If a not optimal title is all I have to worry about, that's not too bad.
I know that the day will come when some here will realize that they had a faithful friend here in me and some others who spoke to them about Christ.
Why? Because they will realize that we told them the truth.
A faithful person tells you the truth.
@sonship saidThat day will never come. You and your doctrine are a product of Satan. Your latest attack against the doctrine of Christ was when you claimed that the Sermon on the Mount was simply about the early life of Christ. All of your teachings are meant to deny Christ and show the teachings of Christ to be false. You are an enemy of Christ and you and your Satanic doctrine will be cast into the lake of fire.
If a not optimal title is all I have to worry about, that's not too bad.
I know that the day will come when some here will realize that they had a faithful friend here in me and some others who spoke to them about Christ.
Why? Because they will realize that we told them the truth.
A faithful person tells you the truth.
Some examples:
- Sermon on the Mount in Mat 5,6 and 7 - not meant for Christians to follow
- Judgment Day in Matt 25, not for Christians but for nations who assist Christians during Armageddon.
- Jesus said those who do good works will be rewarded with eternal life. You deny that.
- Paul said evil Christians will be destroyed - you say not true.
Your teachings lead people on a path to destruction. What is certain is that the day will come when all readers [not some] will realize that you are an enemy of Jesus Christ because your doctrine is full of lies.
@sonship saidWith that in mind sir, God does not exist.
A faithful person tells you the truth.
With that in mind sir, God does not exist.
Is this one of the "gaps" in knowledge that you say a couple of years in OT study at university would address?
Your human spirit is comatose - deadened. Your organ that substantiates the reality of God is damaged - and deadened. A whole dimension of reality is closed to you because you need to be reborn in that part of your being which is dead.
Christ can do this because He is available.
@sonship saidThe only ones that are dead are those who profess faith but who do no good works. Those who follow no law, neither the Law of Moses nor the Law of Christ, but who live according to their conscience, they will be judged by God. God is not a respecter of persons, and will render every man according to his deeds.
With that in mind sir, God does not exist.
Is this one of the "gaps" in knowledge that you say a couple of years in OT study at university would address?
Your human spirit is comatose - deadened. Your organ that substantiates the reality of God is damaged - and deadened. A whole dimension of reality is closed to you because yo ...[text shortened]... e reborn in that part of your being which is dead.
Christ can do this because He is available.
@sonship saidYes. Serious study of the Bible would make you aware of its frailties and inconsistencies.
Is this one of the "gaps" in knowledge that you say a couple of years in OT study at university would address?
Yes. Serious study of the Bible would make you aware of its frailties and inconsistencies.
The Bible's first sentence is - "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)
You are telling me that because God doesn't exist, the first "gap" in knowledge of the Old Testament is that the first verse is a lie.
I can't take your condescending "concern" for a better education in the Old Testament seriously.
If you start by correcting Genesis 1:1 to "remedy" gaps in my understanding, I won't be enrolling in that university you might recommend.
Not to waste this space completely, on the thread The Wisdom of Witness Lee here is what Lee wrote in the introduction to his Life Study of Genesis .
The Bible is a wonderful book. It is "The Book" among all books! It took 1600 years to complete, starting with Moses, the greatest prophet of God, and ending with the Apostle John. It was confirmed 300 years later (397 A.D.) at a council held at Carthage in North Africa. Not long after that, the Bible was locked away from the people by the Catholic Church. For nearly a thousand years, from the 6th century through the 15th century, the Bible was locked up. History calls this period the Dark Age. Human society became dark because the Bible, containing all the divine light, was locked away from humanity.
Then, in the Reformation, God used Martin Luther to unlock the Bible. At the same time, printing was invented, allowing the Bible to be printed. Although the Bible was unlocked, it was not so open. Yet, we thank the Lord that during the past five centuries He has opened up His Word again and again through many great teachers. We stand on their shoulders and we are grateful to them. Yet, how we thank the Lord that today the Bible is so open to us, allowing us to have a rich life-study of the living Word.
What is the Bible? We know that the word "Bible" means "the Book." But what is this book? The Bible itself says, "All Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Tim. 3:16). The Bible is the breath of God. It is not merely the word or the thought of God, but the very breath of God. Whatever we breathe out is our breath, and this breath proceeds out of our being. So the Bible as the breath of God is something breathed out of the being of God. The Bible contains the very element of God. Whatever God is, is contained in this divine book. God is light, life, love, power, wisdom, and many other items. All these items of what God is have been breathed out into the Bible. Whenever we come to this book with an open heart and an open spirit, we can immediately touch something divine: not just thoughts, concepts, knowledge, words, or sentences, but something deeper than all these things. We touch God Himself.
From https://www.ministrybooks.org/books.cfm?cid=2A
Probably my favourite Lee quote is;
'The Lord is not building His church in Christendom, which is composed of the apostate Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations. This...is being fulfilled through the Lord's recovery, in which the building of the genuine church is being accomplished...Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all [have] become an organization of Satan.'
I like that quote too. I don't think it is my favorite.
Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God ..." . How can I trust a man who says I need university training to learn that God doesn't exist, in order to be better educated on the Old Testament?
I am not sure such a person's recommendations on quotations to highly regard is without bigoted bias, prejudice, and an eagerness to misinterpret as extensively as possible.
Your take on Genesis 1:1 as an introduction to the whole Bible isn't very encouraging.
@sonship saidWhat is it you like about 'Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all [have] become an organization of Satan'?!
I like that quote too. I don't think it is my favorite.
Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God ..." . How can I trust a man who says I need university training to learn that God doesn't exist, in order to be better educated on the Old Testament?
I am not sure such a person's recommendations on quotations to highly regard is without bigoted ...[text shortened]... le.
Your take on Genesis 1:1 as an introduction to the whole Bible isn't very encouraging.
@sonship saidYou said (and I quote) " I like that quote too..."
What is it you like about 'Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all [have] become an organization of Satan'?!
That's your cherished part that YOU love.
It gives you a round-about circuitous rationale to hope God does not exist so that you may not need salvation.
What is it you like about such a nefarious character describing your fellow Christian sisters and brothers as being in an organization of Satan?
Haven't you learned by now that the guilt trip doesn't work ?
I showed you virtually equally frank speech from A.W. Tozer (who YOU recommended) and John Warwick Montgomery (author of Damned Through the Church.)
Martin Luther in the Reformation wrote "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church" (ca. 1520 AD).
From Wiki about Luther's treatise condemning certain aspects of Roman Catholicism:
The work is angry in tone, attacking the papacy. Although Luther had made a link tentatively in the address To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, this was the first time he forthrightly accused the pope of being the Antichrist. It certainly heralded a radicalisation of Luther's views — only a year before he had defended the validity of the sacraments, yet was now attacking them fiercely.
Although published in Latin, a translation of this work was quickly published in German by Luther’s opponent, the Strasbourg Franciscan Thomas Murner. He hoped that by making people aware of the radical nature of Luther’s beliefs, they would realise their foolishness in supporting him. In fact, the opposite proved true, and Murner’s translation helped to spread Luther’s views across Germany. The virulence of Luther's language however, was off-putting to some. After the publication of this work, with its harsh condemnation of the papacy, the renowned humanist Erasmus, who had previously been cautiously supportive of Luther's activities, became convinced that he should not support Luther's calls for reform.
Go hassle those Christian teachers for what they said.
How come Witness Lee is your favorite whipping boy here?