@sonship saidDo you think you are succeeding in converting anyone here away from Protestantism with this talk of it being an "organization of Satan"?
Does the exposition portray a hopeless state of being forever under Satan's munipulating influence? Or does the comment positively portray the hope of being cured, separated from, rescued from such influences?
Further ministry from Witness Lee on Revelation 18 speaks of heaven's rejoicing that the apostate counterfeit is fina ...[text shortened]... ng of https://www.ministrybooks.org/books.cfm?n
From Life Study of Revelation by W. Lee.
Do you think you are succeeding in converting anyone here away from Protestantism with this talk of it being an "organization of Satan"?
Only God can truly "convert" anyone to Himself.
I'm happy if people turn to the Lord Jesus and take more seriously the Bible.
Now a question to YOU. In the above portions of Witness Lee's comments he speaks of both the WEEPING and the REJOICING in the great Satan overrun Babylon being finally judged.
Are you likely to be one WEEPING at her destruction?
Or are you likely to be one REJOICING at her destruction?
Verse 20 says, “Rejoice over her, O heaven and saints and apostles and prophets, because God has judged your judgment upon her.” While many will weep over the destruction of Babylon, others will rejoice over it. Those on earth will weep, but those in heaven will rejoice. We shall certainly be among the rejoicing ones in heaven. Furthermore, I believe that we shall witness the destruction of Babylon. As her smoke goes up, we shall rejoice.
If this Babylon the Great is a Satanified system, will you weep at her destruction or rejoice with God's people who came OUT of her concerning it ?
@sonship saidI am waiting for your answer to my question about Exodus and Ghost of a Duke.
Do you think you are succeeding in converting anyone here away from Protestantism with this talk of it being an "organization of Satan"?
Only God can truly "convert" anyone to Himself.
I'm happy if people turn to the Lord Jesus and take more seriously the Bible.
Now a question to YOU. In the above portions of Witness Lee's comments he speaks ...[text shortened]... m, will you weep at her destruction or rejoice with God's people who came OUT of her concerning it ?
I am waiting for your answer to my question about Exodus and Ghost of a Duke.
I am waiting your answer to half a dozen or more questions you dodged.
The latest -
At the judgment of Babylon do you identify more with those who would weep at her destruction of more with those who will rejoice at it ?
You're waiting on me?
I'm waiting on you too.
@sonship saidWhat about what you said about Exodus and Ghost of a Duke?
I am waiting for your answer to my question about Exodus and Ghost of a Duke.
I am waiting your answer to half a dozen or more questions you dodged.
The latest -
At the judgment of Babylon do you identify more with those who would weep at her destruction of more with those who will rejoice at it ?
You're waiting on me?
I'm waiting on you too.
@sonship saidIf you are saying your belief is that Protestants and Catholics are members of "organizations of Satan" and some will "weep" and some will "rejoice" because of "destruction" after "the judgement" that's OK by me. My question to you is, what does Ghost of a Duke's belief in Exodus have to do with it?
At the judgment of Babylon do you identify more with those who would weep at her destruction of more with those who will rejoice at it ?
What ever FMF means by his question, I have half a dozen or more that he has ignored.
It is pretty clear that Witness Lee covered so much of what is said in our document of faith, the Bible.
He was not one sided, lopsided, or myopic. He approached exposition of it from all of its angles.
When it was time to talk about a subject, he gave full attention to that subject.
Some critics lay hold of this dedication to isolate some portions and push them forward as examples of heterodox or bad teaching.
When it was time to speak of words which came out of the mouth of Jesus which are tough, he didn't shrink back but faithfully helped us to see those matters in context of the whole larger picture.
From the mouth of Jesus came the tough phrase "the synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 2:9)
I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich; and the slander of those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan"
You have no care at all for this. But as Christian we need to see what in the world this could mean in context of the whole Bible.
Witness Lee ( at the risk of being misrepresented and misunderstood ) embarked to help us with wisdom into such a strong word from Christ's mouth.
