Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?


Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
He should probably be drinking oatmeal stout. It used to be given to those who were lactating. 😡
Are you suggesting that FMF is lactating? Do you know what lactating is, or did the word just pop into your brain along with some distant memory of the last time you encountered a pair of female breasts?

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Well said. I've been putting too much effort into trying to get relatively simple ideas across, and I keep forgetting the purpose of this forum is for troglodytes to make sport of people who take their beliefs seriously... but now that I think about it, that's actually one of the reasons I enjoy sticking it to them. πŸ˜€
This is a hugely entertaining post from you. Anyone who goes to your profile and clicks on your "forum posts" as I did, and has a read through your last few pages will see what I mean.

You sure have "stuck it to them" you bad old tough guy you.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
My 'thesis' ~ the thread's fourth thesis ~ in on page 4 of this thread.
I feel that I am without doubt the Christian most attacked by other Christians in this forum. Not that I mind, I enjoy the exchanges and the debate, even the arguing. Of your list from your 4th thesis, I would say I've been "attacked/accused" (to use OP terminology) using these ones I've indicated on a scale of βœ“ to βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“

Religionist: I am not going to engage your observation/question because...

1. you are persecuting me βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“
2. your post is spam βœ“
3. you are misdirecting βœ“
4. you're emotional βœ“
5. you are obfuscating βœ“
6. you are deflecting βœ“
7. your life has no meaning βœ“βœ“
8. you are just being abusive βœ“βœ“βœ“
9. you have an agenda βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“
10. you are intellectually dishonest βœ“βœ“
11. you are a troll βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“
12. you are hijacking the thread βœ“βœ“
13. you exhibit no teachability βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“
14. you are simply attacking Christians βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“
15. you are rejecting authority βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“
16. you are just a hater, hateful, full of hatred βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“βœ“


26 Aug 07
28 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you suggesting that FMF is lactating? Do you know what lactating is, or did the word just pop into your brain along with some distant memory of the last time you encountered a pair of female breasts?
I am not suggesting that he is actually lactating. Even a balloon head like you should be able to appreciate and give some kind of leeway for the use of metaphor to convey something other than the literal. As for female breasts, i think you two boobs are enough for any man to contented with!😡

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I am not suggesting that he is actually lactating. Even a balloon head like you should be able to appreciate and give some kind of leeway for the use of metaphor to convey something other than the literal. As for female breasts, i think you two boobs are enough for any man to contented with!
You said:
Originally posted by robbie carrobie
He should probably be drinking oatmeal stout. It used to be given to those who were lactating.

How are you using the term "lactating" as a metaphor for FMF?


26 Aug 07
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
You said:
Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[b]He should probably be drinking oatmeal stout. It used to be given to those who were lactating.

How are you using the term "lactating" as a metaphor for FMF?[/b]
Why don't you use your imagination and find out dweebjester?

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Why don't you use your imagination and find out dweebjester?
But your use of "lactating" as a "metaphor" makes no sense nether as a joke nor as an insult. What is it you are trying to say?


26 Aug 07
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
But your use of "lactating" as a "metaphor" makes no sense nether as a joke nor as an insult. What is it you are trying to say?
It makes no sense to you? Well I guess you will never know.

31 May 06
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It makes no sense to you? Well I guess you will never know.
It doesn't make sense to anyone... You know why?

Because it doesn't make sense.


26 Aug 07
28 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by googlefudge
It doesn't make sense to anyone... You know why?

Because it doesn't make sense.
Oh dear, such a poor effort. I guess you will never know either, it will simply be my little secret πŸ˜€

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I guess you will never know either, it will simply be my little secret πŸ˜€
Is this the same kind of clandestine approach to "sticking it" to people, that Lemon Lime is referring to when he talks about contributing to thread topics in a "in a form you [divegeester] are not able to recognize"?

14 Mar 15
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
...Even a balloon head like you should be able to appreciate and give some kind of leeway for the use of metaphor to convey something other than the literal.
Does that leeway for the use of metaphor to convey something other than the literal also apply to an understanding of the bible?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Does that leeway for the use of metaphor to convey something other than the literal also apply to an understanding of the bible?
"His understanding"? Maybe.

"An understanding"? Not so much.

14 Mar 15
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
"His understanding"? Maybe.

"An understanding"? Not so much.
I get a little confused, to be honest, who believes what when it comes to the bible. Is it metaphor, is it history, or in Hinds case, just incomprehensibility?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Here is an example of your paranoia from page 1 of this thread:

[b]"A while back, I posted that atheists and Christians in this forum should be more willing to see each others' side in the conflict and try to show some respect towards the "other side" because after all, they are human too, and so deserve some respect just for being human. I wasn't saying we s ...[text shortened]... ith differing beliefs and who disagree on a forum intended to provide an arena for exactly that.
So that's how you're able to sleep at night. A combination of a redefinition of terms and an ability to believe that your agenda turns your sins into "righteousness". It's no wonder you ceased being a Christian. Your "god"-complex doesn't allow it.

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