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The JW's should be the YW's

The JW's should be the YW's


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Originally posted by menace71
God can be addressed in many ways. However the ridiculous claim that the JW's have the only true and correct name for God is well to be redundant ridiculous.

"I Am"
"Mighty Counselor"
"King of Kings"

God is to manifold in Glory to be held down my one name anyway.
We can say without a doubt that the JW's do not have the correct pronuncia ...[text shortened]... tatements that JW's are the only ones who use and have God's correct name.

what is it about we don't know the correct pronunciation that is yet evading you? we did not invent the name Jehovah, as has been pointed out, it was in use for centuries. You cannot state that it is not the correct pronunciation and these feeble attempts are not in fact names, but descriptions and titles. God has only one name, made up from the consonants YHWH, or JHVH depending on what alphabet you are using. What is more, we have adequate reason to believe that indeed, as preserved in biblical names, it was, similar to Jehovah, as in its abbreviated form , JAH, as in EliJAH, AdoniJAH. You people are the ones who have systematically removed it from your bibles and replaced it with nondescript terms like Lord, and you are pontificating to us about its proper use? it is to laugh!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what is it about we don't know the correct pronunciation that is yet evading you? we did not invent the name Jehovah, as has been pointed out, it was in use for centuries. You cannot state that it is not the correct pronunciation and these feeble attempts are not in fact names, but descriptions and titles. God has only one name, made up from the con ...[text shortened]... escript terms like Lord, and you are pontificating to us about its proper use? it is to laugh!
But Robbie..You don't understand their side of this. If they did make the commitment of using the name Jehovah in their worship, it would start to cloud up their Trinity thing. The reason is it starts to put a little to much emphasis on the possiblity of God actually being "One God as the bible cleary says" with his own name instead of the 3 in 1 thing they've been tricked into believeing.
As it is they can't explain why the Holy Ghost has no name, which I'm supprised that he doesn't get jealous or something about lacking his own name since they believe that it is a God too..
So we have to be patient with them and see if at least one of the multitude of scriptures we've shown them that show the trinity to be not only untrue but even paganistic. Maybe something will light up in there heads and they'll see the sillyness of the trinity.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what is it about we don't know the correct pronunciation that is yet evading you? we did not invent the name Jehovah, as has been pointed out, it was in use for centuries. You cannot state that it is not the correct pronunciation and these feeble attempts are not in fact names, but descriptions and titles. God has only one name, made up from the con ...[text shortened]... escript terms like Lord, and you are pontificating to us about its proper use? it is to laugh!
He said to Moses I am that I am after Moses asked what is your name. Point is you guys claim to have the only name of God not me. The joke is on the JW's for saying they have the correct name of God. My point is NO you really don't!! It's just another lie of the JW's I'm saying His name is all of those descriptions and more. His name is really beyond feeble anglicized versions of the Jewish letters in which you really have no idea how they are correctly pronounced.


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Originally posted by menace71
He said to Moses I am that I am after Moses asked what is your name. Point is you guys claim to have the only name of God not me. The joke is on the JW's for saying they have the correct name of God. My point is NO you really don't!! It's just another lie of the JW's I'm saying His name is all of those descriptions and more. His name is really beyond feeb ...[text shortened]... h letters in which you really have no idea how they are correctly pronounced.

manfred manfred, take a seat, would you like a drink, coffee? orange juice? we don't claim to know that actual pronunciation of the name of God (repeated now for the hundredth time), no one does, we might be correct, evidence points that way as has been highlighted through other Biblical names, eliJAH, AdoniJAH but you , with all due respect, cannot say we are wrong, cause you don't know either. To term it a lie is once again a completely straw man argument, for you are , sigh, assigning values to us that we do not profess. Shall i repeat it again just for safety sake? No one knows the correct pronunciation of the name of God, not me, not you, not anyone. We however are not prepared to remove it from the Biblical text unlike you noobs and replace it with nondescript and quite frankly dishonest terms like Lord. YHWH or JHVH is a name, not a description, not a title, but a name written without vowels.

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Originally posted by galveston75
But Robbie..You don't understand their side of this. If they did make the commitment of using the name Jehovah in their worship, it would start to cloud up their Trinity thing. The reason is it starts to put a little to much emphasis on the possiblity of God actually being "One God as the bible cleary says" with his own name instead of the 3 in 1 thing t ...[text shortened]... be something will light up in there heads and they'll see the sillyness of the trinity.
slap me on the head Galvo my friend, i think ill change my name to man, sign all my details as man, it shall be on my credit cards, passports, birth certificate, man. let them try to find me! let them distinguish me from other men! even the false gods of the scriptures had names, Satan, Bal etc, but no, not the God of the Bible according to them, he is just God as i shall just become, man!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
manfred manfred, take a seat, would you like a drink, coffee? orange juice? we don't claim to know that actual pronunciation of the name of God (repeated now for the hundredth time), no one does, we might be correct, evidence points that way as has been highlighted through other Biblical names, eliJAH, AdoniJAH but you , with all due respect, cannot ...[text shortened]... d. YHWH or JHVH is a name, not a description, not a title, but a name written without vowels.
except we know for certain that it is not Jehovah because the "J" sound does not exist in ancient Hebrew, the "J" sound is a fairly recent (not centuries) mutation.

