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The Universal  Bright Woman

The Universal Bright Woman


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Originally posted by RJHinds
I accept the units of time given in the Holy Bible. It is sonship that has been deceived by the cult leader Witness Lee.
Oh dear.

Is that…is that bad…?

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Originally posted by Soothfast
Oh dear.

Is that…is that bad…?
The Witness Lee cult is not as bad as many others.

A Christian cult is “a group that deviates from the doctrines and practices of historic Christianity and has an inordinate loyalty to one leader, whose beliefs are not found in Scripture.

Seven Characteristics of a Cult

1. Oppose critical thinking versus demanding that people think for themselves: Cult members must accept what the cult leader believes without ever challenging their doctrines. They do not want their members to think critically for themselves.

2. Dishonoring the family unit versus insisting on the biblical priority of the family unit: Children are taught to be more loyal to the leaders than to their parents. Women are taught to be more loyal to the leaders than to their husbands, and husbands are taught to accept this as normal behavior.

3. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving versus helping them to do God’s will: Cults isolate their people from their families, the church and society. They reject any who leave and warn them, saying that they will be judged by God or will lose God’s best if they leave. People are taught to make lifelong commitments to the group. Some groups teach that their members must get permission before joining another ministry.

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders versus loyalty and connecting people to Jesus: Cults seek to connect their members to the cult leader and require loyalty to him instead of to Jesus. Loyalty is defined as not questioning the leader. It is very dangerous, when the leader cannot be questioned.

5. Crossing biblical boundaries of behavior versus walking in purity and financial integrity: Cults cross biblical boundaries of behavior especially in immorality and finances. False teachers can be detected by their covetousness and immorality (2 Peter 2:3-18).

6. Separation from the church versus a culture of honor towards the church: Cults separate from the wider church and operate with an elite spirit, believing that they alone have a special status with God. They have a polarized mentality of “us versus them.” They criticize the larger body of Christ and often claim to be the only ones truly saved. They view all other ministry and denominations as being in error.

7. Emphasizing special revelations that contradict Scripture versus loyalty to Scripture: Cults emphasize the special revelations of their leader that contradict the Scripture.


A Cult does not necessarily have to demonstrate all of these charateristics.

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Geez , RJHinds is really pumped about JC coming to rule us with his "rod of iron".
Anyone else (Christians) go along with RJHInds' basic assertion? ( ie. JC coming (back) to rule "the nations" with his stiff rod?)

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Shut up Rhinds!
1-7 wrong!!!!!!! We are not characterized by those points you've mentioned!
Berean mind please!

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Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
Shut up Rhinds!
1-7 wrong!!!!!!! We are not characterized by those points you've mentioned!
Berean mind please!
What is your take on the issue then?

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Originally posted by Kevin Lee Poracan
Shut up Rhinds!
1-7 wrong!!!!!!! We are not characterized by those points you've mentioned!
Berean mind please!
Notice that RJHinds did not specify WHICH one/s of the seven particular points he wanted to accuse the Witness Lee or the local churches with. He seems to say - "Here's some dirt. Pick one or two accusations somebody." This is just throwing dust up into the air.

So which is it RJHinds wants to accuse us of ?

1.? 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.? or 7.?

Or does RJHinds just hope some suspicious mind will choose something, run with it, and absolve him from the responsibility of making a specific charge ?

He needs a clear thinking mind first, then he can perhaps go on to a Berean mind.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
The Witness Lee cult is not as bad as many others.

[quote] A Christian cult is “a group that deviates from the doctrines and practices of historic Christianity and has an inordinate loyalty to one leader, whose beliefs are not found in Scripture.

[b]Seven Characteristics of a Cult

1. Oppose critical thinking versus demanding that people thin ...[text shortened]... -you-were-in-one

A Cult does not necessarily have to demonstrate all of these charateristics.
Which accusation are you making ?

Are you going to commit to one ?

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Back to the Universal Bright Woman and Revelation chapter 12 .

The reason Satan wants to obscure this portion of the Scripture is because it specifies so clearly the way he can be overcome.

So the tactic is to draw attention away from "THEY" and "THEIR" and "THEM" as being relevant to the man-child.
The victory of the church Satan would veil and hide via religionists. This is a spiritual matter.

It is clear that the plunging to earth of Satan is BECAUSE of the rapture of the man-child. It is clear that the good angels are working on behalf of the newly raptured man-child.

This taking up of the man-child is definitely before the one thousand two hundred and sixty days of the close of this age.

Since it is the cause of Satan to come plunging down for his last ditch effort to destroy God's people and thwart God's kingdom, securing the planet for himself, he does not want the church to see the nature of this event.

Of course if the enemy of God can do this under the facade of being faithful to old time religion's myopic view of salvation, he is happy to do that.

Revelation exposes the dragon utterly naked. He is to be crushed not only under the seed of the woman as Christ individually. But he is to be crushed under the feet of the victorious Christian church for the recovery of the planet.

