22 Feb 22
@josephw saidThe most insults and ridicule of the opinions of others, the most comments alien to the thread topic, are all in your posts so far in this thread.
A rationale of a spiritually nearsighted person. Your focus relative to Christianity is myopic. You're generating a line of discussion not worth discussing because it isn't germane to the topic.
It's all you know how to talk about. Boring, judgmental, accusatorial and otherwise beneath the dignity of rational Christian discourse. 🤣
22 Feb 22
-Removed-Lame as in just plain stupid.
You couldn't contribute a substantive comment regarding a text of scripture if your life depended on it. Not only that but you've proven yourself to be nothing more than FMF with different skin.
Sometimes I think he feeds you things to say. The only difference in your narratives is that you add to and FMF takes away.
-Removed-I commented on your OP, but you responded to what I said in the biblically ignorant and flippant way you always do. You're a dishonest and disingenuous person in the extreme.
You're not only biblically ignorant and flippant.
You totally disregard anything that's said to you in reply to your posts. You deflect, ignore and avoid anything said in disagreement to your assertions and generate misleading and off topic questions and comments meant to derail rational debate.
In other words, like Rajk, who by the way you never rebuff for his anti-Christian dogma, you're a dick!
22 Feb 22
-Removed-Why would anyone reply to anything you say when you can't answer in return? You do this often. Apparently it isn't about a rational discussion for you, instead it appears you're just looking for opportunities to be a dick about everything and display your disdain and contempt against Bible believing Christians.
Page 3, 9th post from the top.
@divegeester said
I was brought up being told that the Bible is the complete, inerrant, infallible Word of God. Early on in my Christian experience I just accepted the cosy and somewhat reassuring message. However upon looking into it, the claim is not expressly made nor in fact substantiated anywhere in the bible nor in any other text.
@josephw said
Psalms 119:160, 12:6,7.
Isaiah 40:8
Matthew 4:4, 5:18, 24:35.
Luke 24:25-27.
John 17:17.
Romans 3:3,4.
2 Timothy 3:16,17.
Revelation 22:18,19.