Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



28 Oct 05
23 Apr 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
Every time you attack his followers, you attack Christ. I thought that was clear from what I said.
If I criticize you ~ for example ~ for your constant, scornful, attempted ad hominem put downs, seemingly delivered instead of proper replies and invariably when evading inconvenient questions, how can that be construed as "attacking Christ"? You attack 'His followers' from time to time ~ RJHinds and divegeester, for example ~ are you "attacking Christ" when you attack these followers?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
I don't remember the exact words, since it has been awhile and he has been repeating his own versions of what I said for so long. However, he objects to me informing him that he deserves to be thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and needs to repent of his sins and believe all that Christ has said in order to be saved. He refuses to believe that onyo ...[text shortened]... nd Brimstone to be punished forever and ever in contradiction to what I believe Christ has said.
You know very well what you said; which was more or less, that I as a Christian, deserve to be burnt in hell for eternity for rejecting the doctrine of eternal hell.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
So you are part of a group despite the fact that you said and I quote verbatim, 'Being part of a "group" has no appeal to me'. A rather strange and illogical statement, self contradictory too. What is this group of yours called.
No I am not part of an officially recognised Christian "group". I mix with a lose, unaffiliated, non-denominational body of believers.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
Regardless of what you claim, I would suspect that Grampy Bobby knows what i actually said was correct. So you can pout and fuss all you want, but repentance is what you really need. 😏
Well why not discuss it openly with him here instead of all this hilarious posturing around each other?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"Spirituality: Debate and general discussion of the supernatural, religion, and the life after." -Russ "Debate and general discussion" not overt public criticism of another person's volitional freedom to believe or not believe whatever he or she may damn well choose. Resolving significant differences in private represents the time honored principle of g ...[text shortened]... straight sans emotional fixations of other people and their real or imagined shortcomings. -Bob
I think all this is bluff and bluster from someone who is notorious here for not engaging in debate.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Ron, thanks for your reply. Let's continue our conversation with personal messages and/or email. -Bob
Why not discuss the matter here where Russ has created the perfect environment for such engagements?

You and rjhinds having this ritualistic dance around each other is one of the silliest things I've seen here since robbie carrobie said that masturbation turns you into a homosexual.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Even as an atheist, who doesn't believe in 'the lake of fire', 'i' object to you saying such a thing to another human being. Who are you to 'inform' anybody that they 'deserve' to go to hell; especially when you do believe such a place exists. As a Christian i think you should apologize immediately for those unwarranted comments. But hey, that's just the opinion of an atheist.
Thank you G O D (nice initials btw).

I find it extraordinary that not one Christian, not one has had the fortitude to challenge rjhinds on what he said to me. Look at how Grammy Bobby, the self-anointed forum sooth-sayer is avoiding engaging on the matter.

The concept of taking a human being and keeping them alive for eternity in a burning hell is one of the most disgusting inventions of the human mind. For rjhinds to casually tell another Christian they "deserve to go there" for basically not believing in eternal suffering is absolutely horrible and a sad indictment of contemporary Christianity.


28 Oct 05
24 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Ron, thanks for your reply. Let's continue our conversation with personal messages and/or email. -Bob
Is it your religiosity that makes you like this? With your peculiar blend of self-regard and your spectacularly dysfunctional interpersonal skills, you have backed yourself into the most ludicrous of corners here ~ on what is, after all, a debate and discussion forum! This is beyond parody. Priceless. πŸ˜€


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Is it your religiosity that makes you like this? With your peculiar blend of self-regard and your spectacularly dysfunctional interpersonal skills, you have backed yourself into the most ludicrous of corners here ~ on what is, after all, a debate and discussion forum! This is beyond parody. Priceless. πŸ˜€
You won't learn anything about any us by simply looking inward... we are not mirror images of you.


28 Oct 05
24 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by lemon lime
You won't learn anything about any us by simply looking inward... we are not mirror images of you.
It's not me who has so much difficulty stating what he believes directly and unequivocally to someone with whom he disagrees and it is not me who is inviting a fellow poster to have 'secret talks' by PM. I learn plenty about people here by simply watching how they behave.


28 Oct 05
24 Apr 15

lemon lime, do you believe ~ as RJHinds does ~ that divegeester "deserves" to burn in Hell for eternity for NOT believing that God burns people in Hell for eternity, and that divegeester also "deserves" to burn in Hell for eternity for his "sinful nature"? As a fellow Christian, do you agree with RJHinds, yes or no?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
It's not me who has so much difficulty stating what he believes directly and unequivocally to someone with whom he disagrees and it is not me who is inviting a fellow poster to have 'secret talks' by PM. I learn plenty about people here by simply watching how they behave.
Who is having 'secret talks' by PM?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Curious you should quote just that part of my post and say nothing of my condemnation of a Christian informing someone that they deserved to go to hell.

So perhaps, while i am remembering that life decisions have eternal consequences, you can work on your priorities.
Ghost of a Duke, your final sentence suggested an open mind. Please remember that we each choose our own eternal address.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
lemon lime, do you believe ~ as RJHinds does ~ that divegeester "deserves" to burn in Hell for eternity for NOT believing that God burns people in Hell for eternity, and that divegeester also "deserves" to burn in Hell for eternity for his "sinful nature"? As a fellow Christian, do you agree with RJHinds, yes or no?
What difference does what other people believe matter to you? Isn't it what you believe that counts to you? Why don't you just tell us all about what you believe about RJHinds and his alleged statements and stop badgering other people about it?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
lemon lime, do you believe ~ as RJHinds does ~ that divegeester "deserves" to burn in Hell for eternity for NOT believing that God burns people in Hell for eternity, and that divegeester also "deserves" to burn in Hell for eternity for his "sinful nature"? As a fellow Christian, do you agree with RJHinds, yes or no?
Oh please, do you really expect me to answer RJ through you? Did we just meet today? Do I know nothing about you, and how you operate?

I've been here long enough to know that the real question up for grabs here is whether or not hell exists. All it takes to get divegeesters undies twisted up into a knot is to suggest hell is a real destination for people who have rejected God. Why this would bother someone who believes he is right with God is something you would have to ask dive (not me) so don't expect me to speak for divegeester either.

I can't speak for RJ, or for divegeester, or for Suzi,.. or for you. Seriously dude, when are you going to cut the crap and stop hiding behind dumb questions and ad hominem attacks? Never?

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