To the saints in Rome Paul, who was very clear, wrote:

"Now the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." (Roman 16:20)

I know millions of Bible readers have never considered this. That is that to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ is ALSO a battle for the regaining of the planet from Satan.

God can but will not unilaterally crush Satan by Himself alone. He waits for a group of people on the earth to echo His heart's desire. He will crush Satan under the feet of the overcoming ones of His church.

Individually, we are neither a threat to Satan or able to defeat Satan.
Corporately, as we cooperate with Christ growing, spreading, saturating our souls, the church's foot is upon Satan's head to eventually crush him.

Of course the enemy want to keep this concealed. So we have the insistence that the man-child CANNOT be a "THEY". But there is no one ELSE in the chapter to form the referral of the 'THEY" and "THEM" and "THEIR" in Revelation 12:10,11.

Another problem with degraded Christianity is that they too often only see the result of the second coming of Christ as people in heaven.

Shepherd the nations with a rod of iron means that there has to be some people left on the earth TO shepherd. And a 1,000 year reign of Christ is outworked gradually.

The old system will be replaced by a new one. I doubt the "iron rod" motive will be needed beyond its objective - to move the world from the old Christless way to the new government headed up by Jesus Christ from Jerusalem. And that with His co-kings and priests leading the nations to honor the King of kings.

As the need arises the iron rod is used to put the insubordinate nations in place.

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Originally posted by sonship
Back to the Universal Bright Woman and [b]Revelation chapter 12 .

The reason Satan wants to obscure this portion of the Scripture is because it specifies so clearly the way he can be overcome.

So the tactic is to draw attention away from "THEY" and "THEIR" and "THEM" as being relevant to the man-child.
The victory ...[text shortened]... f kings.

As the need arises the iron rod is used to put the insubordinate nations in place.[/b]
Your lie:
Of course the enemy want to keep this concealed. So we have the insistence that the man-child CANNOT be a "THEY". But there is no one ELSE in the chapter to form the referral of the 'THEY" and "THEM" and "THEIR" in Revelation 12:10,11.

The male child is mentioned in verse 5 and there is no "THEY" or "THEM" or "THEIR" mentioned until "THEY" is used in verse 8, which refers back to the dragon and his angels in verse 7 about the war in heaven and the victory of Michael and his angels over the dragon and his angels.

Revelation 12:10-11 is rejoicing of the believers over this defeat in heaven of the accuser of "our brethren" who are the "THEM" and "THEY" and "THEIR" and does not refer to the male child Jesus of verse 5.

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,

“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of "our brethren" has been thrown down, he who accuses "them" before our God day and night. And "they" overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of "their" testimony, and "they" did not love "their" life even when faced with death.

Revelation 12:10-11 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


Originally posted by sonship
As the need arises the iron rod is used to put the insubordinate nations in place.
For the love of god I hope that iron rod is lubricated before it's put to use.

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Originally posted by sonship
The old system will be replaced by a new one. I doubt the [b]"iron rod" motive will be needed beyond its objective - to move the world from the old Christless way to the new government headed up by Jesus Christ from Jerusalem. And that with His co-kings and priests leading the nations to honor the King of kings. As the need arises the iron rod is used to put the insubordinate nations in place.[/b]
Sounds like Hell to me. Thank the Laws of Probability that it only lasts a thousand years.


Originally posted by Soothfast
For the love of god I hope that iron rod is lubricated before it's put to use.
I bet you're the type who snickers when someone uses the anatomically correct terms for certain body parts right?

GTFU and quit acting like a stupid nine year old, will ya?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I bet you're the type who snickers when someone uses the anatomically correct terms for certain body parts right?

GTFU and quit acting like a stupid nine year old, will ya?
If I was a nine-year-old I might know what GTFU is supposed to stand for, along with five hundred other texting acronyms, but alas it is not so.

Anyway, old bean, I think your mind has wandered into the gutter far in advance of mine. 😉

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Originally posted by sonship
Back to the Universal Bright Woman and [b]Revelation chapter 12 .

The reason Satan wants to obscure this portion of the Scripture is because it specifies so clearly the way he can be overcome.

So the tactic is to draw attention away from "THEY" and "THEIR" and "THEM" as being relevant to the man-child.
The victory ...[text shortened]... f kings.

As the need arises the iron rod is used to put the insubordinate nations in place.[/b]
Okay, so, even if we were to grant that all this crap is gonna go down the way you say it will, what's the point of knowing it? If it's preordained, so that knowledge of the coming events will in no way alter how they play out, then it's all just a waste of time. Your time would be better spent going out and, you know, working for charity organizations. I shudder to think how many billions of man-hours are expended sitting around trying to tweeze meaning from between the lines of ancient tomes written in cryptic prose. What a waste! And all for what? Not for fact, and not even for faith. Nay, only for one thing: "just because". Just because it is what you are programmed to do by the Bible meme that has threaded its blood-drenched needle through the fabric of two thousand years of human civilization to the woe and detriment of countless millions of souls.

What a waste.

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