Again, the Holy Spirit inspires a second occurrence of the problematic phrase in Rev. 3:9.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, those who call themselves Jews and are not, but lie, behold I will cause them to come and worship before your feet, and they shall know that I have loved you.
There is a TIME to talk about Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9. There is a TIME when this has to be examined. And those who take the TIME to deal with such passages run the risk of being misunderstood or even misrepresented. And as I review now I see the phrase "an organization of Satan" rather than organizations of Satan.
The conglomerate of organized religion run by those not led by the Spirit of God became a collective "organization of Satan" as his tool. Dead religion of any type can be a part of this took in the hands of the Slanderer to oppose God's move of dispensing life into man.
And I would add that Witness Lee was not ignorant of the deplorable persecution of Jews by Christians in history. For example Martin Luther was a angry persecutor of the Jews. But there is still a TIME when Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 have to be taught.
If anyone has trouble with Witness Lee speaking to these tough passages I would advise them to WITH those teachings they should ALSO examine his explanations of say Romans chapter 9 through 11. At here both sides and all sides of the Scriptures statements about the Jews.
Now a portion of Witness Lee's comments on Rev. 2:9 from the study notes of the Recovery Version NT.
" ... the slander of those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan"
The slander of the Judaizers toward the suffering church was their evil criticism of her. They stubbornly insisted upon keeping their Judaistic system, consisting of the Levitical priesthood, the sacrificial rituals, and material temple, which were all types now fulfilled and replaced by Christ. Since the church under the new covenant in God's economy had no part in their religious practice, the Judaisers slanderously criticized her. In principle, it is the same today, in that religious people slander the churches in the Lord's recovery, which seek the Lord and follow Him in spirit and in life and no not care for any religious system nor practice.
I count that to be a wise and helpful note on a difficult verse Rev. 2:9.
Then other brief notes elaborate more.
The Judaizers were Jews in flesh, but not Jews in spirit (Rom. 2:28-29). Merely being the seed of Abraham does not constitute them true Jews, "Those who are children of the flesh are not the children of God" (Rom. 9:7-8)
That helps to understand the difficult passage. And the following helps as well.
A synagogue was a place where the Jews worshipped God mainly by studying their Scriptures, the Old Testament. However, due to their stubborness in clinging to their traditional religious concepts, they became one with Satan in opposing God's way of life to fulfill His purpose. Their synagogue did this to the Lord Jesus (Matt. 12:9-14; Luke 4:28-29; John 9:22) , then to the apostles (Acts 6:9; 13:43, 45-46, 50; 14:1-2, 19; 17:1,5-6), and now to the churches (Rev. 3:9). Therefore, the Lord calls them "the synagogue of Satan." Even where He was on earth, He considered the synagogue to be of Satan, as implied in Matthew 12:25-29 and John 16:2. Through all the centuries since then, religious people have followed in their steps, persecuting the genuine seekers and followers of the Lord in spirit and life, while still considering themselves to be defending the interests of God. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all fall into this category, becoming an organization of Satan as his tool to damage God's economy."
As I review this note I notice Lee wrote " an organization of Satan as his tool to damage God's economy".
I will have to research more this SINGULAR usage "AN ... organization of Satan" , which implies one singular tool in the hands of Satan rather than what I have noticed some have accused Lee of saying "organizations of Satan".
For the moment please just take note that his sentence there was "Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all fall into this category, becoming AN ORGANIZATION of Satan as his tool to damage God's economy."
@sonship saidYou can leave your red herrings ~ strewn across the path you have been retreating down for pages and pages ~ till you are blue in the face. The question about Exodus and Ghost of a Duke remains unanswered. If you believe that Protestants and Catholics are members of "organizations of Satan" that's fine by me. If believing it is part of your plan for "salvation" and everlasting life, that's fine too. If you think Protestants and Catholics should buy and read Lee's books when the 'end is nigh', that's alright. But what does Exodus have to do with Ghost of a Duke asking you about the "organizations of Satan" thing?
What ever FMF means by his question, I have half a dozen or more that he has ignored.
I think we need you to explain more about the "angels on the head of a pin" remark.
You seem to know something about this. Elaborate on that.