Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
I think it is silly to believe that afer a person dies that the soul of that person might be reborn in a cow. ๐Ÿ™„
That person John Smith is not re-born in the cow.

The soul is re-born in the cow.

The false ego which was John Smith is not born in the cow.

The soul of John Smith is born into the cow................and therefore the cow has no idea who John Smith is and never will.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
The extraordinary Christian-bashing ideas and accusations that robbie expressed on Thread 163746 are certainly not a "figure of speech" ~ you'd know if you looked at the thread.
You don't have to answer my questions. But whenever you dodge questions directed toward you it makes you look very small and ineffectual... it makes you look like a flaming hypocrite... you don't want to appear to be a flaming hypocrite, do you? Is that how you want "us" to see you? No, I can't believe that... can I?

Are you unconcerned over how you are perceived? And is this, your supposedly not caring about what "we" see, because you are totally committed to the mission of Christian bashing and will not be distracted or led astray by deflections?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by Dasa
That person John Smith is not re-born in the cow.

The soul is re-born in the cow.

The false ego which was John Smith is not born in the cow.

The soul of John Smith is born into the cow................and therefore the cow has no idea who John Smith is and never will.
Isn't that what I said? Anyway it is silly and stupid, as silly and stupid as the theory of EVIL-lution and billions of years.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
You don't have to answer my questions. But whenever you dodge questions directed toward you it makes you look very small and ineffectual... it makes you look like a flaming hypocrite...
What questions? I think I've addressed every on-topic thing you might have said and some of the deflections and evasions as well. What questions do you feel have been missed?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
What questions? I think I've addressed every on-topic thing you might have said and some of the deflections and evasions as well. What questions do you feel have been missed?
So your answer then is "yes"?


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
So your answer then is "yes"?
You can pose whatever questions you want including any you think I have overlooked. Feel free to do so.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
I dont need to read 600 post to know the truth of why Christians are attacked verbally by so many people.

The answer is still the same............(Christians are ignorant when it comes to common sense about life.) and they are just sentimental and blind to common truth.

They don't realize that the Bible was written by over 40 authors over 1500 years who i ...[text shortened]... tians are attacked by people such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens in public forums..
If you realy believe it is just the soul and not the person that is reborn in a cow or whatever, then why would you object to the killing of animals for meat, since that soul is just reborned? ๐Ÿ™„


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
...you are totally committed to the mission of Christian bashing and will not be distracted or led astray by deflections?
I would describe myself as committed to proper discussion of this topic, which you don't seem to be, and yes ~ as you have noticed ~ I tend not be distracted by deflections.

Originally posted by lemon lime
Jesus told his followers (this includes all of us today) that we will be reviled and hated, and he even said they will kill you thinking they do God a service...

As you go about your everyday life as a Christian, would you describe yourself as "reviled and hated"? Do you feel Jesus was right with regard to you - and the life you lead - and the way you are treated? [Bump].


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by RJHinds
Isn't that what I said? Anyway it is silly and stupid, as silly and stupid as the theory of EVIL-lution and billions of years.
Do all people on earth get the same and equal opportunity to accept Christ???????????????????

Answer honestly please.

The answer is No No No No No No.

So how can 7 BILLION people with ONLY ONE LIFE ...........ALL GO TO YOUR HEAVEN.

Answer honestly please.

The answer is THEY CANNOT.

So Christianities belief in ONE LIFE is absolutely WRONG. and to reject this claim is dishonest and foolish.


28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by Dasa
Do all people on earth get the same and equal opportunity to accept Christ???????????????????

Answer honestly please.

The answer is No No No No No No.

So how can 7 BILLION people with ONLY ONE LIFE ...........ALL GO TO YOUR HEAVEN.

Answer honestly please.

The answer is THEY CANNOT.

So Christianities belief in ONE LIFE is absolutely WRONG. and to reject this claim is dishonest and foolish.
You should answer his question about why you would object to the killing of animals for meat if you believe that the souls of those animals are simply reborn? It would be interesting to see how you answer this.


31 May 12
27 Apr 15

Having skimmed the previous 25 or so pages with an ever increasing feeling of de ja vu--'where have I read all this before?'-- I believe I discern a pattern clearly enough to venture a Fifth Thesis (or hypothesis, if you prefer) why some some Christians feel under attack. Some (not all) of the Christian correspondents here hold a position which is marked by the following two characteristics: it is a) anachronistic, and b) intransigent. So anachronistic as to be be scarcely credible in this day and age; so intransigent as to be utterly impervious to counter-argument, counter-example, and countervailing evidence. Such a position is bound to draw criticism, and such a person is probably going to feel that he is not only maintaining his position but defending it, given that he will, per force, find himself in a vanishingly small minority.

Suppose, hypothetically, that over at the Science Forum someone maintained that the earth is flat and immovable at the center of the universe. Suppose this person steadfastly maintained this position against all reasoning and evidence to the contrary, routinely quoted Ptolemy as the ultimate astronomical authority, and routinely denounced as heretics Copernicus and all those who believe that Copernicus got it right. Others at the forum might eventually reach a point of exasperation and declare the person to be just plain "bloody minded".

I leave it to the readers of this forum to judge for themselves whether anyone here fits that description and to what extent criticism befits an intransigently anachronistic position.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Really? Is this what you think this thread should degenerate into?

Unless I've missed something, it seems as if you have single-handedly derailed an otherwise interesting thread- or the bits I've read anyway. Well done.
Well said.

Lemon Lime seems to think he is funny, in that same way that redbadger thinks that he too is funny.

It's hard to discern whether lemon lime is cognitively unable to contribute to the thread topic or is just drunk.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
I've been trying gamely to get you to debate the thread topic. You seem determined not to discuss "Why are Christians under attack?" properly with anyone. And yet you've posted messages countless times on this thread already.
I think he just likes to keep the thread going and feel part of it without actually contributing anything.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
According to divegeester I've revitalized a dying thread. Do you agree or disagree with divegeester, or are you sad to see this thread continue after it (according to divegeester) was essentially done and ready to disappear among the back pages?

Okay then, I'll ask what might appear to be a question that can be construed as relevant to the topic of "Ch ...[text shortened]... ttacks on Christians, and his involvement in promoting strife among many of the Christians here?
Oh dear did karoly's comment hit a nerve? Looks like the "gallery" as you called them, agree with him.


Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
27 Apr 15
2 edits

Originally posted by Dasa
I dont need to read 600 post to know the truth of why Christians are attacked verbally by so many people.
You said in the post I was replying to, that you had read the thread and your conclusion was that Christians held "silly beliefs". I took you at your word that you had read the thread and found you conclusion to be completely incongruous with the topics and content.

Now you are saying, that in fact, you didn't read the thread but are commenting anyway. Just because Lemon Lime does this doesn't mean you have to.

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