m disappointed. Continue with the foolish arguments and contradict the bible.
Seven hundred posts is enough here for readers to get a well rounded review of the problems involved in the statements made by Witness Lee.
But to humor you a bit, my comments on this last list for anyone inclined to consider more carefully.
NO INHERITANCE means inheritance ?
No. "Has no inheritance" or "will not inherit" in, IE. First Corinthians 6:10; Galatians 5:21; Ephesians 5:5; means that as long as the believers is in that unsanctified state - she or he will not participate in the millennial kingdom.
The three verses do not mean such a disqualified one can NEVER be sanctified. Such a one will be sanctified, late, as a person made to attend summer school who does not graduate at the originally appointed time.
END WORSE THAN THE BEGINNING means their end is better ?
The redeemed believer can not only receive grace but receive "grace upon grace" (John 1:16) .
The repentant sinner may receive layers of grace - grace on top of grace - "grace upon grace" such that even if his backsliding is severe, God still has a way to recover him.
The verse does not say it would be better had they not known Christ in the first place. It says better had they not known the way of righteousness.
"For it were better for them not to have fully known the way of righteousness, than fully knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them." (2 Peter 2:21)
Peter, knew Christ for three and one half years, denied knowing Him with cursing and fear for his life, then turned again to still be the leading disciple of Jesus once Jesus helped him repent.
Peter should be an example to all Christians saved by grace. He will not leave us or forsake us. He may though discipline us. And He may sharply discipline us. And it would have been better to be lightly disciplined then to be severely and heavily disciplined.
But once sealed by the Holy Spirit we are sealed by Him for eternity.
Second Peter 2:20-22 possibly, I feel, be applied to false Christians as well who never knew Christ but outwardly cleaned themselves us some based on some Bible teachings. But I would have to review this.
BURNT IN THE END means saved in the end ?
Saved yet so as through fire, means saved.
In Hebrews 6, it it the vegetation which is the object of the burning. That is the unworthy fruits of the believer.
For the earth which drinks the rain which often comes upon it and brings forth vegetation suitable to those for whose sake also it is tilled, partakes of blessing from God.
Good fruits profitable to God and man cause the believer blessing from God.
But bring forth thorns and thistles, it is disapproved and near a curse, whose end is to be burned.
Insteading of blessing, the discipline of being "near a curse" undergoes the burning up of the unapproved vegetation.
The object of the burning is not to destroy the land, but to destroy the worthless vegetation that it produced.
GOD WILL DESTROY means God will give eternal life ?
You have not demonstrated that in the whole chapter three of First Corinthians Paul is discussing the eternally saved verses the eternally lost.
He is CLEARLY talking throughout the whole chapter of the ones already ON the foundation of Christ - the rewarded and the ones losing a reward and suffering loss, though saved.
There are 23 verses in that chapter. Paul tells us WHO he is speaking to at the opening in verse 1 - "INFANTS IN CHRIST"
"And I, brothers, was not able to speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to fleshy, as to infants in Christ." (v1)
His remarks are exhortations to those who are in Christ and not to those who are NOT in Christ as unbelievers in the Son of God.
IF you are able to receive it, think of "destroy" in verse 17 to mean destroy their indefinite INFANTILE state spiritually. Their stubborn immaturity will go willingly or by discipline be destroyed. But eventually they will, who are saved, HAVE TO MATURE for the purpose of God's temple, His holy living building. .
@sonship saidPlease keep in mind though that the footnotes come from a chap who argued Christianity was an organization of Satan.
Get yourselves a free Recovery New Testament with footnotes by Witness Lee.
See Bibles For America at www.bfa.org
Thank you.
@sonship saidYou posting this does not unpick the pages of good argument by Ghost of a Duke; despite it making yourself feel better.
Ghost is sure that his little soggy wet noodle with which he seeks to flog Witness Lee is some devastating flame thrower annihilating his ministry to ashes.
@sonship saidEquating the condemnation of Christianity to Satan as the product of a pea shooter is perhaps the most misguided thing you have posted here. It appears, to your own disservice, you have failed to recognize the true threat of Lee's condemnation.
You really think your pea shooter is an atomic bomb, don't you?
@sonship said@sonship said to Ghost of a Duke
Ghost is sure that his little soggy wet noodle with which he seeks to flog Witness Lee is some devastating flame thrower annihilating his ministry to ashes.
