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True Age of the Earth

True Age of the Earth


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Originally posted by sonhouse
I get it. You think that asssinine argument that C14 found in diamonds proves it can only be a few thousand years old. There is one big hitch in all this. Creation scientists use this while deliberately withholding key information, anything to prove their political war on science.

Take a look at this:

I woul ...[text shortened]... ed thought anyway.

What is YOUR refutation of my argument without relying on cut and paste?
I just looked at your rebuttal cut and paste. Who is this idiot? So he believes the scientists are withholding information so they can trick YEC into making arguments they can bring up later to quickly rebutt them. Sounds like some kind of conspiracy theory to me. However, none of what he rambled on about rebutts the cut and past video I presented.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I did not here any anti-semetic statement from him at all, unless you think believing in Jesus, a Jew, is anti-semetic.

P.S. The point he is making about C-14 is that it can not be used to prove something is billions of years old. He used it himself to prove dinosaur bones were only thousands of years old.
You didn't see the title of that video side show? Anti semitic title.

Also you must not have gotten my point about C14 underground. Did you not understand that point? That there is natural radiation underground as well as the atmosphere. A lot of the internal heating of the Earth comes from radiation and it hits diamonds just as well as Dino bones.
He didn't prove anything but his own willingness to use science in a religious political war on evolution. If he is any kind of real scientist he already knew about underground radiation and the transmutation of N14 to C14 but just accidentally fails to reveal that fact.
You jump on any asssinine bandwagon that seems to promote your deluded notion the Earth is only a few thousand years old. You should wake up and smell the coffee.

Your bible does not say the Earth is that young, only idiots who try to interpret the bible and don't know their asss from a hole in the ground. And of course you buy it hook line and sinker.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I just looked at your rebuttal cut and paste. Who is this idiot? So he believes the scientists are withholding information so they can trick YEC into making arguments they can bring up later to quickly rebutt them. Sounds like some kind of conspiracy theory to me. However, none of what he rambled on about rebutts the cut and past video I presented.
Is that your best shot? Completely ignoring the fact that there is underground radiation and instead relying on ad hominem attacks on the presenter?
Do you actually know where C14 in the atmosphere comes from?
BTW, look at the title of your own cut and paste, it says

Jewish fraud of evolution scam or creation Dodging.

If that is not anti-semitic I don't know the meaning of that term.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Is that your best shot? Completely ignoring the fact that there is underground radiation and instead relying on ad hominem attacks on the presenter?
Do you actually know where C14 in the atmosphere comes from?
BTW, look at the title of your own cut and paste, it says

Jewish fraud of evolution scam or creation Dodging.

If that is not anti-semitic I don't know the meaning of that term.
That is apparently just the thoughts of the one uploading the video for there is no anti-semitism in it. That person seems to be on your side, so he apparently sees things wrong with it that I do not see.


What is the old-earth explanation for Carbon 14 being detected in diamonds?
This was discovered by the RATE (Radioactivity and the Age of The Earth) project and the results published a couple of years ago. The previous measureable amounts of C14 found in coal and oil were blamed on contamination, but that is a bit harder to do with diamonds, since material does not leach into or out of these extremely hard stones. IIRC, the level found would date them to under 100,000 years.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
That is apparently just the thoughts of the one uploading the video for there is no anti-semitism in it. That person seems to be on your side, so he apparently sees things wrong with it that I do not see.


What is the old-earth explanation for Carbon 14 being detected in diamonds?
This was discovered by the RAT ...[text shortened]... ut of these extremely hard stones. IIRC, the level found would date them to under 100,000 years.
That would be because the diamonds we mine are already up close to the surface of the Earth and not getting much in the way of C14 renewal any more. If you drilled for diamonds deep in the Earth you would find them to have newer C14 inside. So it is a measure of how long they have been pushed up to the surface. Sorry, another YEC fail.

Originally posted by sonhouse
That would be because the diamonds we mine are already up close to the surface of the Earth and not getting much in the way of C14 renewal any more. If you drilled for diamonds deep in the Earth you would find them to have newer C14 inside. So it is a measure of how long they have been pushed up to the surface. Sorry, another YEC fail.
You would not know the truth if it bit you in the arse.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
You would not know the truth if it bit you in the arse.
take a look at this (the vid


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Originally posted by tim88
take a look at this (the vid

Well it's interesting in that it puts all the bogus so-called science of creationism all in one place.

BTW, we already destroyed the C14 everywhere idea.

That being the presence of radiation underground making new C14 from N14 continuously.

Sorry, that one doesn't fly on the face of it.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Well it's interesting in that it puts all the bogus so-called science of creationism all in one place.

BTW, we already destroyed the C14 everywhere idea.

That being the presence of radiation underground making new C14 from N14 continuously.

Sorry, that one doesn't fly on the face of it.
I think it prove C-14 can't be used to date anything that is believed to be over about 10,000 years old, and that would be stretching it a bit IMO.

Also the ages for dinosaurs should be adjusted to thousands of years. These new findings are beginning to eat away at the credibility of the theory of evolution which requires long periods of time to take place.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I think it prove C-14 can't be used to date anything that is believed to be over about 10,000 years old, and that would be stretching it a bit IMO.

Also the ages for dinosaurs should be adjusted to thousands of years. These new findings are beginning to eat away at the credibility of the theory of evolution which requires long periods of time to take place.
So you figure it's all a big conspiracy when 10 or so separate dating techniques have been invented all pointing to very ancient ages of strata that dinosaur bones lie in and even if the soil a dino bone was buried in was proven by several distinctly different techniques all say that a certain fossil was buried in a stata that was say, 180 million years old, we should just bow down to you and forget all that technology and admit our errors and how could we all have been so wrong?

In a pigs asss we will.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
So you figure it's all a big conspiracy when 10 or so separate dating techniques have been invented all pointing to very ancient ages of strata that dinosaur bones lie in and even if the soil a dino bone was buried in was proven by several distinctly different techniques all say that a certain fossil was buried in a stata that was say, 180 million years old ...[text shortened]... ology and admit our errors and how could we all have been so wrong?

In a pigs asss we will.
Well, it is obvious that something is wrong with these dating methods.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Well, it is obvious that something is wrong with these dating methods.
what, all of them? you found a weakness in one dating method that was already known about by scientists and researchers and the error margin is calculated appropriately not to mention verified by many other dating methods.

compare that to what you believe... the earth is a few thousand years old because it says so where? in some book of hebrew tribal mythology.

now that is really reasonable there, chet. keep it up.

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Originally posted by VoidSpirit
what, all of them? you found a weakness in one dating method that was already known about by scientists and researchers and the error margin is calculated appropriately not to mention verified by many [b]other dating methods.

compare that to what you believe... the earth is a few thousand years old because it says so where? in some book of hebrew tribal mythology.

now that is really reasonable there, chet. keep it up.[/b]
Any dating method that dates animals bones to millions of years has to be suspect, because animals were only created a few thousand years ago.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Any dating method that dates animals bones to millions of years has to be suspect, because animals were only created a few thousand years ago.
well that does it then. what was your evidence that they were created a few thousand years ago again? oh yes, a book of ancient hebrew tribal mythology.

i can see why your so adamant in your assertions. why, you might burn in the hell of a make-belief lunatic god if you didn't believe all that nonsense.

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Originally posted by VoidSpirit
well that does it then. what was your evidence that they were created a few thousand years ago again? oh yes, a book of ancient hebrew tribal mythology.

i can see why your so adamant in your assertions. why, you might burn in the hell of a make-belief lunatic god if you didn't believe all that nonsense.
You crack me up. You are funny. 😀

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