Originally posted by @romans1009He may keep this up for another 30 posts insisting I am pretending, dishonest, and cowardly, prickly, refusing to jump through all his hoops.
I hope this is one hell of a question for all the buildup you’re giving it.
He may also accuse me loving to write about hell all the time.
That's the way some of these annhilationists work. They get you to keep talking about hell and then accuse you of loving to talk only about hell.
I am now SOOO petrified !! ... of boredom.
Originally posted by @sonshipI wish he’d just ask the question already. No matter what the question is, it’s going to be a huge letdown because he’s spent the last few days building it up.
He may keep this up for another 30 posts insisting I am pretending, dishonest, and cowardly, refusing to jump through his hoops.
He may also accuse me loving to write about hell all the time.
That's the way some of these annhilationists work. They get you to keep talking about hell and then accuse you of loving to talk only about hell.
I am now SOOO petrified !! ... of boredom.
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I have never used the word “lopsided” to describe you in terms of your beliefs, I have used these words:
DEVASTATING rebuttal!!
Oh wait, it was I who used the word "lopsided."
Did I say "You said lopsided" ?
Wrong, erroneous, horrendous, apocalyptic, disgusting, amoral, a sleight on the nature of god etc.
Of this list the only word I might agree with is "apocalyptic".
Well, "horrendous" I would agree with.
The opening preaching in the New Testament of John the Baptist included a horrendous warning right up front.
" I baptize you in water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is stronger than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.
Whose winnowing fan is in His hand. And He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and will gather His wheat into His barn,
but the chaff He will burn up with unquenchable fire." (Matt. 3:11,12)
This dreadful warning is given right up front in the third chapter of the first of the Gospels - Matthew.
One hardly has to wait until Revelation for an intricate apocalyptic vision. Practically in the introduction of Christ's ministry God has John the Baptist warn of truly "horrendous" judgment to come from Christ to His unredeemed enemies.
If you'd rather be among His wheat gathered into His barn, you have the right reaction.
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Again, practically on the "Welcome mat" of the New Testament, John the Baptist says of Jesus -
" Whose winnowing fan is in His hand. And He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and will gather His wheat into His barn,
but the chaff He will burn up with unquenchable fire." (Matt. 3:11,12)
So someone makes a case that this cannot be a literal unquenchable fire. Even if you could argue that total allegorical usage, doesn't the warning still carry a sense of dread?
To be gathered into His barn - Salvation - good
To be burned up with unquencable fire - Punishment - bad.
"Unquenchable" certainly does not suggest a punishment of annihilation. If it is not a hot fire it is something "unquenchable".
Oh, around about this time the die hard annhilationist will accuse me of LOVING to talk about eternal punishment.
"You just keep writing about hell. You LOVE hell, See?"
You know what I really would like to do?
I'd like to do a thread on the whole of Revelation 14.
What a chapter with lots of good things (not just one "horrendous" thing).