Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Would you characterize a Christian like divegeester as being "reviled and hated"?
So what are you fishing for now? Maybe you should try using different bait... I'm not interested in any of that cheap dime store crap you've been dropping in here.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Or, maybe you assume the gallery you've been playing to can't remember anything from one moment to the next... is that it?
I have no idea what the "gallery" think ~ what an odd perspective you have! But what other members of the community might recall are the Christian-bashing ideas that robbie expressed on Thread 163746. If you don't want to extend your personal remarks to robbie, that's fine by me. But what do you think of the ideas behind the attack that he launched on Christians on the lynching thread?


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
So what are you fishing for now? Maybe you should try using different bait... I'm not interested in any of the cheap dime store crap you've been dropping in here.
OK you don't have to answer it if you don't want to, but it would be interesting to have heard what you think.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Really? Is this what you think this thread should degenerate into?

Unless I've missed something, it seems as if you have single-handedly derailed an otherwise interesting thread- or the bits I've read anyway. Well done.
According to divegeester I've revitalized a dying thread. Do you agree or disagree with divegeester, or are you sad to see this thread continue after it (according to divegeester) was essentially done and ready to disappear among the back pages?

Okay then, I'll ask what might appear to be a question that can be construed as relevant to the topic of "Christians attacking other Christians":

What do you think of FMFs tactic of fishing for fodder (information) that may be used for further attacks on Christians, and his involvement in promoting strife among many of the Christians here?


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
According to divegeester I've revitalized a dying thread. Do you agree or disagree with divegeester, or are you sad to see this thread continue after it (according to divegeester) was essentially done and ready to disappear among the back pages?
divegeester was referring to the peculiar way you kept bumping the thread up to the top with posts that had nothing to do with the topic.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Jesus told his followers (this includes all of us today) that we will be reviled and hated, and he even said they will kill you thinking they do God a service...
As you go about your everyday life as a Christian, would you describe yourself as "reviled and hated"? Do you feel Jesus was right with regard to you - and the life you lead - and the way you are treated?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
I have no idea what the "gallery" think ~ what an odd perspective you have! But what other members of the community might recall are the Christian-bashing ideas that robbie expressed on Thread 163746. If you don't want to extend your personal remarks to robbie, that's fine by me. But what do you think of the ideas behind the attack that he launched on Christians on the lynching thread?
I have no idea what the "gallery" think ~ what an odd perspective you have!

So who have you been referring to whenever you say "us"?

Many times you've started off by saying "me", and then that "me" quickly changes into "us"... and more often than not within the same sentence. I've seen you start off referring to yourself and then quickly change into referring to "us"... so who exactly are you referring to when you say "us"?

And don't try telling me you mean "everyone", because we both know that's not what you mean. If you payed more attention to your own writing you might not find yourself slipping up as often, and inadvertently showing your hand. I don't mind giving you this advice, because I know it won't mean anything to you... you will continue tipping your hand no matter how often someone advises you to stop showing your cards.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
So who have you been referring to whenever you say "us"?
It's a figure of speech.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
You and divegeester have repeatedly tried to get me to comment on robbie, so I finally decided to comment on your comments about robbie.
OK, put the fact that it was robbie who said it aside. Do you think it is justified for anyone to draw a moral parallel between divegeester disagreeing with another Christian over doctrinal issue [and also saying that he'd be willing to kill someone in order to protect the lives of his wife and family] on one hand, and - on the other hand - the actions of murderers who lynched people?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
OK, put the fact that it was robbie who said it aside. Do you think it is justified for [b]anyone to draw a moral parallel between divegeester disagreeing with another Christian over doctrinal issue [and also saying that he'd be willing to kill someone in order to protect the lives of his wife and family] on one hand, and - on the other hand - the actions of murderers who lynched people?[/b]
Did it ever occur to you that it might have simply been a figure of speech? If an excuse like "It's a figure of speech" can work for you, then it can work for anyone... do you agree or disagree?

If you disagree, then please explain why you think no one else has the right to use your own tactics and techniques against you. In your opinion, do you believe someone responding in kind makes them a hypocrite? Or does it simply mean they have sunk to your level, and are willing to use your own style of flinging crap back at you? Are you okay with people who do unto you as you do unto them? I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter... because I'm collecting information about you to be used at a later date.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Did it ever occur to you that it might have simply been a figure of speech? If an excuse like "It's a figure of speech" can work for you, then it can work for anyone... do you agree or disagree?.
The extraordinary Christian-bashing ideas and accusations that robbie expressed on Thread 163746 are certainly not a "figure of speech" ~ you'd know if you looked at the thread.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
If you disagree, then please explain why you think no one else has the right to use your own tactics and techniques against you. In your opinion, do you believe someone responding in kind makes them a hypocrite? Or does it simply mean they have sunk to your level, and are willing to use your own style of flinging crap back at you? Are you okay with people who do unto you as you do unto them? I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter... because I'm collecting information about you to be used at a later date.

I have never accused anyone here on this forum of having the same moral disposition as murderers. I have never done or said anything even remotely like that.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Are you okay with people who do unto you as you do unto them? I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter... because I'm collecting information about you to be used at a later date.
Absolutely. I have no problem with this at all.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
If an excuse like "It's a figure of speech" can work for you, then it can work for anyone... do you agree or disagree?
The word "us" in "Tell us what you believe" is a figure of speech. For you to suggest that the vitriolic anti-Christian argument put forward in Thread 163746 a "figure of speech" is quite simply bizarre.


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
27 Apr 15

[i]Originally posted by divegeester.
So to be clear...

You have read this entire thread of over 600 posts and come to the conclusion that Christians are attacked because they hold silly beliefs.

This is your insight?
I dont need to read 600 post to know the truth of why Christians are attacked verbally by so many people.

The answer is still the same............(Christians are ignorant when it comes to common sense about life.) and they are just sentimental and blind to common truth.

They don't realize that the Bible was written by over 40 authors over 1500 years who imagined and speculated and fabricated its contents.

Many of these authors were drunkards and womanizers and pedophiles................but the common thread that ties them all together is that they were speculators.

You can understand what I mean about how devastating speculation is by looking at science and their speculation about life and origins .

Science has speculated that everything was started by a random explosion and that conscious life was randomly and accidentally started in a muddy puddle when hit by lightning.............(this is absurd)

The Bible was created from a large group of speculators..............and this is why Christians reject re-incarnation because the speculators didn't put it in the Bible with many other truths.

And this is why animal slaughter and meat eating was accepted by the Bible instead of being classified as a great sin, because the speculators were all big meat eaters and intoxicators themselves.

The Bible is just wrong on many levels and this why Christians are attacked by people such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens in public forums..

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