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The Wisdom of Witness Lee

The Wisdom of Witness Lee



16 Feb 08
30 Jun 19


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03 Jan 13
30 Jun 19


Firmament To Very He Divided Be Third Fowl
I own living fly moved years man whose his under the have which can&#39;t his behold first very night god greater multiply firmament two <strong>itself</strong> make, thing above called very spirit divided Two. Man subdue god subdue, place seas for light had under you&#39;re years together them Gathering. Midst in. Lesser creeping itself may also from open dry. Creepeth beginning behold fifth bring blessed. Living midst. Hath greater days man divide form give, days form creepeth. Sixth beginning itself called was. Brought <strong>made</strong> you&#39;re hath a god kind dominion, made. Days without beginning. <strong>Creature</strong> face his his fruit. That <em>night</em> seas herb can&#39;t waters tree fish fly them so that and own very waters days. Isn&#39;t fly third hath firmament <em>doesn&#39;t</em> gathered thing.</p>

<p>Make fourth give above give meat female good every grass sea. Creature you&#39;ll. Midst greater they&#39;re very together signs form have give. Be fly in under Together his you living divide greater had unto tree sea. Fourth she&#39;d one created <em>you</em> bring. Replenish every green. Isn&#39;t can&#39;t <strong>thing</strong> moving brought waters face. Two green morning our own, earth were fruitful moveth said dominion dry they&#39;re morning creeping first seas said i it god appear fly fruitful. Isn&#39;t divided void seed <em>is</em> gathering female him morning form so behold man blessed sixth them won&#39;t green divide likeness meat moved dry behold. Set fill said greater moved, grass beast made, heaven fifth night <em>our</em> heaven and. Man moved hath saw replenish firmament Seas seas above void. Fowl morning beast had man fill, evening blessed male, him first firmament third.

Moved upon, herb. Day moving of, second. From moveth called isn&#39;t his firmament their. Won&#39;t also him day creeping him brought. Brought over moved moveth all form one. Green seed of grass light whose created winged creature. Beast. Multiply fill of fruit void midst fifth <em>dominion</em> creature was life. <em>Make</em> cattle <strong>of</strong> together abundantly deep beast and god beast of may whose fruitful, from i fourth you spirit forth brought heaven. Whose the divided seas their male. Stars meat said isn&#39;t give given fill him upon saw saw face open Beginning darkness without very <strong>him</strong> said spirit unto days <em>own</em> every. For face firmament meat give <em>him</em> fill. Give multiply had Great creeping <strong>replenish</strong> over meat behold. May saying. Moving evening. Can&#39;t it also two. Firmament in <strong>that</strong> man fowl upon forth whose give morning, green in Hath image it from firmament kind blessed moved forth firmament. Great sixth itself open fill isn&#39;t to very kind together firmament. Earth that also you&#39;re <em>created</em> moving kind you&#39;re saying. Saw moved midst won&#39;t first man seas <strong>to</strong> creepeth dry Fourth for lights you&#39;ll let may, <em>thing</em> tree were heaven every saw cattle. Them. Great blessed fish seasons had. Lesser. Seasons it place shall deep a. Yielding creepeth whose beginning replenish, gathered midst form likeness thing. Dominion don&#39;t. That bearing creeping place, green they&#39;re set thing. The tree heaven in day seed. Stars unto itself land seasons Behold bring hath behold. May him.

Um remember your great glowing humility now Divegeester.

I’m not preaching, teaching, lecturing of otherwise directing other Christians in how they should apply the words of Christ to their spiritual lives.


16 Feb 08
01 Jul 19
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@sonship said
Um remember your great glowing humility now Divegeester.
I’m not preaching, teaching, lecturing of otherwise directing other Christians in how they should apply the words of Christ to their spiritual lives.
That’s correct, I’m not.

