Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
That person John Smith is not re-born in the cow.

The soul is re-born in the cow.

The false ego which was John Smith is not born in the cow.

The soul of John Smith is born into the cow................and therefore the cow has no idea who John Smith is and never will.
...the cow has no idea who John Smith is and never will.

It's probably better that way for both the cow and John Smith. I can image how confused that cow might be if she did know...

What happens after the cow dies?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Well said.

Lemon Lime seems to think he is funny, in that same way that redbadger thinks that he too is funny.

It's hard to discern whether lemon lime is cognitively unable to contribute to the thread topic or is just drunk.
whatsh *hick* that meen, whdayamene "cognitively unable to contribute" to is wats ar yewe *hick*... oh, a liar huh, oh.. oh yeah? end onlee twysh? *pfffffft***- thash lyke ewu, ewe shaying hey, ya no what... what? thash lick you boastinnk and shayink
"Hay guysh guessh wat? I maid luvf to ma wife an it only tuke 2 minutes"
... ya, hah!.. thash wats the yu was so, so ow doo ya liken dem appuls, huh? what? hah.... *pfffbbbbt^ tha'sh watt eye taught!!


26 Aug 07
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Well said.

Lemon Lime seems to think he is funny, in that same way that redbadger thinks that he too is funny.

It's hard to discern whether lemon lime is cognitively unable to contribute to the thread topic or is just drunk.
He's way funnier than you and Badger has the measure of you as well. Neither of you scourgy windbags has contributed anything of substance.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
Do all people on earth get the same and equal opportunity to accept Christ???????????????????

Answer honestly please.

The answer is No No No No No No.

So how can 7 BILLION people with ONLY ONE LIFE ...........ALL GO TO YOUR HEAVEN.

Answer honestly please.

The answer is THEY CANNOT.

So Christianities belief in ONE LIFE is absolutely WRONG. and to reject this claim is dishonest and foolish.
Heaven is a big, big place and so is hell. Honest injun. 😏


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by moonbus
Having skimmed the previous 25 or so pages with an ever increasing feeling of de ja vu--'where have I read all this before?'-- I believe I discern a pattern clearly enough to venture a [b]Fifth Thesis (or hypothesis, if you prefer) why some some Christians feel under attack. Some (not all) of the Christian correspondents here hold a position which is mar ...[text shortened]... s that description and to what extent criticism befits an intransigently anachronistic position.[/b]
I believe one of the biggest mistakes critics of Christianity have made is in trying to approach the Christian belief from the limited vantage point and mind set of a learned type of two dimensional thinking. This is not a criticism of science, because (in theory if not in practice) it is necessary for scientists to approach their craft within the reasonably self disciplined confines of a naturalism based investigation (and discovery) of "provable" evidence.

Attempting to understand this particular religion (Christianity) with the tools of science is like attempting to compose poetry or music using only the scientific method. This can only work for those who believe anything [which necessarily means "everything"] can be explained through the exercise of science and/or math. But this only works for the scientist and/or mathematician if he believes it will work... in other words, it can't actually work as a tool for understanding religion.

Ironic as this may seem, the idea of science being able to crack the 'religion code' is simply a belief supported by faith. It can't be anything else, because the religion of Christianity has it's own unique and self imposed limitations regarding belief and behavior, which cannot for the most part be applied to or examined by science... the two are not interchangeable.

I've tried making this point before using simpler language, but apparently many here have been trained to only understand big words and impressive complexity. So my hope here is that re-framing this idea in a prettier ivory tower package can do the job of breaking through an enormously well fortified wall of educational ignorance and (self imposed) limited capacity for vision... maybe*.

*I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I won't be up late tonight waiting to see if any dead light bulbs come back to life.


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]...the cow has no idea who John Smith is and never will.

It's probably better that way for both the cow and John Smith. I can image how confused that cow might be if she did know...

What happens after the cow dies?[/b]
The cow rots in the ground as do all dead bodies and the soul which was animating the cow to life for many years goes on to take another birth.

What that birth will be ........is up to the specific karma of the soul .


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
Heaven is a big, big place and so is hell. Honest injun. 😏
Your answer is making a joke out of something serious and the falsity of the Christian teachings are left to be ignored once again.


31 May 12
27 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by lemon lime
I believe one of the biggest mistakes critics of Christianity have made is in trying to approach the Christian belief from the limited vantage point and mind set of a learned type of two dimensional thinking. This is not a criticism of science, because (in theory if not in practice) it is necessary for scientists to approach their craft within the reasona ...[text shortened]... rossed, but I won't be up late tonight waiting to see if any dead light bulbs come back to life.
I don't think anyone would disagree that Christianity has something to say about morals and eschatology (even if some disagree with it). The sticking point, and what makes some Christian posters here look ridiculous and subjects them to harsh criticism, is that they take the position that the Bible is an adequate and reliable authority on matters pertaining to geology (such as the age of the earth), astronomy (age of the universe), and genetics (i.e., evolution). You wouldn't quote the Bible on a question of trigonometry or mechanical engineering now, would you?