You really think your pea shooter is an atomic bomb, don't you?
In terms of your character and interpersonal skills, and in light of these Trump-lite tweet-type retorts, it's pretty clear you are not suitable for the self-appointed mystic-holy-man-preacher role you have taken on.
Ghost, FMF, & Dive
You three - the atheist, the agnostic-atheist, and the secretive unitarian, I can assure you that Witness Lee had a thousand times MORE genuine care in his heart for all Christians then you three can muster up between you.
Your criticisms amount to the scolding of a doctor who is honest about a patient's illnesses - that they could be helped and made healthy.
Two of you couldn't muster up a tenth of a real concern between you for ANY Christians. And one of you is just a bandwagon rider craving for any kind of skeptical companionship.
@sonship saidAre these the Christians that Lee condemned to Satan?
Ghost, FMF, & Dive
You three - the atheist, the agnostic-atheist, and the secretive unitarian, I can assure you that Witness Lee had a thousand times MORE genuine care in his heart for all Christians then you three can muster up between you.
Your criticisms amount to the scolding of a doctor who is honest about a patient's illnesses - that they could be helped and made ...[text shortened]... ristians. And one of you is just a bandwagon rider craving for any kind of skeptical companionship.
Are these the Christians that Lee condemned to Satan?
Nope . All Christians Witness Lee, like the New Testament, destines to the eternal New Jerusalem as God's final salvation.
Here's a shorten list of his books written to help them along that way:
Some beginning with the letter A -
Abiding in the Lord to Enjoy His Life
Abraham—Called by God
Administration of the Church and the Ministry of the Word, The
Administration of the Church and the Perfecting of the Saints, The
Advance of the Lord's Recovery Today, The
Age of the One New Man, The
All Ages for the Lord's Testimony
All-inclusive Christ, The
All-inclusive Indwelling Spirit, The
All-inclusive Spirit of Christ, The
All-inclusiveness and Unlimitedness of Christ, The
Apostles' Teaching and the New Testament Leadership, The
Apostles' Teaching, The
Application of the Interpretation of the New Jerusalem to the Seeking Believers, The
Assurance, Security and Joy of Salvation
Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit, An
Some beginning with the letter [B] -
Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The
Basic Lessons on Life
Basic Lessons on Service
Basic Principles Concerning the Eldership
Basic Principles for the Practice of the Church Life
Basic Principles for the Practice of the God-ordained Way, The
Basic Principles for the Service in the Church Life
Basic Principles of the Experience of Life
Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures, The
Basic Training
Basis for the Building Work of God, The
Bearing Remaining Fruit, vol. 1
Bearing Remaining Fruit, vol. 2
Being Apt to Teach and Holding the Mystery of the Faith
Being Delivered from Religious Rituals and Walking according to the Spirit
Being Desperate and Living Uniquely for the Gospel
Being Renewed Day by Day
Being Up to Date for the Rebuilding of the Temple
Believer's Experience of Transformation, The
Bible, The
Blessed Human Life, A
Blueprint and the Ground for the Building Up of the Church, The
Body of Christ, The
Bridge and Channel of God, The
Brief Definition of the Kingdom of the Heavens, A
Brief Presentation of the Lord's Recovery, A
Builder of the Pillars, The
Building of God, The
Building of the Church, The
Building Up of the Body of Christ, The
Building Work of God, The
And that is only a portion of the As and the Bs.
There are most of twenty four letters to go.
What have the three of you produced to help Christian seekers in their spiritual life?
@sonship saidBefore you continue with your alphabetical spamming of the thread (clearly to hide the embarrassment within) why did Lee say Catholics and the like were in an organization of Satan? Did he believe 'Satanic Christians' were still destined to the eternal New Jerusalem as God's final salvation?
@Ghost-of-a-DukeAre these the Christians that Lee condemned to Satan?
Nope . All Christians Witness Lee, like the New Testament, destines to the eternal New Jerusalem as God's final salvation.
Here's a shorten list of his books written to help them along that way:
Some beginning with the letter A -
[quote] Abiding in the Lord to Enjoy His ...[text shortened]... ers to go.
What have the three of you produced to help Christian seekers in their spiritual life?
