The thing about LOVE

The thing about LOVE


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06 May 15
29 May 19

@kellyjay said
So God is cool with sin in your Bible?
Speaking of sin, I think we on Earth have our own tiny-minded ideas about sin which involve a lot of legalism and controlling other people, whereas God's version of what we call sin might be something like, "If only they would see the world and each other as I do, they would treat each other better, but they don't."

Cousin Grackleworthy Addams

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
29 May 19
1 edit

@caesar-salad said
Leaving aside the issue of compulsory love or love under duress, doesn't this definition of love imply that God is also hoping for our forgiveness, and that God has needs to be met instead of being Self-sufficient?

Maybe we are the ones who have the cruel, idealistic, and unmeetable expectations of perfection from the One who Said Behold, Whose Fluorescent Word laid out the vast and varied Cosmos in which we little unappreciative sprouts occur.
It isn't love if its under duress, it cannot be forced upon anyone it is either genuine or not. I have a wife and kids that I love, I was there when my kids were born I saw them the moment they were born, there was nothing forced for my love for them, they could do nothing to earn it either.

With God we are not adding to Him, fulfilling some need He has, because He has no needs. He created us to be in His image, that is a big deal, the heavens reflect His glory we were made in His image. God loved us when we fell into sin, while we were dead in our sins. He loved us and came to save us, not because of any other reason than He love for us!

The foundations of our life in God are He created us, He loves us, and He redeemed us! All of this not because we could earn it, not because we were all of that, but because He loves us. Which is a good thing, because His love is a more solid foundation than our worthiness.

Romans 5:6
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.

06 May 15
29 May 19
4 edits

@kellyjay said
It isn't love if its under duress, it cannot be forced upon anyone it is either genuine or not.
Time out. In your OP, which I quoted, you wrote: "God commands us to love Him, and each other".

Maybe we understand "commands" differently?

Also (as stated previously), I did intend to leave that large issue aside, and I still think that God might at least hope for (if not need) at least our appreciation for where we came from, instead of us taking Everything for granted and complaining about the things we don't like.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
1 edit

@caesar-salad said
What is your reading of Matthew 5:48 ("Therefore be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect." ), which directly follows or concludes the Sermon on the Mount?

Just a recommendation? And what is the general consensus on what is meant by "perfect" in that sentence?

(I have briefly skimmed some commentaries that suggest the original word might have more to do with completion, maturity, or full development than moral perfection.)
KJ said this : .. its perfection is what God desires for us to enter into the Kingdom of God.

My question is where is this in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Matt 5:48 says no such thing



04 Apr 04
29 May 19

@kellyjay said
So God is cool with sin in your Bible?
Jesus is the judge and Im pretty sure he never said ...its perfection is what God desires for us to enter into the Kingdom of God.. That unfortunately for you is all your church doctrine. Because so far you have come up with nothing

06 May 15
29 May 19

@rajk999 said
KJ said this : .. its perfection is what God desires for us to enter into the Kingdom of God.

My question is where is this in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Matt 5:48 says no such thing
So, may I ask again for your reading of Matthew 5:48 (in context, of course)?

Is that more about living from the Kingdom of God within and enacting it in the material world around oneself?



04 Apr 04
29 May 19

@caesar-salad said
So, may I ask again for your reading of Matthew 5:48 (in context, of course)?

Is that more about living from the Kingdom of God within and enacting it in the material world around oneself?
Wait. Your point about Matt 5:28, what is it? Is it that you think that Jesus requires perfection?

06 May 15
29 May 19
4 edits

@rajk999 said
Wait. Your point about Matt 5:28, what is it? Is it that you think that Jesus requires perfection?
I have already seen that you like to ask questions but are somewhat shy about answering them. 😉

Was that digression to Matt 5:28 meant as some kind of troller's hint?

If not, what are your or your church's views on the matter of perfection and/or the Kingdom of Heaven (in conjunction or separately)?



04 Apr 04
29 May 19

@caesar-salad said
I have already seen that you like to ask questions but are somewhat shy about answering them. 😉

Was that digression to Matt 5:28 meant as some kind of troller's hint?

If not, what are your or your church's views on the matter of perfection and/or the Kingdom of Heaven (in conjunction or separately)?
I meant Matt 5:48 and it was you that brought up that passage.

I dont belong to any church.

06 May 15
29 May 19

@rajk999 said
I meant Matt 5:48 and it was you that brought up that passage.

I dont belong to any church.
Thank you. Your reply speaks for itself.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19

@caesar-salad said
Thank you. Your reply speaks for itself.
Your replies dont speak at all. You sound like you have nothing of substance to say.

You butted in with Matt 5:48 without saying how it fits into the discussion about whether or not perfection is a requirement for entry into the Kingdom of God.

How about trying to answer that?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
29 May 19
1 edit

@caesar-salad said
Time out. In your OP, which I quoted, you wrote: "God commands us to love Him, and each other".

Maybe we understand "commands" differently?

Also (as stated previously), I did intend to leave that large issue aside, and I still think that God might at least hope for (if not need) at least our appreciation for where we came from, instead of us taking Everything for granted and complaining about the things we don't like.
Nope, you got a great point!
The two great commandments are to love God and each other.

It still has be free which is why I believe we don't see God here threatening us with each waking moment. We also have the ability to choose to do it or not with each other if we want to or not, and if we choose to do either it is a choice. That is one of the things about choice and love, you have to have a choice, and in order for love real there has to be a real choice. If there isn't an option, there are not choices.

I cannot put a gun to you head and say love me or else. God gave us this universe and the life we have it in to have our being, to know and understand, what we choose to do with it is on us.

06 May 15
29 May 19

@rajk999 said

I dont belong to any church.
So, assuming you are not an anchorite with internet, do you ever meet with other Christians, even just one or two of them (cf. Matt 18:20)?



04 Apr 04
29 May 19

@caesar-salad said
So, assuming you are not an anchorite with internet, do you ever meet with other Christians, even just one or two of them (cf. Matt 18:20)?
More questions? How about justifying your inclusion of Matt 5:48 into the discussion.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
30 May 19

@rajk999 said
Jesus is the judge and Im pretty sure he never said ...its perfection is what God desires for us to enter into the Kingdom of God.. That unfortunately for you is all your church doctrine. Because so far you have come up with nothing
You think after what Jesus did to save us from sin, sin is now acceptable in His Kingdom?