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Too Proud & Stubborn

Too Proud & Stubborn


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Originally posted by josephw
Yes I do know what you mean. The Word of God has infinite application, but only one correct interpretation. God knows all, and we are privileged to learn and understand about who He is according to His Word and by His grace. It will take eternity.
There you go using those capitals again!
Caps Lock got sticky?


Originally posted by twhitehead
No, that is not what makes something 'self evident'. Something is 'self evident' when the justification is obvious.

[b]It is known to be true.

Except in this case it is only known by you. For you to convince someone else, you are going to have to give justification rather than just repeating it over and over.

Even to you.
Sorry, but yo ...[text shortened]... le we are on the topic, do you support my right to american citizenship given that I deserve it?[/b]
Rights may be determined by who shouts the loudest, makes up the best slogans, protests and riots the most, or maybe who has the biggest guns. 😏

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
Rock sinks.
That is a matter of experience, it's not self-evident.


So, it seems that "self-evident" is simply an adjective that religionists (or people with other ideologies) attach to something they believe in very, very strongly.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
It's been my position for some time now that God knew that the Bible was being written for ancient man. As a result, it had to be acceptable to ancient man. He had a hard enough time getting His own people to follow him loyally. Yes, all men are created equal, but man had ideas of his own. Upsetting that apple cart would have caused more chaos than men ...[text shortened]... n are created equal..." Yes, we have come a long way. And yes, I give thanks to God for this.
Interesting that in your mind God not only didn't unequivocally condemn slavery, but explicitly condoned it because "[the Bible] had to be acceptable to ancient man"?

Yet somehow God WAS able to unequivocally condemn the eating of shellfish, wearing mixed fabrics, etc.

Doesn't it make much more sense to simply admit that the ancient Jews were wrong about much of what they believed was the will of God? Especially in light of the fact that Jesus clearly believed that they were?

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Originally posted by FMF
So, it seems that "self-evident" is simply an adjective that religionists (or people with other ideologies) attach to something they believe in very, very strongly.
Thomas Jefferson was referring to "free white men" and excluded women and Negro slaves. He could not prove his theory, so he appealed to the emotions of the belief in a benevolent Creator by saying it was self-evident. It is a more diplomatic way of saying, "you must be stupid if you don't agree with me." 😏

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I own a dictionary, I would assume you do too. If not, there are dictionaries online if you're confused.
I am sorry but a dictionary isn't going to solve the problem.

This "It depends on how you define X." is a crappy, stupid argument.
Except that is not what I am doing. Rights is a whole branch of philosophy with thinkers like Locke and Kant to be read before you even brush the surface. Even after studying them (a tiny bit I must admit) I am yet to see any actual argument that rights truly exist. Instead each philosopher merely asserts that they do and then moves on from there.
For you to simply assert that humans having rights is self evident suggests you have even less philosophical training than I do, and that's saying something.

I also note that you have failed to answer my question about my US citizenship.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
Rock sinks.
Not all rocks sink in water. Not all rocks that sink in water also sink in mercury.

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Originally posted by josephw
[b]"Too Proud & Stubborn to listen to the Truth."

I listen to The Truth when I hear it.

"I have intentionally used capital letters so that you realise this is The TRUTH."

So, because you used capitals that means I should realise it's The Truth?

"There are no gods or pixies or faeries"

I can see a capital letter ...[text shortened]... H[/b]

Jesus said, "my sheep hear my voice". Are you too proud and stubborn to HEAR His voice?[/b]
You listen to the 'truth' told by humans only. You have NEVER been told ANY truth by a deity directly and never will, seeings how such a deity, even assuming it exists, has a strict hands off policy concerning humans.

Otherwise, explain how over 100 MILLION people died in wars in century 20 and the millions before that?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Interesting that in your mind God not only didn't unequivocally condemn slavery, but explicitly condoned it because "[the Bible] had to be acceptable to ancient man"?

Yet somehow God WAS able to unequivocally condemn the eating of shellfish, wearing mixed fabrics, etc.

Doesn't it make much more sense to simply admit that the ancient Jews were wron ...[text shortened]... was the will of God? Especially in light of the fact that Jesus clearly believed that they were?
Some Jews were wrong. The ones who were used to living off the fat of the Temple, and who had clear reason for nay-saying Jesus, were wrong. The ones who made a mockery of His Father's house by selling animals for sacrifice at inflated rates and the money changers who charged huge fees were wrong. Not "all" Jews. Jesus did not come to relieve Jews of their need to follow God's laws.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
I also note that you have failed to answer my question about my US citizenship.
Look, if you want US citizenship, then you are perfectly within your rights to apply. And yes, if you deserve citizenship, then you'll get it. Welcome to America.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Thomas Jefferson was referring to "free white men" and excluded women and Negro slaves. He could not prove his theory, so he appealed to the emotions of the belief in a benevolent Creator by saying it was self-evident. It is a more diplomatic way of saying, "you must be stupid if you don't agree with me." 😏
Not helping, Ron.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Look, if you want US citizenship, then you are perfectly within your rights to apply. And yes, if you deserve citizenship, then you'll get it. Welcome to America.
So I must apply? And I may or may not deserve it? Did you also have to apply? On what basis were you found deserving?
Seriously, you claimed that we were born equal with equal rights and deserving of equal things. I want to know why I must apply and you did not, and why I must be found deserving or not whereas you had to undergo no such scrutiny.

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Originally posted by twhitehead to Suzianne
So I must apply? And I may or may not deserve it? Did you also have to apply? On what basis were you found deserving?
Seriously, you claimed that we were born equal with equal rights and deserving of equal things. I want to know why I must apply and you did not, and why I must be found deserving or not whereas you had to undergo no such scrutiny.
On page 5 Suzianne asked why it is that apparently only Americans understand what she's talking about. Perhaps that will be her answer here to you in this instance too. 😀

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Originally posted by Suzianne
It's been my position for some time now that God knew that the Bible was being written for ancient man. As a result, it had to be acceptable to ancient man. He had a hard enough time getting His own people to follow him loyally. Yes, all men are created equal, but man had ideas of his own. Upsetting that apple cart would have caused more chaos than men ...[text shortened]... n are created equal..." Yes, we have come a long way. And yes, I give thanks to God for this.
How you justify the sanctioning of slavery in the Bible with your own faith is neither here nor there. You seem to be saying God couldn't get his message across to ancient man so he had to dumb it down, which is bizarre in the extreme. You'd think that an omniscient being would have the foresight to see that countless Christians in the following millennia would use the sanctioning of slavery in the Bible to justify the use of them enslaving millions upon millions of people. It would appear God doesn't set the bar too high.

Besides, the OT quite clearly demonstrates God didn't create all men equal so your point is mute.

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