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What did Jesus sacrifice?

What did Jesus sacrifice?


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@mike69 said
Even your anti Christ?
Him more than most.

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@sh76 said
Some rooks and a pawns, mainly.

He tried to sacrifice his queen, but he had no control over her.

He would have sacced a bishop, but they hadn't been invented yet.

Of course, he ended up getting forked and skewered anyway.
Jesus is sort of like the Queen.

He's the most powerful piece, what with him being part of the Godhead and all. They trapped him and killed him, but 3 moves later, he came back as a promoted pawn.

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@mike69 said
So are you saying Jesus is sin, if He is the same yesterday, today and forever? Did he accept and was punished for them, but still holy and not actual sin?
As God Jesus was eternally the same, one of the great things He did for us was to
take on human nature, setting aside His divinity, suffering and dying a horrible death
and taking on all of the guilt of the human race, and was punished for it, now He is
seated at the right hand of the Father. The sin was dealt with once and for all.

Ephesians 1:19-21
English Standard Version
and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.


@mike69 said
You’re looking at it from an earthy standpoint and not knowing or understanding of what it also meant in a heavenly, earthly God Point of view.
What did God sacrifice "in a heavenly, earthly God Point of view"?

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@mike69 said
Hey KJ, do we love and still pray for a fallen brother in Christ for healing, that’s a little harsh, what you said.

Calling me an "Anti Christ" is KellyJay puffing himself up and a kind of virtue signalling to people who share his beliefs.

In discourse with a non-believer it's a swing and a miss rather than "harsh".


@fmf said

Calling me an "Anti Christ" is KellyJay puffing himself up and a kind of virtue signalling to people who share his beliefs.

In discourse with a non-believer it's a swing and a miss rather than "harsh".
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.

It isn't a name without meaning.


@kellyjay said
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.

It isn't a name without meaning.
It has "no meaning" to a non-believer.

Puff yourself up, signal away, be my guest.

Using John 2:22 to suggest I am a "liar" is pathetic partisan posturing and psychologically deceptive.

Hello, KellyJay. I am FMF. I am a non-believer. Nice to meet you.

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@kellyjay said
As God Jesus was eternally the same, one of the great things He did for us was to
take on human nature, setting aside His divinity, suffering and dying a horrible death
and taking on all of the guilt of the human race, and was punished for it, now He is
seated at the right hand of the Father. The sin was dealt with once and for all.

Ephesians 1:19-21
English Standard ...[text shortened]... and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
I can’t find my readers but if your saying it would be before his death as man, accepting, becoming and paying the price through death and suffering becoming our Lord and savior and sinless.


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@kellyjay said
If there were two judges dealing out justice and one was by the book no mercy, no one would ever receive mercy no circumstances would be lessen any verdict. The other judge only showed mercy only forgiveness, is that justice? God through the cross deals out both perfect justice and mercy to those who put their faith in Christ.

God can not just forgive sins without dealing with the His righteousness, goodness, holiness also being perfectly satisfied.
Of course God can just forgive sins. Of course God can simply show mercy. This is exactly what Muslims believe about Allah, the God of mercy.

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@moonbus said
Of course God can just forgive sins. Of course God can simply show mercy. This is exactly what Muslims believe about Allah, the God of mercy.
No, the Muslims can believe whatever they want, but if God is not just He is not God.


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@kellyjay said
No, the Muslims can believe whatever they want, but if God is not just He is not God.
You, Muslims, and Jews all believe in the same God.

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@moonbus said
You, Muslims, and Jews all believe in the same God.
Not true I believe Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh, show me where Jews and Muslims also accept that?

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@fmf said
What did God sacrifice "in a heavenly, earthly God Point of view"?
To know that we would have to be much closer to God than we can get now I expect😉? My Pov and feeling is that as the perfect Father what would it be like to have had to watch his Son agree and go through all and allow it.

What was it like to make all the necessary decisions before hand and possibly hope???

Then as the perfect father in his attributes of Love, Faith, Hope, and mercy along with His true understanding of all watching in horror and love.

Do you think he wept as he watched, it cost him and us plenty.

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