25 Sep 22
@mike69 saidI understand what you have said here but I don't think you are tackling the question.
To know that we would have to be much closer to God than we can get now I expect😉? My Pov and feeling is that as the perfect Father what would it be like to have had to watch his Son agree and go through all and allow it.
What was it like to make all the necessary decisions before hand and possibly hope???
Then as the perfect father in his attributes of Love, Faith, Hop ...[text shortened]... all watching in horror and love.
Do you think he wept as he watched, it cost him and us plenty.
25 Sep 22
@fmf saidAs you don't grasp the answer, you think giving up eternal righteousness, holiness,
I understand what you have said here but I don't think you are tackling the question.
and being separated from the fellowship of God the Father for however long it took
and being punished for all the sins we have ever done a little thing. It seems to me
from your perspective becoming sin is nothing, which I suppose should be
understandable since you have little to no regard for sin. I guess if sin is nothing to
you becoming it wouldn't be the big deal in your eyes, and since the righteousness
of God is meaningless to you, that fact that for one so perfect to become like us by
taking on all of our guilt and shame, no big deal, as you don't see your own life
having guilt and shame that you concern yourself with, you must not think you
need to be forgiven.
25 Sep 22
@kellyjay saidThis screed of yours about guilt, shame, and "sin" does not address the question. If the divine Jesus ~ who has always existed and always will ~ supposedly went back to being God again after dying ~ and was never "not God" during his years of being God incarnate on Earth ~ what exactly did he sacrifice?
As you don't grasp the answer, you think giving up eternal righteousness, holiness,
and being separated from the fellowship of God the Father for however long it took
and being punished for all the sins we have ever done a little thing. It seems to me
from your perspective becoming sin is nothing, which I suppose should be
understandable since you have little to no regar ...[text shortened]...
having guilt and shame that you concern yourself with, you must not think you
need to be forgiven.
25 Sep 22
@kellyjay saidall of our guilt and shame
since the righteousness
of God is meaningless to you, that fact that for one so perfect to become like us by
taking on all of our guilt and shame, no big deal, as you don't see your own life
having guilt and shame that you concern yourself with, you must not think you
need to be forgiven.
Speak for yourself, KellyJay. If you feel "guilt and shame" about your life, then that is a matter for you.
@fmf saidIf you feel none, you speak for yourself.
If you feel "guilt and shame" about yourself, so be it.
The thing about evil is it takes what is good and turns it into evil, and God is the
one who takes us who are evil and turns us into God's righteousness. The more
grace and goodness God shows us, the greater the evil we do. God gives us a
means of grace to be redeemed by Him, and people say God is evil because God
has given us a way to be redeemed by Him. I'm not surprised at all you are
good in your own eyes.
25 Sep 22
@kellyjay saidYou think I am evil and that I should feel guilt and shame. Got it.
If you feel none, you speak for yourself.
The thing about evil is it takes what is good and turns it into evil, and God is the
one who takes us who are evil and turns us into God's righteousness. The more
grace and goodness God shows us, the greater the evil we do. God gives us a
means of grace to be redeemed by Him, and people say God is evil because God
has given us a way to be redeemed by Him. I'm not surprised at all you are
good in your own eyes.
So, If the divine Jesus went back to being God again after dying ~ and was never "not God" during his years of being God incarnate on Earth ~ what exactly did he sacrifice?
@fmf saidIs the assumption here that while Jesus was on earth He was 100% human? That He felt physical pain, and fear of the beating that was on the way?
@moonbus raised this issue recently.
If Jesus ~ believed to be a divine being who has always existed and always will exist ~ supposedly went back to being God again after being executed by the Romans ~ and was never not-God during his years of being God incarnate on Earth ~ what exactly did he sacrifice?
(Whether or not He felt the pain would determine the argument that His beating and crucifixion was the sacrifice)
Note: if someone argues that Jesus was 100% human, then He surely would have desired women. One cannot say that He was a human man to suit one issue, but exclude His manhood for issues that are uncomfortable to some.