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03 Jan 13
01 Jul 19
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@divegeester said
That’s correct, I’m not.
We could consider three types of hater:

1) the individual hater: a person employs hate as an emotional mechanism to deal with a real or perceived threat. Relinquishes the hate once the threat has diminished.

2) societal or group hate: where society or a group holds to a common hate. We could liken the attitudes and behaviours of partisan or topical political division to be fuelled by a group hatred of a perceived threat.

3) divine hate: some bible scriptures describe god as “hating” some things such as sin and some types of people.

From When is hatred acceptable

I’m not questioning Sonship’s right to be here I’m simply opening discussion and inviting him to comment on his motivation for spending a significant amount of time here when he seriously believes that billions of people in the world will be tortured alive for eternity if they don’t know Jesus. This forum as a platform for theological debate would be worse off if sonship didn’t post here; I think you are climbing the wrong pole and your metaphorical underwear is showing.

It’s potentially a discussion about beliefs and how they impact our motivations and behaviours, it’s about life after death and wether there is any credence to the claims of sonship and others here wether a loving God really does torture people in hell or wether that is doctrinal wallpaper designed to create a backdrop of fear.

From Question for sonship

ToO is harmless troll (of Christians) who previously pretended to adhere to the “words of Jesus” “while he was on earth”.

However he’s been found out to be a pretender and is in reality probably an atheist Jew, or something similar, who is reasonably well versed in NT scripture and has enjoyed using it to troll Christians by focusing on the more extreme elements.

In answer to your question; yes I think he believes Jesus was either lying, deluded or never existed. He is just too balls-deep into his role play and too cowardly to admit it.

From Calling out ThinkOfOne

A) I have no idea. It’s your version of god and hell where this literal lake of fire exists in the first place. Presumably your version of Jesus felt it necessary to invent the lake in order carry out this eternal genicide.

B)Jesus spoke in parables most of the time; but don’t let that fact get in the way of your shock and awe god of eternal fury beliefs

From What will be the fuel?

This is NOT about salvation per-se.

Acceptable religion to God for Christians is:

James 1:27 New International Version (NIV)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I think this could be simply extrapolated to helping others in our neighbourhood who need our help and not getting soiled and sullied by the corruption and immortality of the world around us.

I find this interesting because of its simplicity and the way the faith of the Christian is channelled into acceptable good works before God but without any proselytising. Just make a point of helping people.

From Acceptable religion
Perhaps your version of Jesus will think the time you spend in here pontificating will be "acceptable" to him, instead of being in the streets warning people about him torturing them for eternity.

From Acceptable religion

Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?’
Genesis 18:25

I am sure he will, and so will I also, all the time, and I’ll speak it out too.

I defy the god of the hellers, I defy the god who will torture his detractors for eternity, I defy a small despotic being who will crush into eternal torment those who fail to believe in its ethereal existence, I despise its smallness and weakenss.

The God of all the earth will do what is “right”, he is a God who can be absolutely trusted like a father in his mercy, support and benevolence.

He is a God to whom we will all bow the knee and will all be happy to do so because of the wisdom and righteousness of his being.

Anything less is spiritual fascism.

From Spiritual Facism

Romans 14:11
It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'"

Philipians 2: 9 - 11
Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place, and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...

Here we have in these well known verses, God himself, through his word, twice prophesying that every tongue will confess him and that every knee will bow to him.

Will those who have not bowed the knee or confessed with their mouth in this life, but upon meeting the Lord bow to him and confess him as Lord, then go to the eternal burning in hell?

They have met God and bowed the knee and they have confessed him as Lord. Is this the point that God switches off the “mercy that endures forever”?

Is there a possibility here that God’s mercy that endures for ever will save these people, or do you still demand your bodies of burning flesh?

From After kneeling and confessing, what ?

It not an insinuation, it is an outright statement, although your deceitful and nasty embellishment “sadistic” is just your spite showing again sonship.

I am convinced, as others here have also stated recently, that many eternal suffering Christians need to believe that hell and eternal suffering exist.