EDIT: I might add that certain Christians, not a few of them, themselves maintain that their belief is supported by proofs and evidence. Once one makes that claim, then one enters an intellectual arena where certain conventions apply, and one of them is that putative proofs and putative evidence shall be analyzed for logical cogency, coherence with known facts, and so on and so on (as I stated above)--and NOT accepted on authority ('because the Bible says so' ). The argument from authority cuts no mustard in this universe of discourse, and yet it is continually appealed to by certain posters here. They should expect a vigorous reply.

Now, if some Christians want to drop their claims to having proofs and evidence, fine with me.


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
27 Apr 15
3 edits

Originally posted by FMF
You should answer his question about why you would object to the killing of animals for meat if you believe that the souls of those animals are simply reborn? It would be interesting to see how you answer this.
Does the animal that is caged and starved and beaten and finally dragged against its will to be slaughtered suffer????????

Answer YES.

Even though we are all in reality the spiritual being within the body ......the body still suffers because suffering is experienced through consciousness.

Consciousness is the product of the soul and very close to the soul.

Science cannot create consciousness and so they shall never create life.(dishonest scientist do not accept this)

Some Buddhist monks can transcend the suffering of the body after many years of practicing meditation ........but for the rest of us including the animals we all suffer. (some can tolerate suffering more than others)

Another reason we do not kill is because no human has the right to end the life of any sentient being unless that being is suffering greatly or the King has ordered a brutal criminal to capital punishment.

The Main reason devotees do not eat meat is because they do not offer flesh to the Supreme Lord...........Note( devotees of the Lord always offer their food first in sacrifice to the Lord)


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by Dasa
The cow rots in the ground as do all dead bodies and the soul which was animating the cow to life for many years goes on to take another birth.

What that birth will be ........is up to the specific karma of the soul .
Is there any end or ultimately desirable achievement to this karmatic recycling process, or does it continue on forever?

By the way, it's not necessary for anyone to know about God the way we have been able to learn about it in order for someone to get into heaven. So yes, heaven is big enough for billions or trillions (or any number) of people, because material size is irrelevant in the spiritual realm. And God is well aware of what we know and don't know, so he won't penalize anyone simply because they never had the opportunity to know him and learn what he expects of us. All God needs to do in those particular circumstances (no access or knowledge of scripture) is to judge us according to our own innate sense of right and wrong.

Jesus made it clear that simply calling on his name and acting righteously is not enough to get us into heaven... the outward appearance of righteousness might work to gain respect of our fellow church goers, but God knows more about us than even we are able to know.


31 May 12
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
Does the animal that is caged and starved and beaten and finally dragged against its will to be slaughtered suffer????????

Answer YES.

Even though we are all in reality the spiritual being within the body ......the body still suffers because suffering is experienced through consciousness.

Consciousness is the product of the soul and very close to the s ...[text shortened]... ord...........Note( devotees of the Lord always offer their food first in sacrifice to the Lord)
Do animals have will? Do animals have souls?

That they experience pain I do not doubt. That pain is equivalent to suffering requires ... dare I say it? ... a leap of faith.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by moonbus
I don't think anyone would disagree that Christianity has something to say about morals and eschatology (even if some disagree with it). The sticking point, and what makes some Christian posters here look ridiculous and subjects them to harsh criticism, is that they take the position that the Bible is an adequate and reliable authority on matters pertaining ...[text shortened]...
Now, if some Christians want to drop their claims to having proofs and evidence, fine with me.
If God ever revealed himself to you in some way that left absolutely no doubt in your mind, would you want to share this news with people who are more than happy to mock you and tear your story to pieces?

Imagine facing yourself in a mirror and enduring your own mockery and haughty attitude coming from that image... it's not as easy as you might think to step down from some lofty perch and willingly suffer through your own similar brand of previous abuse. You would probably want to keep any evidence of God to yourself. There are Christians who have a very hard time believing God has revealed himself to people they know, and many of them don't even believe it's possible (someone like that once quoted "anything is possible with God" to me)... so it's not much of a stretch to imagine the sort of disbelief that exists among atheists and agnostics.


31 May 12
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
If God ever revealed himself to you in some way that left absolutely no doubt in your mind, would you want to share this news with people who are more than happy to mock you and tear your story to pieces?

Imagine facing yourself in a mirror and enduring your own mockery and haughty attitude coming from that image... it's not as easy as you might think ...[text shortened]... not much of a stretch to imagine the sort of disbelief that exists among atheists and agnostics.
If Jesus taught anything, it was to endure mockery with humility. There is precious little of that here.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by moonbus
If Jesus taught anything, it was to endure mockery with humility. There is precious little of that here.
There is considerable insecurity and paranoia here, though, that's for sure.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
If God ever revealed himself to you in some way that left absolutely no doubt in your mind, would you want to share this news with people who are more than happy to mock you and tear your story to pieces?

Imagine facing yourself in a mirror and enduring your own mockery and haughty attitude coming from that image... it's not as easy as you might think to step down from some lofty perch and willingly suffer through your own similar brand of previous abuse.

Do you see yourself as "reviled and hated" [and "mocked" and "abused"] ~ as you say Jesus predicted ~ as you go about your everyday life as a Christian?

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