Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



28 Oct 05
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
It is also very interesting and perplexing as to why you would even care. πŸ™„
Hearing and discussing what people believe and how and why they propagate it is surely par for the course on a forum like this.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Hearing and discussing what people believe and how and why they propagate it is surely par for the course on a forum like this.
Some people wish to keep some of their beliefs private. Why must you continually badger them when this is obvious from their response? Isn't badgering them somewhat rude and inconsiderate when you have already determined they are not comfortable with talking about a certain subject in public?

31 May 06
24 Apr 15
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Originally posted by RJHinds
It is also very interesting and perplexing as to why you would even care. πŸ™„
Well it demonstrates your [lack of] morality and compassion and empathy quite nicely for one thing.

Also on display are a collective total inability to;
think logically or rationally,
read and comprehend the questions being asked,
be honest about your beliefs.

I care that you think others or myself deserve to go to hell, not because I/we fear it or believe it exists***
but because it says a great deal about you and your religion that you think it is right and proper for
people to receive an eternity of suffering for any 'crime'... Let alone simply lacking a belief in god/s and
or hell/s.

***And there are people who do believe that hell/s exist, and for these people fear of hell can be very
psychologically damaging. I have often watched the Atheist Experience web tv show where they
get calls from theists and atheists who want to talk/debate and they have had plenty of calls from
people who used to be religious [generally Christians] but who no longer believe that a god exists,
but who are still deeply afraid of going to hell. Because that fear has been drummed into them since
early childhood, and reinforced throughout their lives by a-H**** like yourself and GB who constantly
make reference to "eternal destinations" and "burning in hell" and the like.
This can and does do real and long term psychological damage and it's abhorrent.
And I care about this not because I am affected, because I have never for one second believed that hell
actually existed, but because I have compassion and empathy for those who live in fear because people
like you have made them terrified of a fictional afterlife.

When you [or anyone else] tells me [or anyone else] that they deserve to burn in hell unless they 'repent'
and are 'saved', what you are doing is proving to me that you are an immoral, UNcompassionate, vile and
despicable excuse for a human being.

That is why I care... I can't speak for anyone else, but I suspect others have similar feelings.

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
...All it takes to get divegeesters undies twisted up into a knot is to suggest hell is a real destination for people who have rejected God.

I can't speak for RJ, or for divegeester....
Sorry, could you say that again...are you "speaking for me", or not??

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15
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Originally posted by lemon lime
I've been here long enough to know that the [b]real question up for grabs here is whether or not hell exists. All it takes to get divegeesters undies twisted up into a knot is to suggest hell is a real destination for people who have rejected God. Why this would bother someone who believes he is right with God is something you would have to ask dive (not me) so don't expect me to speak for divegeester either.[/b]
No, the real questions here are:

Why are Christians under attack? As per the OP. I am proposing an angle on that premise which says that actually in some instances Christians are ON the attack. Here's why...

RJHinds has stated that I (a Christian), deserve to burn in hell for eternity because I don't believe in the doctrine of eternal suffering. I see this as an "attack" on me and my beliefs as well as being a horrible ideology on the first place.

Grampy Bobby and all the other Christians here, including you, decline to challenge RJHinds on this. Grampy Bobby seems to disagree (if you read this thread) but refuses to debate RJHinds on the matter.

Burning for eternity in hell is an unbelievably atrocious torture. How can the "under attack" Christians here possibly remain silent on this matter, especially as the subject in hand is another Christian!?

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Why would anyone who does not believe in hell care if someone thinks they are going there or not?

Does divegeester believe hell exists, or does he think it's a metaphor for having a really bad hair day (for eternity)? I don't know what dive believes or doesn't believe, so what exactly does dive believe or not believe about hell... and why the hell doe ...[text shortened]... i]other[/i] reason you want to talk about it, but are afraid to reveal what that reason is.... ?
Why not answer the question in debate instead of hemming and hawing?

Whether or not I care about what RJHinds thinks will happen to me is not the issue (incidentally i couldn't care less), what is the issue is the debate topic about what RJHinds has said and all the Christians in this forum and their response to it. Including you and especially Grampy Bobby,


28 Oct 05
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
Some people wish to keep some of their beliefs private. Why must you continually badger them when this is obvious from their response? Isn't badgering them somewhat rude and inconsiderate when you have already determined they are not comfortable with talking about a certain subject in public?
If charlatans, hypocrites and misanthropes with ghastly notions about their fellow humans feel "not comfortable" after they have paraded these beliefs in public, then so be it; their stonewalling simply reveals that their ideologies don't withstand scrutiny ~ revealing this [or, for that matter, demonstrating that they do withstand scrutiny] is surely one of the functions of a public debating forum.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Oh, I see. Thanks for making it a point to [b]not answer my question...[/b]
I'm following you; your question was about the planet Zarcon, right?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by googlefudge
Well it demonstrates your [lack of] morality and compassion and empathy quite nicely for one thing.

Also on display are a collective total inability to;
think logically or rationally,
read and comprehend the questions being asked,
be honest about your beliefs.

I care you you think others or myself deserve to go to hell, not because we fear it ...[text shortened]... That is why I care... I can't speak for anyone else, but I suspect others have similar feelings.
But you must believe it morally fine to keep badgering people to judge someone else when it is obvious they do not feel comfortable in doing such a thing. 😏

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
But you must believe it morally fine to keep badgering people to judge someone else when it is obvious they do not feel comfortable in doing such a thing. 😏
Says the man who condemned me to an eternity of the most horrendous suffering for simply not beliveing in the doctrine of that horrendous suffering.

Pure gold, you couldn't make this stuff up!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
If charlatans, hypocrites and misanthropes with ghastly notions about their fellow humans feel "not comfortable" after they have paraded these beliefs in public, then so be it; their stonewalling simply reveals that their ideologies don't withstand scrutiny ~ revealing this [or, for that matter, demonstrating that they do withstand scrutiny] is surely one of the functions of a public debating forum.
However you keep badgering them to judge a fellow Christian for what he is rumored to have said. If you were really a born again Christian as you have claimed you would have known what Christianity teaches about hell and the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and would know that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and must believe the teachings of Jesus to avoid everlasting torment.

31 May 06
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
But you must believe it morally fine to keep badgering people to judge someone else when it is obvious they do not feel comfortable in doing such a thing. 😏
This is a debate forum, If you are uncomfortable backing up the vile and despicable
claptrap you [and certain others] post then you shouldn't post in the first place.

I have no problem with others [or myself] pressing for answers to perfectly reasonable

And no sympathy for those who repeatedly threaten others with eternal torture as a
matter of course...

"And that means you smart***"


Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15
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Originally posted by RJHinds
However you keep badgering them to judge a fellow Christian for what he is rumored to have said. If you were really a born again Christian as you have claimed you would have known what Christianity teaches about hell and the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and would know that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and must believe the teachings of Jesus to avoid everlasting torment.
Are you now saying that anyone who does not accept the doctrine of "Lake of Fire and Brimstone" and eternal suffering, cannot be a "born again" Christian?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Says the man who condemned me to an eternity of the most horrendous suffering for simply not beliveing in the doctrine of that horrendous suffering.

Pure gold, you couldn't make this stuff up!
This is more proof of your failure to repent and believe the teachings of the Lord Jesus the Christ.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
24 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
This is more proof of your failure to repent and believe the teachings of the Lord Jesus the Christ.
How is me disagreeing with you "proof" of my lack of repentance?

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