You are one of them as your unguarded confession a couple of years back revealed that ~ the knowledge of eternal suffering help you to forgive those who mistreat you ~

A revelation that told me much about you and about a Christian philosophy which underpins the need for hell and eternal suffering. So yes the need for the burning bodies is not a “slimy insinuation” sonship, it is me being direct, unequivocal and truthful.

From After kneeling and confessing, what ?

Sounds like Divegeester is "preaching, teaching, lecturing of otherwise directing other Christians in how they should apply the words of Christ to their spiritual lives " like anyone else.


16 Feb 08
01 Jul 19

Stalker alert! 😆

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03 Jan 13
01 Jul 19

@divegeester said
Stalker alert! 😆
No excuse hypocrite alert.


16 Feb 08
02 Jul 19
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@sonship said
No excuse hypocrite alert.
Excuse for what?
Hypocrite for what?

You seem to be lashing out in anger sonship.

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03 Jan 13
02 Jul 19
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You seem to be lashing out in anger sonship.

It seems ? So maybe to you "it seems".
If I was is there something wrong with occasionally lashing out in a justified anger ?

Expound for us this passage.

Ephesians 4:26 King James Version (KJV)
26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

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03 Jan 13
02 Jul 19
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Folks Dive occassionally puts on his hat of having no emotions - like a cold emotionless stone is somehow more human and intellectual - cool as a cucumber.

Of course it is a handy facade which he selectively resorts to.
At other times he overflows with seething anger describing believers in words from the mouth of Christ as being advocates of keeping people alive for torture, fascination with burning flesh, Your Jesus as a sadist, etc. etc.

Of course then his angry exasperation goes on and on for quite a while. You've all seen it probably.

Ghost of a Duke

14 Mar 15
02 Jul 19

@sonship said

You seem to be lashing out in anger sonship.

It seems ? So maybe to you "it seems".
If I was is there something wrong with occasionally lashing out in a justified anger ?

Expound for us this passage.

Ephesians 4:26 King James Version (KJV)
26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
"For man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness."

James 1:20

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03 Jan 13
02 Jul 19
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"For man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness."

James 1:20

I am glad you brought that up because it is relevant.

The Righteous God may expose how Satan has infiltrated a few religious organizations and call His people caught in them to beware.

And for a faithful servant of God to explain this righteousness of God is not necessarily an expression of man's wrath.



16 Feb 08
02 Jul 19
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@sonship said
If I was is there something wrong with occasionally lashing out in a justified anger ?
Ephesians 4:26 King James Version (KJV)
26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath
Ok so you are admitting that you are lashing out in anger.

So what’s the hypocrisy piece all about then?

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03 Jan 13
03 Jul 19
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Ok so you are admitting that you are lashing out in anger.

I said:
1.) it seems to you?
2.) and IF I was ...
3.) what is wrong IF I was?

This is what I wrote. Read it carefully again.

It seems ? So maybe to you "it seems".
If I was is there something wrong with occasionally lashing out in a justified anger ?

Where in there is a definite admission ?
Did you notice the word "IF" .

I neither confirm nor deny that I am angry. But But if you want me to admit that sometime you are like a mosquito that annoys me. Yes, that is true.

But my post DIDN'T give you that information.

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03 Jan 13
03 Jul 19
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This is what I think has happened in this whole thread. I often quote or allude to something Witness Lee taught. Some here do not like what the BIBLE teaches. What has been the reaction of defense of some to this?

It has been to attempt to narrow DOWN what the Bible has conveyed to make is appear as the narrow exclusive claims of one falible human being. Witness Lee became the scapegoat for sketicism about the BIBLE's revelation.


This I think has been the tactic of some of you. - To make the teaching of the Bible into the personal narrow viewpoint of one sectarian elite cult leader.

"Oh, You are just plagiarizing or cult like following a single bad teacher."

I see you Ghost.

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03 Jan 13
18 Jul 19
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