Originally posted by RJHindsAnd a little equal time to an Old Earth Creationist - Dr. Hugh Ross PhD. Astrophysics from Reasons To Believe .
Evidence for a Young Earth
Starlight And A Young Earth
Age of the Earth - part 2
The Scientific Case For Old Earth Creationism
Originally posted by RJHindsonce again: everybody knows C14 cannot be used to prove something is billions of years old.
I did not here any anti-semetic statement from him at all, unless you think believing in Jesus, a Jew, is anti-semetic.
P.S. The point he is making about C-14 is that it can not be used to prove something is billions of years old. He used it himself to prove dinosaur bones were only thousands of years old.
everybody that is not ignorant of course
Originally posted by RJHindsDo you think that the date of the creation of the universe is one of the items Jude mentions as "the faith once for all delivered to the saints" ?
Evidence for a Young Earth
Starlight And A Young Earth
Age of the Earth - part 2
Jude 3 - "Beloved, while using all diligence to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you and exhort you to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints."
Do you regard a 6,000 year ago creation of the universe as one of those crucial tenets of the Christian faith ?
Asked another way, when the writer of the book of Hebrews informs us of the "foundation" our faith, do you think the year date of the creation of the universe is part of that "foundation" ?
"Therefore leaving the word of the beginning of Christ, let us be brought on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith in God, of the teaching of baptisms and of the laying on of hands, of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment." (Hebrews 6:1,2)
Why didn't the writer of Hebrews include in these foundational tenets "the age of the earth" ?
Do you think Paul should have included "the true age of the earth" when he reviewed to the Corinthians the major tenets of the Gospel he received ?
"For I delivered to you, first of all, that which also I received, that Christ died for our sins according to teh Scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He has been raised on the third day according to the Scriptures; And that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve; Then He appeared to over five hundred brothers at one time, of whom the majority remain until now, but some have fallen asleep; Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles; And last of all He appeared to me also ..." (1 Cor. 15:3-8)
Do you think Paul should have included that the earth was created a certain number of years ago ?
Originally posted by jaywillYou know that I do not believe any of that. If the exact age of the universe was that important, God would have made it known. But I do believe God did make known to us an approximate age of the heavens and the Earth so that we will not be deceived by false teachings. From the straight forward reading of the Holy Scripture, it is clear that the Earth can not be millions or billions of years old. So anyone that teaches that is a false teacher and we should look extra close at what he teaches concerning the Christ and not follow his teachings blindly. It is ridiculous to think that the age of the Earth should be included with the major tenets of the Gospel.
Do you think that the date of the creation of the universe is one of the items [b]Jude mentions as "the faith once for all delivered to the saints" ?
Jude 3 - "Beloved, while using all diligence to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you and exhort you to earnestly contend for the faith once for ...[text shortened]... should have included that the earth was created a certain number of years ago ?
Now, let me ask you a question. Do you think Christians should challenge the evolutionary teachings that man evolved from an ape or some other creature millions of years ago? Or maybe, you are content to allow the school teachers to indoctinate our children by such teachings, which implies that the account in Genesis is a fairy tale and we were not created in the image of Good. If your answer is NO, then how can you not see the connection between these millions of years for the age of man and the Earth as undermining the validity of the Holy Bible and supporting the theory of evolution. Even the atheists can see that.
Originally posted by RJHindsimportant for what? for us to lead moral lives? of course it is not important. that doesn't make it false.
You know that I do not believe any of that. If the exact age of the universe was that important, God would have made it known. But I do believe God did make known to us an approximate age of the heavens and the Earth so that we will not be deceived by false teachings. From the straight forward reading of the Holy Scripture, it is clear that the Earth can ...[text shortened]... idity of the Holy Bible and supporting the theory of evolution. Even the atheists can see that.
god left out of the book quantum physics, chemistry, mathematics. all the architecture is done "by grace of god".
does that mean that mathematics, chemistry and architecture are all attempts by the devil to deceive us?
"Or maybe, you are content to allow the school teachers to indoctinate our children by such teachings, which implies that the account in Genesis is a fairy tale and we were not created in the image of Good."
you do understand what a metaphor is? that it can simply mean we are self conscious like God? know right from wrong like god? we already know we are not in the exact image of god because we cannot make water into wine.
The account of Genesis is a fairy tale. from the horror that is the flood to the 900 year lives the patriarchs lived. from the incest going on between eve and adam and their children to the destruction of sodom and gomorrah (including the children).
Does the fact that genesis is a monument of sadism and horrors lessen the message of Jesus? It fukin does not, not unless you keep claiming Jesus's message of love should be put in the same book as the destruction of all the children in the world at some point.
Originally posted by Zahlanzi
important for what? for us to lead moral lives? of course it is not important. that doesn't make it false.
god left out of the book quantum physics, chemistry, mathematics. all the architecture is done "by grace of god".
does that mean that mathematics, chemistry and architecture are all attempts by the devil to deceive us?
"Or maybe, you are conte ...[text shortened]... be put in the same book as the destruction of all the children in the world at some point.
The account of Genesis is a fairy tale.
How do you know that ?
Originally posted by jaywillAs i alluded to in another thread - The genetic evidence contained in human DNA tells us that our population has never dropped below the thousands which would nullify the story of Adam and Eve and also the story of the flood.The account of Genesis is a fairy tale.
How do you know that ?
Originally posted by jaywillproper knob said just 1 of the many facts that contradict it.The account of Genesis is a fairy tale.
How do you know that ?
how about the fact that just 100 or so years after the flood, noah and his family had bred like bunnies to produce a civilization capable of building the Tower of Babel and the city (or cities) near it.
Bear in mind that the tower of babel must have been much more impressive than the pyramids in order to piss god off. and the civilization that built it must have been more numerous than the egyptians. yet we have absolutely no record of it anywhere.
Also the fact that we all know the egyptians have no gills and cannot breathe underwater. so it makes us wonder why there were egyptians before and after the flood and why didn't a people that wrote everything down like the egyptians ever recorded an account of such a huge disaster.
Also, about the age of the Earth:
It has been shown that Andromeda hits the Milky way in 4 billion years. That was a relief, I thought it was going to happen in only 1🙂
But the main gist is, the distance to Andromeda is known and the speed is known and other galaxies have already crashed, some head on, some like Andromeda, will hit the milky way like a buzz saw right down the middle.
So what do the YEC's say about that?
Originally posted by ZahlanziRemembering that Noah and his family had superior building knowledge given to them by God. And the fact that my grandmother gave birth to 26 children and that does not even come close to the record. The greatest recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev (Russia). In 27 pregnancies between 1725 and 1765 she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets. Only two of the children failed to survive their infancy. The mother also holds the records for giving birth to the most sets of twins and the most sets of quadruplets. They you could easily have 5 generations within 100 years, I do not see it impossibe that they would have built cities and even a special project like the tower of Babel. Cities back in those days were not nearly as big as we have today and a small tower would probably be a big deal and a distraction that God did not want them to have at the time.
proper knob said just 1 of the many facts that contradict it.
how about the fact that just 100 or so years after the flood, noah and his family had bred like bunnies to produce a civilization capable of building the Tower of Babel and the city (or cities) near it.
Bear in mind that the tower of babel must have been much more impressive than the pyra that wrote everything down like the egyptians ever recorded an account of such a huge disaster.
P.S. I forgot to address your egyptian question. There is no record that there was an eqyptian civilization before the flood. The dates that man gives are only speculations, just like their age of the earth, etc.