of the love He gives us, not because of the worthiness of others but because He loves them and us. He is the foundation of all good things.
All Christians are guilty of claiming to know and believe the truth. Personally I would reserve the label 'evil' for those who preach a doctrine which encourage others to avoid good works and righteousness. In some ways there are atheists who are closer to living the life which Jesus commanded people to live, and it is because of this the church is is the collection of a ...[text shortened]... t brothers ie those who keep the commandments. This is not necessarily a church or a Christian sect.
@kellyjay saidI was thinking about exactly this the other day and I would say not only does the LDS church get this wrong, but so do the JWs.
There are many people who claim to know the truth and call everyone else evil or deceived casting insult towards those who they claim are Christian in name only. The Mormon church started this way, something only they know, something only they do sets them apart.
While the Head of our church is Jesus Christ, it is He is who binds us as one. We look to Him as the author o ...[text shortened]... d man. I can not add to my salvation by earning it, I can only obey Him as He is my Lord and Savior.
30 Oct 21
@suzianne saidAll cults have this issue with the particular truth that sets them apart in things they know or do, while in Christ, it is Who, not what. He is the Way, Truth, and Life, not some unique exercise in this, that, or the other thing. It is a dangerous thing for everyone, thinking we are more than we are, that we are better than the next guy, we are all sinners, we are all saved by God's grace and mercy, we have to give Jesus Christ credit; for that! If we think we have to add to what Jesus did, we are not putting our faith in Him but in what we do.
I was thinking about exactly this the other day and I would say not only does the LDS church get this wrong, but so do the JWs.
@kellyjay saidRegardless, there are dozens of religions, thousands and sects, hundreds of thousands of splinter groups, and all people of all nations and religions, will one day face this :
All cults have this issue with the particular truth that sets them apart in things they know or do, while in Christ, it is Who, not what. He is the Way, Truth, and Life, not some unique exercise in this, that, or the other thing. It is a dangerous thing for everyone, thinking we are more than we are, that we are better than the next guy, we are all sinners, we are all saved ...[text shortened]... If we think we have to add to what Jesus did, we are not putting our faith in Him but in what we do.
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. (Matthew 25:34-36 KJV)
These are the sheep who have done good works and lived righteously and they will inherit the Kingdom of God. All others are goats who have done no good works and are cast out.
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. (Matthew 25:41-43 KJV)
The Gospel of Jesus Christ, taught people to do good works and live righteously and avoid being like the goats who are condemned. The gospel you preach does not do that.
@rajk999 saidWrite it, so I know what you mean, put what you believe the Gospel is side by side with that I have been saying so everyone can see the difference, so far to date, all we got is you saying it is this chapter without specifics as to what verses and how they are a different message than I have been saying.
In Luke 7, Jesus preached the Gospel and he sent out the disciples to preach the Gospel. The Gospel that Jesus preached prior to this point bears no resemblance to the gospel in your opening post.
@rajk999 saidI agree no matter the denomination, there will be faithful people to their church, their causes, that have not walked with Christ, but did so in name only, so at the end of the day, no matter what Jesus will say them He never knew them. People who trust in their works, who think they are good enough, who did religious things, who were sure they were better people than others miss the one thing that Jesus said, which is one of the most crucial things He ever said, I am the Way, Truth, and Life no one comes to the Father but through Him. Those who deny Him will be denied by Him before the Father; Jesus never lied; what He said is always true.
Regardless, there are dozens of religions, thousands and sects, hundreds of thousands of splinter groups, and all people of all nations and religions, will one day face this :
[i]Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: ...[text shortened]... usly and avoid being like the goats who are condemned. The gospel you preach does not do that. [/b]
Those that know the Lord will repay them for the good they did, the love and care they showed everyone.
@kellyjay saidI have no intention of writing out anything that is crystal clear in the passages which I quoted. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message that Jesus preached to people. They are commandments which one MUST KEEP in order to get eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said it is not given to some people to know the secrets of the Kingdom of God. Seems like you are one of them.
Write it, so I know what you mean, put what you believe the Gospel is side by side with that I have been saying so everyone can see the difference, so far to date, all we got is you saying it is this chapter without specifics as to what verses and how they are a different message than I have been saying.
30 Oct 21
@kellyjay saidYou have missed the Gospel of Christ by a mile. If you can figure out the Gospel that Jesus preached before he sent out his disciples, then you are in the ballpark.
I agree no matter the denomination, there will be faithful people to their church, their causes, that have not walked with Christ, but did so in name only, so at the end of the day, no matter what Jesus will say them He never knew them. People who trust in their works, who think they are good enough, who did religious things, who were sure they were better people than other ...[text shortened]... se that know the Lord will repay them for the good they did, the love and care they showed everyone.
@rajk999 saidI'm sorry if the gospel is the essential thing to do with humanity's relationship with God, and YOU KNOW all about it, you want to hold that back from all of us and only tell us we are wrong in our understanding? Are you good with allowing this to occur? Is that loving, is that carrying for your fellowmen? How could anyone how knows what God wants, what God shared with the world, hold it back and not explain it? Do you love others as God loves them? Are you obeying God by doing such a thing? You don't think Jesus wants us to share the gospel, His gospel, even in the face as you see it, errors, miss understanding? Jesus tells us to preach the Gospel, why are you refusing to?
I have no intention of writing out anything that is crystal clear in the passages which I quoted. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message that Jesus preached to people. They are commandments which one MUST KEEP in order to get eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said it is not given to some people to know the secrets of the Kingdom of God. Seems like you are one of them.
From Mark
Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned..."
30 Oct 21
@rajk999 saidActually, those that walked away were those that didn't understand Jesus. If you are walking away, I think you reflect those who couldn't grasp what he said. You also seemly don't care about anyone who may be saved by having the gospel explained to them. Show me one place in all scripture where God turned away anyone asking for help who is asking to know sincerely what God wants.
Yes, I am., Jesus said after explaining to people the Gospel, who clearly do not want to understand then walk away .... Im walking away.
Those that mocked the Lord asked Him to share, but I'm not mocking either the Lord or you, those that crucified the Lord asked, but they were mocking; they didn't care to know because they assumed they already understood. Clear it up for me, if I'm wrong; you have something we need, share it. I have not said you are lying, as you have me, I have not criticized your church if you belong to one or personally as you have me. So if you are unwilling to make plain what is being asked of you, why do you bother to even enter into the conversation since you don't care if people find Christ or not.
30 Oct 21
@kellyjay saidSo if I walk away from your stupid argument and from your wrong gospel, and from your pretence that you are not understanding what Jesus preached, that is the same as walking away from Christ? Ok then, Im still walking away ... lol š
Actually, those that walked away were those that didn't understand Jesus. If you are walking away, I think you reflect those who couldn't grasp what he said. You also seemly don't care about anyone who may be saved by having the gospel explained to them. Show me one place in all scripture where God turned away anyone asking for help who is asking to know sincerely what God w ...[text shortened]... do you bother to even enter into the conversation since you don't care if people find Christ or not.
@rajk999 saidYou are walking away because you want to, don't pretend there is any other reason. I'm asking you for the truth; tell me where it is. I'm wrong. I didn't say walking away from me is like walking away from Christ; what I did say is to be like Christ, you'd respond to someone asking for help. Even in the Old Testaments, some of the evilest of the Kings, when they humbled themselves before God asking for help, He helped. You laugh and walk away as if that is somehow the right spiritual thing to do.
So if I walk away from your stupid argument and from your wrong gospel, and from your pretence that you are not understanding what Jesus preached, that is the same as walking away from Christ? Ok then, Im still walking away ... lol š