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Originally posted by duecer
except we know for certain that it is [b]not Jehovah because the "J" sound does not exist in ancient Hebrew, the "J" sound is a fairly recent (not centuries) mutation.[/b]
well DUH! Jehovah is not ancient Hebrew. Strange how you don't object to its use in Jesus case, double standards ?, who can tell.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
well DUH! Jehovah is not ancient Hebrew. Strange how you don't object to its use in Jesus case, double standards ?, who can tell.
aah yes but you said earlier that we couldn't know for certain that it wasn't Jehovah, so in effect you lied, and I caught you in it.

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Originally posted by duecer
aah yes but you said earlier that we couldn't know for certain that it wasn't Jehovah, so in effect you lied, and I caught you in it.
nope for you are still failing to comprehend that Jehovah is not Hebrew, it is English. If the ancient Hebrews pronounced it Yehovah, so what, we accept that as well, we are in fact prepared to accept a whole host of pronunciations which i have already listed for you, here they are again

Awabakal - Yehóa
Bugotu - Jihova
Cantonese - Yehwowah
Danish - Jehova
Dutch - Jehovah
Efik - Jehovah
English - Jehovah
Fijian - Jiova
Finnish - Jehova
French - Jéhovah
Futuna - Ihova
German - Jehova
Hungarian - Jehova
Igbo - Jehova
Italian - Geova
Japanese - Ehoba
Maori - Ihowa
Motu - Iehova
Mwala-Malu - Jihova
Narrinyeri - Jehovah
Nembe - Jihova
Petats - Jihouva
Polish - Jehowa
Portuguese - Jeová
Romanian - Iehova
Samoan - Ieova
Sotho - Jehova
Spanish - Jehová
Swahili - Yehova
Swedish - Jehova
Tahitian - Iehova
Tagalog - Jehova
Tongan - Jihova
Venda - Yehova
Xhosa - uYehova
Yoruba - Jehofah
Zulu - uJehova

we accept them all, what we do not accept its the systematic removal of that name from the ancient text and its substitution with terms like lord and God, a practice of which Christendoms translators are guilty! and yet here you are , pontificating to us about the use of Gods personal name, seriously ludicrous.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie

Awabakal - Yehóa
Bugotu - Jihova
Cantonese - Yehwowah
Danish - Jehova
Dutch - Jehovah
Efik - Jehovah
English - Jehovah
Fijian - Jiova
Finnish - Jehova
French - Jéhovah
Futuna - Ihova
German - Jehova
Hungarian - Jehova
Igbo - Jehova
Italian - Geova
Japanese - Ehoba
Maori - Ihowa
Motu - Iehova
Mwala-Malu - Jihova
Narrinyeri - Jeh ...[text shortened]... yet here you are , pontificating to us about the use of Gods personal name, seriously ludicrous.
[b]what we do not accept its the systematic removal of that name from the ancient text and its substitution with terms like lord and God, a practice of which Christendoms translators are guilty!

great let's remove the terms Lord etc...and reinsert the original tetragrammaton, its certainly more honest than arbitrarily inserting Jehovah.

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Originally posted by duecer
great let's remove the terms Lord etc...and reinsert the original tetragrammaton, its certainly more honest than arbitrarily inserting Jehovah.
honest????, yes lets remove the authors name and replace it with nondescript terms, its only in there about seven thousand times! there is nothing arbitrary about its restoration after you butchers had your hands on it, for in every instance we have consulted all available manuscripts and texts, there is a list as long as your nose Pinocchio at the beginning of the new world translation of the holy scriptures (peace be upon it)

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
honest????, yes lets remove the authors name and replace it with nondescript terms, its only in there about seven thousand times! there is nothing arbitrary about its restoration after you butchers had your hands on it, for in every instance we have consulted all available manuscripts and texts, there is a list as long as your nose Pinocchio at the beginning of the new world translation of the holy scriptures (peace be upon it)
it is arbitrary, its as arbitrary as inserting LORD instead of YHWH. To say otherwise is foolish

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Originally posted by duecer
it is arbitrary, its as arbitrary as inserting LORD instead of YHWH. To say otherwise is foolish
bong! bong! for ancient text do not contain the term Lord, they contain the tetragrammaton, Gods abbreviated name! not a title, not a description but a name in abbreviated form. What is more, if it is customary, in English to use the name Jesus, then we are perfectly entitled to use the name that has become customary in English, Jehovah.

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Originally posted by duecer
it is arbitrary, its as arbitrary as inserting LORD instead of YHWH. To say otherwise is foolish
So IF you actually knew God's name, would you use it?

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Originally posted by galveston75
So IF you actually knew God's name, would you use it?
I would, but since we don't know, I'll stick with Lord, as tradition entitles me to.

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