Before you continue with your alphabetical spamming of the thread (clearly to hide the embarrassment within) why did Lee say Catholics and the like were in an organization of Satan? Did he believe 'Satanic Christians' were still destined to the eternal New Jerusalem as God's final salvation?
Quote any book or message of Witness Lee in which he wrote "Satanic Christians". I never saw that.
And the fact that you can gloating make these accusations STILL says NOTHING about your FAR LESS genuine concern for Christian brothers and sisters.
And if you weren't so dense I would not have to "spam" you.
Going on to Es - a portion of Lee's books.
Compare with Ghost's voluminous output of atheistic grumblings on this Forum.
Eating the Lord
Economy and Dispensing of God, The
Economy of God and the Building Up of the Body of Christ, The
Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, The
Economy of God, The
Elders' Management of the Church, The
Elders' Training, Book 01: The Ministry of the New Testament
Elders' Training, Book 02: The Vision of the Lord's Recovery
Elders' Training, Book 03: The Way to Carry Out the Vision
Elders' Training, Book 04: Other Crucial Matters Concerning the Practice of the Lord's Recovery
Elders' Training, Book 05: Fellowship Concerning the Lord's Up-to-Date Move
Elders' Training, Book 06: The Crucial Points of Truth in Paul's Epistles
Elders' Training, Book 07: One Accord for the Lord's Move
Elders' Training, Book 08: The Life-Pulse of the Lord's Present Move
Elders' Training, Book 09: The Eldership and the God-ordained Way (1)
Elders' Training, Book 10: The Eldership and the God-ordained Way (2)
Elders' Training, Book 11: The Eldership and the God-ordained Way (3)
Enjoying Christ as the All-inclusive Spirit for the Practical, Genuine, and Real Church Life
Enjoying Christ as the Word and the Spirit through Prayer
Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ
Enjoyment of Christ for His Increase, The
Enjoyment of Christ for the Body in 1 Corinthians, The
Enjoyment of Christ, The
Everyone Speaking the Word of God
Excelling Gift for the Building Up of the Church, The
Exercise and Practice of the God-ordained Way, The
Exercise of Our Spirit for the Release of the Spirit, The
Exercise of Our Spirit, The
Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building of the Church, The
Exercise of the Spirit and the Building of God, The
Experience and Growth in Life, The
Experience of Christ as Life for the Building Up of the Church, The
Experience of Christ in Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, The
Experience of Christ, The
Experience of God's Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ's Life, The
Experience of Life, The
Experiencing Christ as the Inner Life
Experiencing Christ as the Offerings for the Church Meetings
Experiencing the Mingling of God with Man for the Oneness of the Body of Christ
Does Ghost-of-Duke care about the brother and sister Christians in Protestantism or Catholicism ?
No. He cares only about his own atheistic skin.
Witness Lee's P books ( a sample )
Parts of Man, The
Passover, The
Path of Our Growth in Life, The
Perfecting of the Saints and the Building Up of the Body of Christ, The
Perfecting of the Saints and the Building Up of the House of God, The
Perfecting Training
Practical and Organic Building Up of the Church, The
Practical Expression of the Church, The
Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life
Practical Points Concerning Blending
Practical Talks to the Elders
Practical Way to Live a Life according to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation in the Holy Scriptures, The
Practical Way to Live in the Mingling of God with Man, The
Practice of Prophesying, The
Practice of the Church Life according to the God-ordained Way, The
Practice of the Group Meetings, The
Pray-Reading the Word
Prayer of the Age, The
Praying Unceasingly and Living in the Spirit
Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life
Preaching the Gospel on the College Campuses
Precious Blood of Christ, The
Present Advance of the Lord's Recovery, The
Present Turmoil in the Lord's Recovery and the Direction of the Lord's Move Today, The
Priesthood and God's Building, The
Priesthood, The
Principle of the Nazarite, The
Problems Causing the Turmoil in the Church Life, The
Producing and Building Up of the Church as the Totality of the Divine Sonship, The
Propagation of the Gospel and the Administration of the Church, The
Proper Aggressiveness of the Lord's Serving Ones, The
Proper Way for Believers to Meet and to Serve, The
Prophecy of the Four 'Sevens' in the Bible, The
Prophesying in the Church Meetings for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ (Outlines)
Pure in Heart, The
Purpose of God's Salvation, The
Pursuit of a Christian, The
Check www.ministrybooks.org