Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
There is way too much crap to wade through for me to bother with looking at each and every little word written at this forum. You and your buddies have done a fine job of taking over this forum and spamming every thread with endless yards of mind numbing crap... so I usually scan passed all the crap until I find something worth talking about.

You've posted dozens and dozens of times on this thread. Are you sure you have been posting "something worth talking about"?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]There is way too much crap to wade through for me to bother with looking at each and every little word written at this forum. You and your buddies have done a fine job of taking over this forum and spamming every thread with endless yards of mind numbing crap... so I usually scan passed all the crap until I find something worth talking about.

You've po ...[text shortened]... ens of times on this thread. Are you sure you have been posting "something worth talking about"?[/b]
Compared to what?


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Compared to what?
You said "I usually scan passed all the crap until I find something worth talking about." Well you have been "talking" really rather a lot on this thread and you've seemed dead set on not talking about the thread topic. What has been the "worth" of your contribution in your view?


28 Oct 05
26 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
"Christians attacking other Christians", as though gangs of us are literally marching over to each other homes with pitchforks guns and torches, is frankly (imo) ridiculous.

Flower04 said this on page 2 and ~ in the context of this thread and this OP ~ it has more than a ring of truth about it.

"Christians feel more under attack because they attack each other. Christians have a tendency to suspect other Christians of not being real believers, not having the correct world view on science, history, education, society, other christian groups like for example catholicism (the "OH! BEWARE-of-pope-Francis!" kind of thing) or the mormon faith etc; in America Christians are expected to vote republican if they are indeed real, true Christians etc. This forum is full hate text written by Christians. It doesn't look very "Christ-like" to me - isn't that the meaning of the word "Christian"?"

Perhaps you should take the point up with him/her and join the debate properly?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]There is way too much crap to wade through for me to bother with looking at each and every little word written at this forum. You and your buddies have done a fine job of taking over this forum and spamming every thread with endless yards of mind numbing crap... so I usually scan passed all the crap until I find something worth talking about.

You've po ...[text shortened]... ens of times on this thread. Are you sure you have been posting "something worth talking about"?[/b]
So what sort of comment do you expect to hear (or are fishing for) about robbie standing up to a couple of goofballs who only wish to appeal to the basest of instincts? If he doesn't take your crap lying down and will consistently fling it back at you, then so what? The one glaring (and difficult to overlook) omission from every one of your complaints has been your own involvement in this.

If someone isn't fooled or intimidated by you then find someone else to be the focus of your blunt object attacks. I don't know what kind of gallery you two have been playing to, but whoever they are they can't be overly bright or honorable people...

It is what it is... and I could add to that "get over yourself", but I know that won't happen anytime soon.

as you were, carry on


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
So what sort of comment do you expect to hear (or are fishing for) about robbie standing up to a couple of goofballs who only wish to appeal to the basest of instincts? If he doesn't take your crap lying down and will consistently fling it back at you, then so what? The one glaring (and difficult to overlook) omission from every one of your complaints has ...[text shortened]... "get over yourself", but I know that won't happen anytime soon.

as you were, carry on
This is just more of the same ~ personal remarks and substance/topic-avoidance. It's not clear why you think these kinds of posts by you are "worth" more than the debate and topic itself.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
"Christians attacking other Christians", as though gangs of us are literally marching over to each other homes with pitchforks guns and torches, is frankly (imo) ridiculous.
This is why you should take a look at Thread 163746?. Presumably you count robbie as a Christian, yes? His 'code words' for non-JW Christians are "nominal Christians" or "plastic Christians". The thread on 'Sunday morning lynchings' is certainly an attack on Christians. If you think "Christians attacking other Christians" on this forum is ridiculous, what do you make of the attack that robbie launched on Christians on that thread?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]"Christians attacking other Christians", as though gangs of us are literally marching over to each other homes with pitchforks guns and torches, is frankly (imo) ridiculous.

Flower04 said this on page 2 and ~ in the context of this thread and this OP ~ it has more than a ring of truth about it.

"Christians feel more under attack because they ...[text shortened]... an"?"

Perhaps you should take the point up with him/her and join the debate properly?[/b]
Oh please, do you really think no one is aware of who the instigators are? This is this sort of conflict troglodytes live for and feed on... so carry on, and by all means continue stroking your own ego. If you're willing to put yourself out there and play the fool, I'm willing to sit back and enjoy the show.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Oh please, do you really think no one is aware of who the instigators are? This is this sort of conflict troglodytes live for and feed on... so carry on, and by all means continue stroking your own ego. If you're willing to put yourself out there and play the fool, I'm willing to sit back and enjoy the show.
This is just more of the same ~ personal remarks and substance/topic-avoidance. It was you who said "Christians attacking Christians" was "ridiculous. And yet it goes on on this forum all the time.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
So what sort of comment do you expect to hear (or are fishing for) about robbie standing up to a couple of goofballs who only wish to appeal to the basest of instincts?
Well ~ if you want to talk about robbie ~ you could comment, for example, on whether you think he is justified in drawing a moral parallel between the things he accuses divegeester of on one hand ~ i.e. criticizing JW doctrine and stating that he'd kill to protect the lives of his wife and family ~ and the actions of murderers who lynched people after attending church in C19th and early C20th USA, on the other. This is a parallel robbie has drawn, and I know you're aware of it.

I ask this in the context of what has been said so far in this debate about Christians coming under attack. What do you make of robbie's attack on what he calls "nominal Christians"?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
This is just more of the same ~ personal remarks and substance/topic-avoidance. It was you who said "Christians attacking Christians" was "ridiculous. And yet it goes on on this forum all the time.
And you've played no part in that, have you.

do you agree, or disagree?


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
And you've played no part in that, have you.

do you agree, or disagree?
I've been trying gamely to get you to debate the thread topic. You seem determined not to discuss "Why are Christians under attack?" properly with anyone. And yet you've posted messages countless times on this thread already.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
Jesus told his followers (this includes all of us today) that we will be reviled and hated, and he even said they will kill you thinking they do God a service...
Would you characterize a Christian like divegeester as being "reviled and hated"?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
Well ~ if you want to talk about robbie ~ you could comment, for example, on whether you think he is justified in drawing a moral parallel between the things he accuses divegeester of on one hand ~ i.e. criticizing JW doctrine and stating that he'd kill to protect the lives of his wife and family ~ and the actions of murderers who lynched people after attending ...[text shortened]... coming under attack. What do you make of robbie's attack on what he calls "nominal Christians"?
Well ~ if you want to talk about robbie...

No, I don't want to talk about robbie.

You and divegeester have repeatedly tried to get me to comment on robbie, so I finally decided to comment on your comments about robbie.

You seem to have a problem following your own line of bull here... or maybe you think I can't remember what has been said from one moment to the next. Or, maybe you assume the gallery you've been playing to can't remember anything from one moment to the next... is that it?


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
And you've played no part in that, have you.

do you agree, or disagree?
As for my interactions with Christians here, I would characterize myself as a contributor who asks point blank questions that are often felt to be pointed and inconvenient but on-topic nevertheless. They often attract deflections and evasions and ad hominems, but I do think they reveal inconsistencies and contradictions [and I don't expect people to always agree with me] in the things that many Christians assert as being true for all of us.

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