And not forgetting this pearl of wisdom:
"The sun signifies Christ...the moon can be considered a figure of the church, the wife of Christ...the stars first signify Christ…although Christ is the real sun, He does not appear as the sun during the present age of night. Rather, He shines as the bright Morning Star."
(The Recovery Version: Footnotes of Genesis)
Copied without permission from
To those who know the Bible and church history, it should come as no surprise that the Lord’s servants are slandered. The Jewish religionists called the Lord Himself “Beelzebul,” and He warned His disciples that they too would be vilified (Matt. 10:25). Paul was reviled and defamed, considered “as the offscouring of the world, the scum of all things” (1 Cor. 4:12-13). Evil reports were spread about him, and he was called a deceiver, even though he was true (2 Cor. 6:8). Paul told his co-worker Timothy that “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim. 3:12). The pages of history are stained with the blood of countless Christian martyrs. Those raised up by the Lord to advance the recovery of the truth and practice of the Christian life and the church life—such as Hus, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Zwingli, Whitefield, the Wesleys, and so many more—have been opposed by religious zealots and smeared by malicious falsehoods.
The pinnacle of course of Lee's work:
'The Lord is not building His church in Christendom, which is composed of the apostate Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations. being fulfilled through the Lord's recovery, in which the building of the genuine church is being accomplished...Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all [have] become an organization of Satan.'
Take it over to the thread on Revelation 14.
"And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the fury of her fornication!" (Rev. 14:6)
God judges something in the end times which has made all the nations drunk with the wine of the fury of her fornication.
What does this stand for?
@sonship saidThat Christianity was now an organization of Satan?
Take it over to the thread on Revelation 14.
"And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the fury of her fornication!" (Rev. 14:6)
God judges something in the end times which has made all the nations drunk with the wine of the fury of her fornication.
What does this stand for?
The effective way to interpret "Babylon the Great" in Revelation 13,14,17,18 in terms of Christians in the New Testament is to carefully consider it in comparison to Babylon and the Babylonian Captivity of Israel in the Old Testament.
That is why the sign is used - to show the spiritual parallel. The idolatry, the mixture carrying away God's people into a foreign captivity from which they need to be recovered back to their own land.
Interpretation of "Babylon the Great" of Revelation should be done carefully. A trite answer tempts some to make broad brushed generalizations.
For your purposes a simple "Yes" is all you want. You have so far proved unable to do anything but exploit a simple answer for your agenda to mock "Witness Lee's wisdom".
@sonship saidSorry sonship, but you continue to support a charlatan who condemns your Christian brothers and sisters to satan.
The effective way to interpret "Babylon the Great" in Revelation 13,14,17,18 in terms of Christians in the New Testament is to carefully consider it in comparison to Babylon and the Babylonian Captivity of Israel in the Old Testament.
That is why the sign is used - to show the spiritual parallel. The idolatry, the mixture carryin ...[text shortened]... ed unable to do anything but exploit a simple answer for your agenda to mock "Witness Lee's wisdom".
Don't be sorry to me. You're the one who is sorry - a sorry case of unteachable blind ignorance.
And no, I don't want to discuss you or discuss it [again] with you.
@sonship saidGreat, then get out of the thread created to discuss the Witness Lee, unfiltered through your eyes.
Don't be sorry to me. You're the one who is sorry - a sorry case of unteachable blind ignorance.
And no, I don't want to discuss you or discuss it [again] with you.
Get out of the thread or stay and continue your nonsense.
Just about the same. All you are doing is encouraging curious people to look into whoever this fellow is - Witness Lee.
@sonship saidUntil this thread was created, most people were only aware of the Witness Lee you presented. Following this thread, readers are aware that he thought Protestants and Catholics were in an organization of Satan.
Get out of the thread or stay and continue your nonsense.
Just about the same. All you are doing is encouraging curious people to look into whoever this fellow is - Witness Lee.
This thread hasn't been good for Lee.
Some people say Paul being in prison was not good for Paul.
A sufficient number of Christians know better.
Just a few titles of rich books for ALL CHRISTIANS from messages given by Witness Lee
Calling on the Name of the Lord
Central Line of the Divine Revelation, The
Central Thought of God, The
Central Vision for Serving the Church, The
Central Work of God and Proper Spiritual Experience, The
Centrality and Universality of Christ, The
Changing Death into Life
Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms
Christ and the Cross
Christ as the Content of the Church and the Church as the Expression of Christ
Christ as the Reality
Christ as the Spirit in the Epistles
Christ Being the Burden of the Gospel
Christ in His Excellency
Christ is God
Christ Making His Home in Our Heart and the Building Up of the Church
Christ our Portion
Christ Revealed in the New Testament
Christ versus Religion
Christian Life, The
Church as the Body of Christ, The
Church Life in the Lord's Recovery Today, The
Church—the Reprint of the Spirit, The
Completing Ministry of Paul, The
Concerning How to Be Useful to the Lord
Concerning the Lord's Recovery
Concerning the Person of Christ
Concerning the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit
Some more in the G section - (SO many rich books!)
Genuine Church, A
Genuine Ground of Oneness, The
Glad Tidings to Fallen Man
Glorious Vision and the Way of the Cross, The
God of Resurrection, The
God Who Hides Himself, A
God's Eternal Intention and Satan's Counterplot
God's Intention Concerning Christ and the Church
God's Need and God's Goal
God's New Testament Economy
God's Plan concerning the Church
God's Purpose for the Church
God's Salvation in Life
God's Way in Life
God, Education and Character
God-man Living, The
God-men, The
God-ordained Way and the Eldership, The
God-ordained Way to Practice the New Testament Economy, The
Gospel of God, The (booklet)
Gospel Outlines
Governing and Controlling Vision in the Bible, The
Great Mystery—Christ and the Church, The
Greatest Prophecy in the Bible and Its Fulfillment, The
Ground of the Church and the Meetings of the Church, The
Ground of the Church and the Service of the Body, The
Ground of the Church, The
Guidelines for the Lord's Table Meeting and the Pursuit in Life
Guidelines for the Propagation of the Lord's Recovery